February 2014 Moms

Willow Olive

ArangiaArangia member
edited February 2014 in February 2014 Moms
1/31/14 @01:32am. 7#3oz 19.5"

After 12 hours of irregular short contractions and losing mucous plug and bleeding, went to hospital at 9:45pm. Only at 4cm, asked to walk for 25 minutes to see if it progressed. Got to about 5. At 11:45om dr decides to break my water to try and get contractions to sync better and last longer. Hour later of really rough labor only at 6cm, got checked again at 01:15am, STILL only 6. I strip and get in the shower because I'm bleeding heavily, am overwhelmed by a "bear down" contraction and my sister yells for a nurse while dh helps me get on the bed. It's only been 15 minutes but I went from 6 to 10! They go to call the dr and I have another contraction and have no control over pushing and Little Girl comes right out on the bed!

Was pretty intense and nothing like my first natural labor, but I'm so glad she's here.

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