February 2014 Moms

Update on DH snoring/sleep study

I know a few of us have been dealing with this... well, let me give you a PSA... send him for a sleep study!  DH had his sleep study at the pulminologist on Sunday and went back for the results today.  We were expecting him to fall in the mild to moderate category... and questioning if we would even bother with the CPAP machine. Yeah... well he has SEVERE sleep apnea.  He stopped breathing over 70 times per hour!  Holy crap that is soooo scary.  He's 34 years old... a little overweight but not terribly so.  Non-smoker.  Basically he seems like a very healthy man, he doesn't even feel like his sleep was that bad- he only went b/c I was complaining about the snoring... this really shocked us both.  He goes back next week to order the CPAP machine.  I hate that we waited as long as we did!  






Re: Update on DH snoring/sleep study

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    I'm glad you had him get checked out. That is scary! Glad he is getting the CPAP machine.
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    My DH has severe sleep apnea as well. The CPAP is an absolute life saver for all of us. You will be so glad when he starts using it.
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    Team CPAP! My FI is only 27 and had similar results. He is like a different person now- his quality of sleep is so much better and he was so much more energy! And it's nice for me too ;) so quiet at night!
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    My DH uses one and it changed his life, mine too! He is a super fit and healthy man who would fall asleep on the couch at 7 pm every night until I made him go in. It took a while to get used to the machine noise but now I like it. It's my own little sound machine.
    I hope to create a real siggy but first I need some sleep!

    Mom to Lily and Colin!
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    My boyfriend got his machine yesterday! I can't wait to see how it works tonight. I've been sleeping in the guest room for most of this pregnancy.
    F14 Siggy Challenge
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    Thanks- you guys are making me feel better about the CPAP noise.  I was thinking that I like white noise so hopefully it won't bug me.  I'm sure it's better than the snoring!  @MissDemeanor- how long did it take to get the CPAP in?  I was kind of surprised that they didn't just go ahead and order it while he was there today?  I guess it has to be fitted to him?  He hasn't gotten home yet so I can't ask him.  I'm just want this fixed NOW.






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    My husband has had his CPAP for about a week.   After the initial sleep study he had to go back and have another with the CPAP on so they could adjust the levels for the machine he would have at home.  After a follow up appointment it took about a week to schedule the delivery of the CPAP.  The machine is small and very quiet as long as there is a seal around the nose mask...if it is not sealing there is a loud windy sound.  The machine has a chip that records how many hours you are using the machine...etc.  He has to send the chip in after two months - of insurance purposes I suppose?  He's required to use it an average of 5 hours a night for 70% of the days over a month.  
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    I wish my dad would get a sleep study done. He is #7 of 11 siblings, and I am reasonably sure at least 8 of the rest of them use a CPAP, as did my grandpa. The snoring is bad, and he falls asleep in the chair regularly.

    dx PCOS 2007

    BFP #1 (natural) 12/23/2010. Stillbirth due to IC 4/2/2011

    TTC #2 starting 03/2012

    RE starting 07/2012

    05/2013 BFP on a Letrozole (Femara)/trigger!

    Cerclage, Procardia, Makena, GD (with insulin), MBR, and we made it!  

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Our Angel was born sleeping at 20 weeks due to IC.

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    Thanks- you guys are making me feel better about the CPAP noise.  I was thinking that I like white noise so hopefully it won't bug me.  I'm sure it's better than the snoring!  @MissDemeanor- how long did it take to get the CPAP in?  I was kind of surprised that they didn't just go ahead and order it while he was there today?  I guess it has to be fitted to him?  He hasn't gotten home yet so I can't ask him.  I'm just want this fixed NOW.
    @slwprincess He got his machine at the same appointment where they told him he needs it. I think it's just a loaner one though. He has to use it for a month, and go back. I'm guessing then that if they agree it's helping, they will order him a new one then. His has some cell kind of thing on it, so the clinic can actually monitor him for the month. I think it's a little weird that someone can stalk his sleeping habits, but that's ok.

    I'm a bit concerned about the noise, but it's got to be better than the snoring. Or maybe I'll steal LO's sleep sheep ;)
    F14 Siggy Challenge
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