My husband and I live about 18 hours from our families. While I know that I only want him in the delivery room with me, I'm not sure how soon I will want to see our families. My mom was in the room for both of one of my sister's deliveries, and she and my dad drove the four hours to wait outside while my other sister had a c-section and help her and her husband with their twins. She was very involved in helping both of my sisters care for the babies the first week or so. This will be my in-law's first grandchild. I know my husband has about 2 weeks paternity leave, and he will probably take another 2 weeks vacation.
I know that both sets of our parents will start asking soon about when we want them to come. I know my mom probably envisions hopping on a plane the second I go into labor. I'm not sure what my in-laws have in mind, but my mother in law and I have had a rocky relationship due to some of her words and actions. We are recovering from that now, but she and my parents are on odd terms (just cordial) for the same reason. I don't know when I will want them to come, if it would be super overwhelming for them all to be here (probably staying with us - We have a couple extra bedrooms.), and how I would handle the tension between all of us after just giving birth. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings (mostly my parents who I love to death and have a great relationship with), but part of me just wants to get used to the baby with my husband without all of that pressure.
Has anyone been through a similar situation? How soon did your family visit? Do you wish you had done it differently?
Re: Long distance family and delivery
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014
Nancy James 9.1.12
Calvin Donald 8.27.14
If you can, I think it's nice to stagger the visitors. DH had no problem telling his parents to wait to visit until after my due date so my mom could help us out in the early period. That was a wonderful stress-reliever for me, bcs having ILs stay with us is stressful (they stayed for 5 weeks). When my bro and SIL had both of their kids, they also staggered family visitors, and no one seemed to get offended about that. It gives visiting parents/siblings their own time with the new baby, too.
But I would make sure anyone coming to stay with you early on isn't going to be a pain or expect to be treated as a guest. I say if you're coming to stay with someone who has a new baby, expect to help out, or postpone your visit.
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2 Due 9/18/2014