
Holy hell

We just went to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. It was horrible. It was chaotic and packed. Yuck.
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Re: Holy hell

  • I will only go to C.E.C. at 10am when they open or on a week day at like 5pm. It's great then. Other than that, no effin way
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  • MrsT0514 said:

    I imagine Chuck E Cheese to be the worlds best birth control. I havent been in years. I'm sort of dreading the day DS gets to the Chuck E Cheese age!

    I have gone 4 years without taking DS1 and was so proud. LOL. One of the other moms said she had her sons party there and it wasn't this bad.
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  • It sounds awful. I've never been there. DH has taken the kids a couple times on his own. He doesn't mind it. Weirdo.

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  • CEC would never have lasted this long without selling beer and wine. 



  • We did ds 3rd bday on a Wednesday at 5. It was great. They did everything. Not many kids outside our party:) I would never go on a weekend
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  • I read a thread on Reddit once about CEC and multiple former employees confirmed that employees/patrons were caught doing it in the ball pit frequently. Plus, I feel like kids shit and piss at will in those things. Shudder. 

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
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  • We went for M's birthday on a Saturday at 5:30 and it wasn't bad. It was busy and loud, but we expected that and she had a blast and so did we.


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  • We will be venturing to CEC for the first time with our 2 year old next weekend for a birthday party. I'm expecting it to be loud, busy, crowded...did I say loud? That's how it was when I was growing up so I wouldn't expect anything else. The ball pit always grossed me out so I hope we can steer clear of it.

    Growing up there was a show with all the characters you watched while you that still there?
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