February 2014 Moms

Cerclage removed !!!

Ok I just want to post bc I'm excited n yet scared! I'm having my stitch removed tomorrow at 7:30 . I'll be 37 n 2 days tomorrow . I have never made it this far so I am great full to god that I did. I am dilated to 1 cm already with it in , does that mean LO might come tomorrow ? t&P plz

Re: Cerclage removed !!!

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    Sending you thoughts and prayers. I don't have an experience but so happy you've made it this far.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    LO can come tomorrow, day after or after a week. I think it's hard to predict as someone can still go long in spite of starting to get dilated. Perhaps it might be sooner than the usual case for you due to the cerclage but I would say relax breathe, let it happen when it happens. Good luck!
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    I've been walking around dilated to a 3 for the past week. No baby yet. :)
    #rainbows and #unicorns make any situation #cute. keithcorcoran
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    Ty ladies I'm just going to relax n see what happens
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    I was dilated to 1cm throughout pregnancy, because that's where my cerclage was tied at when it was placed at 13w2d. I had mine removed last Monday, at 36w5d. I don't know yet (will find out if I've dilated any more tomorrow at my appointment), but so far, LO is holding strong. Once the cerclage is out, it kinda puts us on a 'normal' level-as in labor could be immediate, or stay away for a few weeks. I will be induced at 39w (ish) due to GD. My OB said 'we have done so much to keep baby in, we'll probably have to pit you to deliver!' (I had the cerclage, pelvic rest, modified bed rest, preventative procardia, weekly p17 shots, and steroid shots 'just in case') and now we are still waiting!

    dx PCOS 2007

    BFP #1 (natural) 12/23/2010. Stillbirth due to IC 4/2/2011

    TTC #2 starting 03/2012

    RE starting 07/2012

    05/2013 BFP on a Letrozole (Femara)/trigger!

    Cerclage, Procardia, Makena, GD (with insulin), MBR, and we made it!  

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Our Angel was born sleeping at 20 weeks due to IC.

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    T&P's and good luck to you and your LO.
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    Ok I'm on my way to the hospital now, tired n hungry lol but that's normal for me. I can't believe it's going to snow again!
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    Ok I'm on my way to the hospital now, tired n hungry lol but that's normal for me. I can't believe it's going to snow again!
    I'm guessing you are in labor?!?! :) Good Luck!
    #rainbows and #unicorns make any situation #cute. keithcorcoran
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Update: well the cerclage was removed , I'm dilated to 3 cm 75 effaced and LO's head is at + 2 . I was contracting every 10 mins but they still sent me home. I'm kinda scared bc the weather is bad out . How far dilated do you have to be for them to keep you?
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    JammersC said:
    @WaitWhoHadABaby ... Um, not that I disagree, but I'm kind of wondering the same about you. You just showed up like a week ago, never introduced yourself and just started throwing gifs around ... Just sayin'.

    This exactly.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    edited January 2014
    JammersC said:
    @WaitWhoHadABaby ... Um, not that I disagree, but I'm kind of wondering the same about you. You just showed up like a week ago, never introduced yourself and just started throwing gifs around ... Just sayin'.

    I can see that you think being here for a month has made you a seasoned veteran. 

    Thanks for playing, @jammersC!

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    I've been on here since July , I have an intro about myself a few times , not sure y I got the replys that I got but I wish everyone luck with there babies n I'm just gonna stay off here bc . I was just looking for someone to talk to but I feel like I'm not welcome but that's ok good luck everyone n god bless
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