3rd Trimester

39 weeks and getting pressured to be induced- desperate for feedback

Im 39 weeks pregnant and my baby girl has been "engaged" for 3 weeks.  

This is my 1st pregnancy and it's been very... eventful.  In October (at 24 weeks) I went into early labor and ended up in  L&D with my contractions 5 minutes apart.  My water didn't break and they were able to stop her from coming, but I ended up on bedrest and out of work.  During my bedrest I got pneumonia and was coughing so bad I ended up breaking 2 ribs which caused them to worry about my bone density and up my prenatal intake.
I was really really lucky and she stayed put, I got bounced back (with some pain) and we made it pretty much full term (woo hoo!)

At my appointment 3 weeks ago they said my baby had dropped and they could easily feel her head.  I lost my mucus plug and have had a bloody show on & off for weeks.  My contractions are getting really intense again but never on a regular enough basis for me to think it's labor.
Yesterday my doctor said I should consider scheduling to have her taken out.  They say that my ribs look okay, but trying to go through delivery could cause the fracture to re-break.  He also said it's been a few weeks that she's been dropped and I'm contracting but my body isn't dilating at all.
After my scare in October I'm really eager to let her cook as long as possible and just come in her own time, but I don't wanna put her at risk at all.

Any thoughts or advice? Was anyone else "on  the brink" for as long as 3 weeks?  Without my water breaking is there really any real risk to my baby girl at the moment????  I'm torn 

Re: 39 weeks and getting pressured to be induced- desperate for feedback

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    As long as baby is doing well, I would let her stay in as long as possible.  That said, it's YOUR ribs, your decision.  :)  I also had contractions for several weeks before I went into labor at 39wks 4 days.  It just means your body is gearing up for the main event.
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    I know it might sound paranoid but I think maybe my doctor wants a c-senction because it's easier on HIM.  I dont really understand how the labor process could hurt my ribs either, but again I have no experience with this.
    I really want to just let it happen as it happens, but he seems to think its bad for baby to wait.
    I just dont get WHY
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    It's not unusual to have strong contractions that don't dilate your cervix. With DD (my first) I had irregular strong contractions and she was engaged starting at 35wks. She wasn't born till 40wks when I was induced because of GD. Even then I was only dilated 2cm and spent 36+ hours in labor.

    I'm not sure on the ribs part, but I'd guess it has to do with the pressure contractions could exert on your rib cage. If that is something your doctors feel is a concern and possible complication, it seems like a c/s before you have the chance to go into labor may make more sense than induction. How soon is he wanting to intervene?
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    Most babies aren't actually born at 40 weeks.  Usually babies are born closer to 42 weeks.  The 40 week idea was taken from Dr. Naegale who died in the 1800s.  He proposed that if you add one year from the estimated last menstrual cycle date, then minus 3 months and add 7 days this gives you approximately 40 weeks.  

    In the 1970s the medical field switched to ultrasound.  It is only effective if the ultrasound is done by week 12 and still has a 95% error margin of 6 days.  Scans done in the 2nd trimester have an error margin of 8 days, and scans done in 3rd trimester have an error margin of 2 weeks.

    Many babies are not ready to be born until closer to 41 or 42 weeks.  I might be sceptical and ask for more of a reason to induce before actually doing it.  If the concerns your doctor has legitimate then I might consider be induced.
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    Joy2611 said:
    Flame if you must, but I would listen to your doctor and consider induction. At 39 weeks she is good to go and as you said, this has been quite the eventful pregnancy. If your doctor has valid, legitimate concerns and feels induction is your best route for both your health and baby's, then listen to your doctor.
    If the baby was good to go, then the baby would be born of its own accord. 

    I do agree that she should listen to her doctor, but her doctor has not explained himself well and is saying some things that make no sense (Her ribs will break during labor so they should induce.  That's laughably illogical).  They need to have a longer conversation and address all of her concerns and his.

    Agreed. I am going on the assumption that doctor feels baby is healthy and should be born for medical reasons/baby's health/moms health. If that's not the case, I would have some major concerns about my doctors motives! I agree that baby should come when ready, not when the doctor is- UNLESS there is a sound medical reason to induce, which I would hope this doctor is basing his decision on when suggesting induction.
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    I absolutely wouldn't be induced right now.  You can contract for weeks without dilation - and if you aren't dilating, an induction is likely to "fail" leading to a c-section.  It's also totally normal to lose your mucous plug (it regenerates) - it doesn't mean baby needs to come out.

