September 2014 Moms

Ready for maternity pants/band at 8 weeks

I'm not sure if I've actually gained any weight, but I'm so constipated and bloated all the time that all my work pants are so uncomfortable in the waist.  This is my first pregnancy.  When did others give in and buy maternity band or clothes?

Re: Ready for maternity pants/band at 8 weeks

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    This is my second but I have been wearing maternity pants since about 5 1/2 weeks.  There is no answer.  If you are not comfortable in your pants then I say go ahead and do what is comfortable.

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    With my first pregnacy I started wearing them at 7 weeks as I was just so bloated.  So far I have been just in my regular pants, and hoping to not wear maternity for another few weeks.

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    I've actually lost weight, but started with bands about 2 weeks ago because of afternoon bloat. The bands were annoying me, so I caved & bought maternity pants last night. Comfort is necessary.

       Me: IR-PCOS, elevated DHEAs, low progesterone, weak ovulation  DH: low volume, low T
    SHG 5/10/13: both tubes blocked; HSG 6/28 = Left tube cleared! Right blocked.
    BFP#1 7/20/13 EDD 3/30/14, m/c 8/19/13, D&E 8/21/13, Chromosomal results = normal, female
    Lap & hysteroscopy scheduled for 10/31, right tube cleared, no endo found! ...Happy Halloween!
    Cycle 14: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP! EDD 9/16/14~ Rowan Elizabeth born sleeping at 17w4d on 4/12/14 due to IC.
    ~There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world~
    New RE June 2014. RPL b/w - negative. SIS looking for uterine/cervical abnormalities & Asherman's 6/10/14 - ALL CLEAR!  
    Cycle 16: Natural IUI = CP, Cycle 17: Femara (2.5) + IUI = BFN, Cycle 18 Femara (5) + IUI = BFFN, Cycle 19: Break
    Cycle 20: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP EDD 6/20, transvaginal cerclage 12/19, Carson Quinn born sleeping at 16w3d on 1/6/15 due to IC
    Phone consult with Dr. Haney (Univ of Chicago) for transabdominal cercalge scheduled for 2/9/15.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
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    I was looking for some at a store today because I'm so uncomfortable.
    Emery January 1, 2010
    Alayna December 15, 2011
    Angel baby #1 December 1, 2013 4wks 2 days
    Angel baby #2 February 2, 2014 8 wks
    TTC on Hold
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    Thanks guys!  For some reason I was feeling crazy for wanting to get them this early.  But comfort is so much more important than it use to be!  Any suggestions on best (and reasonably priced) places to shop for maternity clothes?
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    i forced myself to hold out until 12 weeks last time.  I'll pull them out again as soon as I feel like it.
    photo regina_zpsee0752b3.gif


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP #1 mm/c at 12w1d

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    Old navy is my favorite for cheap clothes, they will only last for one pregnancy though, so if you want to invest in stuff that would last for a few years you may want to look else where.  With old navy very few stores carry it but they have a ton of stuff online.  Target is another good cheap place and they have a lot on clearance right now.

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    an02102 said:
    This is my second but I have been wearing maternity pants since about 5 1/2 weeks.  There is no answer.  If you are not comfortable in your pants then I say go ahead and do what is comfortable.

    I started wearing mine last week -- this is #2 for me too, and everything still buttons but it cuts my waist, so is uncomfortable and unflattering.  You can buy 'em whenever you want -- no rules! If you are uncomfortable, go get clothes that fit!
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    This post made me feel better!  I have been thinking about buying a band to wear around my dress pants for work...they close but are so uncomfortable and don't want to go buy bigger regular pants!  I am starting to feel like a slob because I have like one pair of pants that fits right and the rest of the time I am wearing leggings!
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    I'm having trouble with my jeans too - so I've just been wearing a lot of jeggings and stretch pants with large sweaters and tunics to work. Also loose dresses with leggings or tights. I've pretty much given up on how miserable I am after 30 minutes in my jeans. :( And I just bought those jeans too...




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    If you can find a baby/kids/maternity B/S/T group on facebook, you can get some really great deal there, or some secondhand store. That is how I got most of my stuff (beside particular pieces I wanted).

    Last time I started wearing maternity pants around 8 weeks because of the M/S and bloating... stuff around my stomach just made me feel miserable. Now I have just been wearing my husband's pj pants or my size-up jeans from postpartum if I have to look presentable :)
    J&K - married 12/3/2011
    G - born 9/25/2012
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    I had to get a belly band at target at 4 weeks. I have been so bloated the entire time.
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    Baby boy Files due 9.13.14!


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    If you can find a baby/kids/maternity B/S/T group on facebook, you can get some really great deal there, or some secondhand store. That is how I got most of my stuff (beside particular pieces I wanted).
    I guess I am stuck in the text box. But this. I just found one and they have lots of stuff on there.
    Last time, I started wearing the bands around 12 weeks but didn't actually get maternity pants until like 6-ish months. I did go a size up around 16 to 20 weeks which was more comfortable to me.

