March 2014 Moms

✦ Tuesday Ticker Change ✦

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Re: ✦ Tuesday Ticker Change ✦

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    29 weeks today and dealing with all kinds of emotions: excited, scared, anxious, etc...there's light at the end of the tunnel now, which means this is really, actually happening! Otherwise, feeling well, finally getting somewhere with the nursery, and having our maternity shoot on Sunday! Trying to stay warm in Michigan with a wind chill of -40! Good times :)
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    I am 32 weeks today!  It's getting so real and I can't wait until I feel ready (if that moment ever comes).  My shower is at the end of this month and I can't wait to see what we get so I know what we still need.  I just want to buy everything and get it all organized!  

    I've been feeling pretty good overall. I've had some back pain and trouble sleeping but nothing too concerning.  

    I have my next appointment this afternoon (just a normal check).  Every weekend this month we have baby stuff planned. This Saturday we have our childbirth class with maternity ward tour. I am actually really excited for that.  The weekend following is our infant care class, followed by the breastfeeding class the next weekend along with my baby shower!  Lots to do and look forward to! 

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    I'm 30 weeks today and I'm pretty tired from lack of sleep.  Other than that I feel ok since my heartburn is currently on hiatus.  I'm so over gestational diabetes.  The only thing I can eat for breakfast is eggs and I'm getting super bored not to mention sad because I can't eat anything I'm craving.  

    I have an appointment tomorrow to talk to the doctor about the GD, I suppose they just want to see how I'm doing managing my glucose.  I also have a growth scan scheduled for the 21st to see how big baby girl is.  I'm excited about the extra ultrasound, but I'd much rather not be on a restricted diet.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerimageDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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    32 weeks today!  Definitely getting real.  We are snowed in for the 3rd day in a row and going crazy.  My 2 year old is so energetic today.  As soon as the weather gets better I can't wait to go shopping for the last few things we need for baby.

    I have an appt on Thursday.  I'll be getting my Tdap shot and I'm hoping we will schedule my c/s too.  That's only 7 weeks away!

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    32wks today! Still feeling pretty good, though I'm back to waking up in the middle of the night to pee. And we were in Chicago for the weekend for a wedding; luckily we got out with only an hour delay, but flying was not pleasant this time around. I'm kinda paranoid about my water breaking and whether or not my contractions are real or BH (all BH) but DH has been dealing with me well and I have absolutely no reason to be worrying. Baby shower over MLK weekend, but we have all the essentials JUST IN CASE he comes early. Still no strangers touching my belly or making terribly rude comments, but my boss must have said something to our contractors b/c at our meeting today they were all asking me when I was due, etc. It was kind of funny: they're all guys and a more-easily-offended person may have been ticked, but I thought some of the stuff they said/asked was really comical.
    Third Tri Feelings:
    imageBabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm 30 weeks, so another milestone down! Still on modified bedrest. Soooo bored of being at home, and DS is starting gymnastics tomorrow and I can't go with him :-(. I'm huge, but I still actually feel pretty good. I have a hard time sleeping, heart burn, a hard time bending over, etc but I'm just happy to be keeping babies inside as long as possible!!

    I have a BPP on Friday, so we'll check babies growth, and cervical length at that time. Found out the my OB doesn't want di/di twins to go past 37 weeks, so that means the absolute latest I could deliver would be Feb 25. It feels a little crazy to have a concrete end date!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hey ladies!
    32 weeks!! WOOHOO! 8 more to go (hopefully).  I am feeling pretty good minus the typical pregnancy pains (back pain and lack of sleep mostly).... 

    Still no name for this little guy... any suggestions would be nice!  I had my girl name ready to go (Harper) but I haven't fell in love with any boy names. :(  I'm hoping to find him a name before he comes so that I can finish up the nursery...  Also, I'm a teacher so I have a hard time with names because I have had so many students and associate a name to a child...grrr.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    32 weeks!!! Nothing is new and I thankfully haven't been suffering much. We had our hospital tour last week and our maternity shoot is on Saturday. My goal is to have everything done and ready to go by February 4th (36 weeks) which shouldn't be difficult since we already have about 90% of her things. I can't wait!!
    Anniversary Pregnancy Ticker
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