March 2012 Moms


Hello moms-

So, I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not. I've noticed LO's appetite slowing down a bit. Not sure if this is part of a growth spurt or something toddlers go through? Anyone going through this? maybe he's having too many snacks during the day...TIA!

Re: appetite

  • I feel like DD goes thru ups and downs with eating. She only gets one snack in the morning and occasionally one in the afternoon, but only if she asks. I'm really trying to encourage good eating habits so I don't force her if she says "all done" or shakes her head.
    How often is he snacking?
  • @lilnunz1 He has about 2 snacks in between meals. He's not a big eater in the morning so he has something light then 2 snacks and then lunch before naptime. I'm thinking its too many snacks. Also I think my mom gives him snacks without him asking for them. :|
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  • Maybe try to cut back to one snack and offer water instead?
  • We're the opposite.. our picky eater has a hollow leg this last week and stands gaping like a venus fly trap  when I am eating  lol... I am not complaining because he is finally starting to eat  more variety because he steals mommas dinner
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DS goes through phases with eating. One day it's a bite of a waffle and a bite of a banana for breakfast and the next day it's a big thing of yogurt and an entire banana. I try to minimize snacking, but he is ALWAYS asking for snacks, I think more out of boredom than hunger.
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • Thanks a lot girls! I feel a lot better. Omg, and last night? He ate all his dinner! :0)
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