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    I wear scrubs to work and although they're loose fitting with a fitted waist.. I think it may be time for some new bottoms.

    I haven't caved and bought maternity pants yet...I've just been wearing leggings/yoga pants!

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    We had a loss in October but I was buying maternity clothes then and since. Any time I find a good deal on it -- Mom to Mom sales, Goodwill, etc. If it is in the size I need and one up I get it.

    Last pregnancy I had to bust out maternity pants around 7 weeks full time. I bloat horribly bad and I refuse to be miserable all day in my normal clothes.
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
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    Do whatever makes you most comfortable. I think I was in maternity pants around 10-12 weeks with DD. I am holding out for now, but I basically live in yoga pants. :)

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    Do what feels comfortable.  If you want to wear maternity pants then do it.  I wouldn't waste money on those belly bands.  It just kept rolling up on me. 
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    Do whatever makes you comfortable. For me, with DS I started wearing them at about 7 weeks beacause having my regular pants squeezing my bloat was making me more nauseous. I felt a lot better when I just gave in to the maternity pants!
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    With my daughter's pregnancy I don't remember exactly when I first bought maternity jeans/pants, but I feel like it was super early. I wanted some mileage out of those things considering how much I spent on them. And boy was I happy. Those things are the most comfortable pants on the planet. I wasn't in a rush to get out of them PP either.

    Married August 9, 2008
    TTC Since September 2009

    1st   BFP | EDD 10/23/10 | Natural M/C 03/27/10 | 10w 0d
    2nd BFP 06/26/10 | EDD 02/25/11 | Natural  M/C 07/17/10 | 8w 1d
    3rd  BFP 12/17/10 | EDD 08/24/11 | Natural M/C 12/31/10 | 7w 4d
    4th  BFP 06/22/11 | EDD 02/25/12 | M/C D&C on 07/27/11 | 9w4d
    5th  BFP 09/17/11 | DD Paige Lily born 05/16/12
    6th  BFP 08/11/12 | EDD 04/11/13 | CP
    7th  BFP 09/29/13 | EDD 06/04/14 | Natural M/C 10/27/13 | 8w1d
    8th  BFP 12/16/13 | EDD 09/01/14

    DX: Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 8 & compound heterozygous for MTHFR mutations
    RX: Lovenox/Heparin & Folgard


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    This post also makes me feel better.  I was going to spend money on Jeans a size up but I would much rather buy maternity pants that I may get longer wear out of over the next few months.  I know what I will be shopping for this weekend :)

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    Me (28) DH (29), Married 7.20.12
    TTC since April 2013

    BFP 1.6.14
    EDD: 9.16.14
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    I went to Dress Barn and bought work pants from there - they have these amazing pants called tummy control, no zipper, you just slide them up and they're amazing.  They are a size larger than my normal pants, but they have a generous waist so they'll probably last me a while.  I bought a belly band pretty much as soon as I found out I was pregnant just because I wanted to buy something, but I've just been looping a rubber band to fasten my jeans.  I'm short and petite maternity pants are a bitch to find, so I've been getting them used on eBay - haven't worn them yet, but I'm pretty happy with the 3 pairs for $30 I've gotten so far!
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    I am from Texas and love a good deal.. Ross has great prices - maternity jeans there ~$14.99, and the long maternity stretchy tanks in every color for $5.99. Maternity jeans at Target are $34.99 for comparison.. Just checked last night. I have been in maternity pants since 6 wks.
    Good luck!:)
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    I think I started around 9 weeks with my first pregnancy, but I may already have abused the Bella Band to wear a pair of skinny jeans. Maternity pants are the most comfortable pants in the universe. Just go for it :P

    imageimageimageTTC since 07/11 | natural m/c 08/11 | BFP 12/6/2011 | Elinor Anna born 8/18/2012 | BFP #2 1/16/2014
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    Constipation and bloating non-pregnant would drive me right into a pair of yoga pants!  It's a miserable feeling.  I'm just using the rubber band trick on my pants today because I find belly bands to be VERY VERY uncomfortable.  
    <3 Baby #1 BFP 6/10/2011-EDD 2/19/2012-DS Born 2/10/2012!
    :'(  CP BFP 1/6/2013-EDD 9/19/2013-CP 1/9/2013
    <3 Baby #2 BFP 1/3/2014-EDD 9/12/2014 -DD Born 9/10/2014!
    <3 Baby #3 BFP 7/8/2018-EDD 3/17/2019-Team Green!

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    I'm 9 weeks pregnant - and ready to abandon anything with a solid waist ! 
    PCOS , incompetent cervix, gestational diabetes, IVF graduate, with one ovary!
    1 angel baby due to a 20 week M/C thanks to IC
    1 ovary due to a benign tumor that crushed my ovary
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    Currently pregnant with baby #2 surprise BFP -  Team Blue until proven otherwise

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