February 2014 Moms

Nesting hard or hardly nesting?

Baby is gonna be inspecting the base boards and ceiling fans right? They *needed* to be cleaned. What say you?

Re: Nesting hard or hardly nesting?

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    I say I spent 2 hours crawling around the house scrubbing the baseboards this morning...the ceiling fans are on my list for later this week.
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    Ugh I was for a week straight.  I got a lot of stuff finished up that I needed to.  Now the thought of washing, folding, and hanging all of these baby clothes makes me want to sleep even more.  Don't even get me started on all of the things that still need to get wiped down :(
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    H and I have been scrubbing and cleaning for the past couple of weeks. I am now just being diligent on spot cleaning every day so as to maintain the spotlessly clean house. All of the nursery and other baby to-do list stuff is done! Hurray!
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    I have been nesting like a beast. I cleaned from 8am to 10:30pm on Sunday, everything from baseboards to the bathroom vent fans. I look forward to going home so I can get everything in order. I'm pretty sure this ride will burn out fast though.
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    Hardly nesting..... I have the urge, just not the energy.... Thankfully things aren't too bad :)
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    Nesting hard. In fact, DH has asked me to stop for 24-48 hrs while the snow melts and he gets over this stomach bug. But yeah, I actually had to sanitize the bathroom drawers the other night. Couldn't just wipe them down... Nope, they needed bleach solution.






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    Nesting hard with no direction- I'm cleaning and making messes. Start here, get distracted, abandon, start something else...
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    I'm trying, but it's hard because the second I do anything physics I start getting BH. And half the stuff I'm doing is stupid, like organizing the pantry by type of food. Because baby will care.

    Half my motivation is that since I'm planning on a home birth everything must be clean. But that just makes me resent it.

    I'm tempted to call my mom to ask for help.
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    I have a huge list of detailed chores which is slowly but surely getting smaller. The hospital bag is packed and we are pre registered. Nursery is in working order and all of babies tiny clothes are washed and hanging/folded and carseat is installed! I too see all the things that need to be done but simply do not have the energy to finish everything. DH has been a champ with my to do list! I was on a roll for a couple days and now a couch potato!
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    DH and I nested hard the weeks of Christmas and New Years. We cleaned things we have been meaning to clean for years. The very last piece of nesting came today when I scrubbed the bathroom floor. It was the last thing that needed to be done. I gotta tell you, scrubbing on my hands and knees was harder than I wanted it to be. But I'm done! Now to relax and eat ice cream!
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    Nesting so hard. Now that I'm not working it's like all I do. Mind you, my energy comes in spurts. I am a champ for 2 hours or so in the morning, then I need to rest for 2-3 hours to recover. Then I can get a little more done. 

    I've never taken such pride in dumping the vacuum dust collector or looking at a filthy clorox wipe. Best feeling! 

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