January 2014 Moms

WTF wednesday

Re: WTF wednesday

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    WTF roof! You choose now to spring a giant leak in the upstairs bathroom into the main floor kitchen?! I'm about to go into labor at any moment, it's -12° outside and we have at least 2 feet of snow. Yeah, GREAT timing on your part. WTG. FML.
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    RedSaffronRedSaffron member
    edited January 2014
    Wtf DD, you never stay up for 3 hours at night! You finally fell asleep after 3 dirty diapers, 30 minutes of Mozart, several BF positions, legit-ly drinking both breast that were full and me dancing the electric slide as my final attempt to put you to sleep.. I'm officially tired, but no longer can sleep.. WTF insomnia

    Oh yeah, Wtf SO, one does not simply get up to use the bathroom and go back to sleep after witnessing me trying to put our DD to sleep for the past two hours.*stab stab stab*

    Eta:added words
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    WTF DS1, 4 am is not time to get up! I understand that sometimes you wake up overnight and just want Mama to cuddle you, but you need to go back to sleep. And no matter what Daddy says, you cannot sleep with us in our bed because guess what? None of us get any sleep that way.

    I am in full on zombie mode today and it isn't because my newborn kept me awake.
    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
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    Wtf DS? Why did you wake up 5 times last night to tell me random crap and / or have me turn on your sleep sheep. I am already getting up at night on my own with a newborn, a 3 year old should sleep through the night!

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    WTF DS, why are you so fussy?  You fussed all night and I got hardly any sleep. It doesn't help that Daddy is on the night shift and you hardly nap during the day.  Coffee here I come!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    WTF meds. I really didn't need to start puking on top of everything else. :(
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    Wtf ds? Why will you only sleep in the mamaroo and not in your newborn napper? Mommy wants you to sleep in her bedroom where she can lay in her big comfy bed. Not the living room where there is only a couch!

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     Married: 4/2/13

    DS born 12/19/13

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    WTF LO, why are you a perfect angel all day and a screaming nightmare at night? Why do you suddenly forget how to latch onto my boobs after dark? I don't understand they're the same boobs I have all day.Even a shield doesn't help.

    WTF DH I understand that it's frustrating being sent home an hour early two days in a row, but that's no reason to change jobs if you don't know this is going to be a forever thing! I don't think I'm being unreasonable to ask you not to try changing jobs when I'm not working again yet. What if your job doesn't work out? We'd have nothing to fall back on!
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    Wtf nose. You have not been anywhere so why are you running. I do not want either kid to get sick. Plus, DD does not sleep so this momma is tired and do not want to have sick kids

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    WTFF (what the flying fuck) dh did you really hit snooze THREE times this morning?

    My cat can read EKGs, can your human do that?
    ♥BFP#1 12-23-12, M/C 12-31-12 at 5w4d♥
    ♥BFP#2 05-09-13, EDD 01-15-14. C/S 12-23-13 at 36w5d for complete previa. Healthy baby boy♥

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    chicki1012chicki1012 member
    edited January 2014
    WTF with the winter blues. It's crazy to hear all the horror stories about the weather down south, with ice and snow(few inches) and everything pretty much in a shutdown. I feel sorry for all of u. And shit, F u Mother Nature it's been -35634555 degrees up here in MN I can't even count how many days this winter it has been this cold. Worse fuckin winter I can remember. I can't wait till it's 30-40 degrees out!! It will be a damn heat wave. Grrrrrrrr.
    Edit:: F up on 2 words
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    Wtf self, you have 2 generally easy and adorable kids and a wonderful husband, cheer up! Staying at home is not always fun and it's too cold to go outside, but make the best of it!
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    W T F, body, why the eff are you still pregnant? There is nothing going on. No contractions, not even Braxton-Hicks. No bloody show. No MP. Nothing. I am going to be one of those old women who complains about abdominal pain and they find a stone fetus in my uterus or something.

    This was freaking awesome! I laughed so hard...maybe it will bring on labor!! Or maybe I'll have a stone baby too...lol ;)
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    W T F, body, why the eff are you still pregnant? There is nothing going on. No contractions, not even Braxton-Hicks. No bloody show. No MP. Nothing. I am going to be one of those old women who complains about abdominal pain and they find a stone fetus in my uterus or something.

    You and me both! This blows...

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    Wtf self, you have 2 generally easy and adorable kids and a wonderful husband, cheer up! Staying at home is not always fun and it's too cold to go outside, but make the best of it!
    PPD is no joke and it's not your fault. Many women dont realize they have it or are in denial until much much later. If this is an ongoing thing, please talk to your doctor and take care of yourself. But no matter what, hope you feel better!
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    Wtf self, you have 2 generally easy and adorable kids and a wonderful husband, cheer up! Staying at home is not always fun and it's too cold to go outside, but make the best of it!

    PPD is no joke and it's not your fault. Many women dont realize they have it or are in denial until much much later. If this is an ongoing thing, please talk to your doctor and take care of yourself. But no matter what, hope you feel better!

    Thank you. I'm trying to figure out if this is cabin fever, new mom stress, or ppd. Either way, I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday so I will definately talk to her about it. Regardless, it's a bad sign when I'm looking forward to a pap smear just to get out of the house :/
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    Wtf mil? You have the worlds weirdest phobia and it's driving me absolutely batty- close the top of the damn trash can lid! I swear it won't bite and for the love of all things, stop suggesting formula to supplement so I can sleep more- BFing is working for us and since LO gained 12oz in the 6 days between her wellness check ups, I'd say she is getting PLENTY to eat.

    baby development

     Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    WTF body here also!  I'm due tomorrow and I have a feeling this kid is planning on extending his/her stay for a while.  I've been having random fake labor here and there the past week or so and just anticipating the real thing.  Come on baby, the world is ready for you!!!!  I've been getting so many texts, emails, work IMs, facebook messages asking how I'm feeling and where baby is!
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    WTF MIL??? I realize it's been decades since you've been pregnant and given birth, but do you really not remember how uncomfortable those last few weeks are? Oh wait...someone told you your sciatic nerve pain is far worse than labor so I guess you figure I'm just being a wimp here. But do you really think at 40+4 that I want to hear you say several times how you hope this baby holds off til February...just so her birthstone will be purple??? Of course I want the baby to come when she's ready, but I myself am well past ready and do NOT want to think about how much longer it might be! I could care less that you want a February granddaughter....my baby, my uterus, and you know what? I hope she's born on January 31st just before midnight just to spite you! For heaven's sake, a purple freaking birthstone....
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    WTF MIL... You spent the last 38 years telling DH and his sister that they ruined your life and then you email me about how your new grandson is "the love of your life" and try to manipulate me into letting you more into our lives? Don't think so. Maybe your OWN children should have been the loves of your life.
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    WTF body? Is it mastitis, or all the nasty germies attacking? I finally feel better, but seriously! Having the shakes again like while in labor really sucked!

    WTF weather? It's 35 outside, but feels like damn 15! If it's gonna be cold, and I'm gonna be stuck inside, send snow! And not just the 5 flakes like we've gotten the last 5 systems!

    (I LOVE snow! I hate cold!!!)

    DS1 born 11/3/06   *   DS2 born 3/29/08   *   DD born 3/15/11  

    Scarlett Mae born 1/14/14                         Our family is now complete!


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    WTF DS, you scratched your cheeks, your chin and your forehead over and over again, within two hours while you were taking a nap. I can't show you off to anyone bc CPS will be called on me for having a baby with bloody scratches. No more pics from this camp
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