    If you are worried about baby's health, ask for an NST - if things look good there, there's no reason to not allow baby to keep cooking.

    Honestly it sounds like your doctor has his interests at heart and not yours/baby's.
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    OK, I re-read your post a few times and I think what you/ per your doctor has said is that they want to schedule a c-section to "take the baby out" and are worried about your ribs or maybe other bones in delivery, because of concerns about density - breaking 2 ribs from coughing sounds pretty intense. 

    I agree with the PPs for the most part, that if baby is healthy (has s/he had any complications from the early labor, pneumonia, etc? Is placenta in good shape, amniotic fluid is good?) it's probably a good idea to let her stay put, at least until week 41 or so.  But if there are concerns or potential complications for you, the mama, that will compromise your health/safety through a vaginal delivery whether spontaneous or with induction, then I think planning for a c-section and having some time to prepare yourself mentally for it is not such a terrible thing.  Inductions, c-sections, etc... are not ideal but there is a time and place for them.  I would talk more extensively with your doctor and try to nail down as many facts as you can about any concerns for you AND baby, and then proceed.  
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    Flame if you must, but I would listen to your doctor and consider induction. At 39 weeks she is good to go and as you said, this has been quite the eventful pregnancy. If your doctor has valid, legitimate concerns and feels induction is your best route for both your health and baby's, then listen to your doctor.

    This. I trust my dr. with my life, that's why I picked him. :) Inductions are not always bad and don't let strangers on the internet tell you otherwise. Sometimes there's this perception that inductions are "for fun" and to "make it easier." In the great majority of cases there's a valid reason however.

     I'd go back to the dr. and say specifically, "So about this induction, tell me why it's best for me?" I know my own dr. could rattle off 10 reasons or he wouldn't suggest it. 

    I've had two inductions neither of which were bad and ended up just fine with no real complications.  In the first it was a known stillbirth and the infection risk was pretty high so the dr. didn't want to wait. In the second I was in labor for 12 hours but couldn't get consistent contractions to do anything. It was becoming a heartbeat and exhaustion issue for me and baby.

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    I think you will go any day so don't rush it. You have made it this far and shown you are one determined momma. The baby is coming one way or another. Hell you could go into labor tonight, LOL. You do what you are comfortable momma and good luck
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    If a doctor says you should consider something, I don't see that as pushing.  It's their job to make sure you are informed about ALL your options.  So to me it sounds like he's saying this is an option given how rough things have been for you so far and given how unpredictable labor can be.  I agree with the PP's who said you need to ASK him what the benefits would be to a c-section now versus natural labor then make an informed decision.  Good luck!!  Sending up thoughts and prayers for both you and your baby :)
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    Well I talked to him yesterday and he said that he suggested it because my ribs are at risk of re-breaking.  He also told me that with all my health issues there's a chance that I could struggle with labor for hours, then end up having to get an emergency CS. He says a planned cesarean is much easier on me & baby than an emergency one, but that's just a possibility and I could still manage a vaginal birth just fine.

    He did say that it was my choice and he just wanted me to feel comfortable with all the option available to me. I feel a little silly now that I got so paranoid, but I'm going to blame it on pregnancy hormones while I still can.
    Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad I called and asked him, I feel much better. 

    P.S. Contractions are getting pretty intense, but not consistant.  Any day now!!!!!!!!
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    meame123 said:
    Well I talked to him yesterday and he said that he suggested it because my ribs are at risk of re-breaking.  He also told me that with all my health issues there's a chance that I could struggle with labor for hours, then end up having to get an emergency CS. He says a planned cesarean is much easier on me & baby than an emergency one, but that's just a possibility and I could still manage a vaginal birth just fine.

    He did say that it was my choice and he just wanted me to feel comfortable with all the option available to me. I feel a little silly now that I got so paranoid, but I'm going to blame it on pregnancy hormones while I still can.
    Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad I called and asked him, I feel much better. 

    P.S. Contractions are getting pretty intense, but not consistant.  Any day now!!!!!!!!
    This is great!  I do think we can feel pressured by medical professionals, but most just want what is best for us and baby.  Good luck with your delivery!
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    I might go with the c-section if bone density is a concern. Ask your doctor for more information. My concern with bone density would be the ribs & maybe the possibility of pelvic fracture if your bones are that fragile.

    Definitely get a bone scan after you are done

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