February 2014 Moms

Lillian Jean's birth story (rachaelmary)

Hi all!

Short version: Lillian was born after 40 hours of labor via an emergency c section. She was 2 weeks early and weighs 6lbs 7oz!

Longer version: my water broke at 345am on jan 28th. Confirmed in the early afternoon with my midwife that it was my water, and contractions started at about 230pm. Stayed at home until they were about 2-3 minutes apart which was at 330am jan 29th. They checked me and I was only 2cm...so dissapointing. They gave me a shot of morphine and sent me home. I managed to get a couple of hours of sleep, but the morphine slowed the contractions down and they were now 5-6 minutes apart.

Called the midwife and met at the hospital. Since it has been so long since my water broke, they started me on pitocin. This immediately upped the contractions and they started coming every couple minutes again. I managed to labor until 6 cm before getting the epidural.

Once the epidural was placed, lily's started having heart decels. They weren't able to regulate this so off for an emergency c section.

I was in recovery for 3 hours so by the time I finally got to hold her, she was starving and latched on instantly. Since then though, she does not seem interested! She'll latch, but then just fall asleep.

So far all she has done is slept! Only heard her cry when she was cold after her bath.

And now a pic :). Thanks for reading!

Re: Lillian Jean's birth story (rachaelmary)

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