August 2014 Moms

I guess I skipped week 12!

I went for my NT scan today, supposed to be 11w3d and he said, well your due date is changed; your measuring 13 weeks! I just thought that was interesting. and more importantly he said everything looked great, (of course he prefaced it with we have to wait on the blood, but from his end it looks great!).

Then I went to get the blood work done, and the stupid lab wouldn't take me because my doctor wasn't in the building? I was really confused, so I'll have to call my doctor when the office opens and see whats up. Hopefully I can get the blood work done tomorrow, does anyone know how long you have between the scan and the blood work?

I also have to call the OB (he wasn't taking me till 20 weeks) but now my appointment will be 23 weeks (it was already pushing the end of 21) 

Happy Friday!

Re: I guess I skipped week 12!

  • Wow that's great! Congrats on being in second tri! 

    I saw my doctor for normal app and he made me go right off afterwards to book the 11-14 scan and then I had to go straight to pathologist right after to get blood drawn as they use the blood in conjunction with the scan for determining Down's etc. That was exactly two weeks ago, and I had my scan yesterday. Everything was good, baby healthy. :)

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Congrats! That's exciting! They drew my blood immediately after the scan and told me if I had heard nothing within a week, then everything was good. No phone calls here, so I guess we're good!
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