September 2013 Moms

A lot of catching up to do...

Hello S13, Im a newbie/not a newbie. Signed up with my actual name as my SN and only just changed it after a year of lurking (scary that it is that long since my BFP). Since I am late to the (GIF) party, I thought I should catch up with you all...FTM to an amazing girl. Just gone back to work (boo) and love using my brain cells again but miss my LO so much. And I have become THAT mum, the one that only talks about her kids. I used to have interests before A, I just don't remember what they were! And for fun: Bitchfest Monday - I love/hate my nanny. We are so lucky that we can afford one first off. We decided since A has severe reflux and not going back to work was not an option, we would get a nanny. My bitch is that she calls A her little girl and wants to buy her dresses and bows which is really NMS. A petty bitch I know. But, I love that she is so great with A, I feel completely at ease leaving A with her. So I love/hate her! Thankful Tuesday - I had my little girl Oct 5th and am head over heels in love with her. I am thankful that we were able to have her after being told by my Dr that I could not conceive 4 years ago. WTF Wednesday - WTF cats! Why do you insist on making as much noise as possible just as A has gone down???? UO Thursday - I hate peanut butter.. And it's not Friday yet so I'll save my FFFC for tomorrow :) Ok that's my intro! Insert appropriate GIF here ....

Re: A lot of catching up to do...

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    Does anyone else smell a Kirsten?
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    @OliveMom3 won the Internet
    BFP #1 - Mango - 6/11/12, EDD 2/22/12 Natural MC 7/15/12
    BFP #2 - Nacho - 10/14/12, EDD 6/20/13, MMC 8 weeks, D&C 11/16/12
    All testing shows both H and I are perfectly normal. Baby Nacho had triploidy. 
    Back to normal business December 2012
    BFP #3 - Froggy - 1/15/13, EDD 9/27/13 TEAM GREEN
    It's a girl! Alice - Born 9/20/13, 8lbs 2oz

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    OliveMom3 said:

    Does anyone else smell a Kirsten?

    I was just thinking the same thing...
    Melissa (30) & Chris (30)
    BFP Oct 16, 2012 M/C Nov 10, 2012
    BFP Dec 31, 2012 EDD Sept 12, 2013

    Brody was born on September 23, 2013 at 6.33am weighing 8lb 14oz.  
    Hes our angel... :)

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    I thought that might come up.. I was going to wait it out to intro but going back to work has made me want to post numerous times this week. I can tell you I'm 31 and so don't have that excuse... And I feel like s13 is my home I've been here (quietly) so long!
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    In good time, we'll know. I am so smart SMRT.
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    OliveMom3 said:
    In good time, we'll know. I am so smart SMRT.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker    image
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    OliveMom3 said:

    In good time, we'll know. I am so smart SMRT.


    Right back at ya, Mandy!

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    OliveMom3 said:

    OliveMom3 said:

    In good time, we'll know. I am so smart SMRT.

    Right back at ya, Mandy!

    Oh my gosh that is the cutest thing ever!

    DS 10/19/09

    DD 3/14/11

    BFP 8/8/12 EDD 4/20/13 MMC @ 9+ wks D&C 9/27/12

    DS2 9/12/13

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    @dhaueisen thank you ;)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I will say welcome, but I reserve my right to serve GTFO cake at a later date and time.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage
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    Home is where people know you not where you creepily stalk. October baby with no ties to September... Girl bye.
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    I kn
    OliveMom3 said:
    In good time, we'll know. I am so smart SMRT.
    I deserve that! In my defense I work in academia and we love our acronyms!
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    I will say welcome, but I reserve my right to serve GTFO cake at a later date and time.
    Wouldn't want it any other way!
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    dhaueisen said:
    Welcome! @sabrinakurtz I see what you did there ;)
    Me too!
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    Home is where people know you not where you creepily stalk. October baby with no ties to September... Girl bye.
    Oh I know it's creepy! I don't really have a good answer to that - I wanted to be a sept mum and tried bouncing/walking A out. Much as she does now A chooses her own schedule and came at 41 weeks!
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    Maybe this is nitpicky but using "mum" here and then also using "favorite" and not "favourite" in another thread...

    I'll still say welcome, but also ditto what @happybride 276 said. @jocelynB0911 also has a point.


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    I'm from the UK living in the US - so while I have adapted to some things I still use mum (and I also call myself mammy when talking to A - I'm from the north of England but married to a southerner!). Needless to say my accent and written English is all over the place.
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    amelbug said:
    I'm from the UK living in the US - so while I have adapted to some things I still use mum (and I also call myself mammy when talking to A - I'm from the north of England but married to a southerner!). Needless to say my accent and written English is all over the place.


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

     Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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