
moving on up, big sister style

So, we're going to need our 3yo's convertable crib (now in toddler bed mode) for one of the twins. We already have a twin size bed for her to move to (yay), but the frame needs to be refinished, and my husband is stalling. When do you make the move? Should I be really getting him moving on it now? I'm 14 weeks along... our daughter can tend to be a bit high strung, and I'm not sure how she'll react to the change. We've been doing some hard core reading of the Berenstaun Bears New Baby book, where the boy outgrows his bed and gets a new one and his little bed is given to the new baby. We'll take her to pick out new bedding and curtains, etc, for the "big girl bed.". And wall clings, too. She likes those.

Re: moving on up, big sister style

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    Funny you mention this!  We just moved our son into a "big boy bed" last night.  He is 25 months and was still in his crib since he hasn't tried to climb out.  We took him to pick out bedding, new pillow, etc.  We are using a twin size bed that is lower to the ground that my husband used to use.  He was so excited for the switch and last night he slept all night with no problems.  (I wish all other transitions went this well!) 


    I am currently in my 26th week, so we are planning to stow the crib away for a month or so before setting it back up for the twins.  Should they be born before then, we are planning to have them in our room in PNP or RNP before we have them in the crib at night.  We thought this way he wouldn't see his bed go immediately to the new babies.

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    Good idea to stow it away for a while. I see this being a potential problem with the curtains and wall clings for us, too, so maybe having a little break from seeing them around anywhere will help. She's gotten a bit attached to her Winnie the Pooh. I anticipate meltdown when we pull the mobile out for the babies, even though it's already been put away for about 6 months. We had it on her changing table until then.

    I'm glad your son likes the big boy bed! That must be such a relief. DD comes and crawls into our bed with a book in the mornings. It's quite adorable, so we let her get away with it.
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    Give her some time to get used to the new bed and stow away the other is a good idea :) good luck!
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    When our second was born, we moved our first into her big girl bed about 3mos before my due date, when she was about 21mos. This time around everything is crazy and we are living with my parents, so it's either going to be super last minute or even potentially after babies are born. Kids are resilient in the long run, but all the transition stuff does make them grumpier.
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