May 2014 Moms

Ten Things Tuesday

Brain isn't firing on all cylinders yet. I'll be back. 
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11/10/10 The Kid

Re: Ten Things Tuesday

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    1.  I go for my monthly appt today and the Dr is supposed to go over the A/S results.  

    2.  The u/s tech said everything looked good, but I am still nervous.

    3.  I am also nervous about how much weight I have gained since my last monthly appt!  I hope it's not too terrible.

    4.  I know a lot of you are a lot colder, but it was 14 yesterday morning and 20 this morning and that is freaking cold for Texas!

    5.  I work for a CPA and I actually am nerdy and excited about tax season started because I actually like doing taxes.

    6.  I don't like the super busy time though when we have to work overtime.

    7.  But my boss is nice and said I could work extra and accrue some more PTO for maternity leave.

    8.  I, however, don't want to do my own taxes.

    9.  We owed for the first time ever and I was not happy.

    10.  At least when we do our taxes for 2014 we will finally have deductions (a baby and a house!).
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    1. It's fucking cold.
    2. My allergies are killing me!! How could they possibly be bothering me today when it's -6 in Columbus, OH right now.
    3. Hubby left for a 4 day work trip this morning. I had to take him to the airport at 5:15 *yawn*
    4. Hubby moves to Minneapolis without us next week :( it's going to be a LONG 6 months...
    5. Today is a PJ kind of day.
    6. I need to get my butt to the gym.
    7. School was canceled today... DS And I are over each other at the moment.
    8. Thank god for an afternoon play date.
    9. I guess that means I have to change into real clothes eventually.
    10. I'm starving but nothing sounds appetizing.
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    @ErBear1010 - couldn't agree more with your #8 & 9!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    1.  Ate a bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwich from McDonald's this morning.  It was worth all 560 calories.

    2.  Started my new 8-5 work schedule today.  New company policy.  I don't love it.

    3.  I slept through my spin class this morning, and now I'm not sure I'll have time to get to the gym after work tonight.

    4.  If one more person says "you don't even look pregnant", I'm going to punch them in the face.  I get that they're trying to be nice, but it's making me nervous that my bump isn't really noticeable.

    5.  It's freezing here today.  I usually go home to walk my dogs at lunch, and I may actually skip it today.  They hate the cold as much as I do.

    6.  I'm trying to eat healthier after the holidays (ignore my McDonald's breakfast), but all I crave is chocolate.  The applesauce I brought as a snack just isn't cutting it.

    7.  I feel like I am constantly hungry.  It's gotten to the point where I am eating snacks every two hours to keep from feeling ravenous. 

    8.  We ordered the crib and changing table this weekend.  It's supposed to be delivered this week, and we haven't finished cleaning out the nursery yet.

    9. I'm really looking forward to our tax return this year.  We plan to save half and use the other half to buy furniture for the nursery and a new couch set for us!

    10. DH and I are going to register this weekend...I find this super overwhelming for some reason.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    1. It is -42 Celsius right now with the wind chill. Schools are closed today. I love a good no work day.
    2. DHs truck is frozen so he took my car today. I'm not sad that I don't have to go out grocery shopping, even though we are running out of food.
    3. I will be wearing pjs allllll day long.
    4. I'm terrified to commit to a name for baby girl. So much pressure!
    5. I am now getting up to pee twice a night. Ugh
    6. Sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant and feel really sad when I catch a glance of my gigantic belly in the mirror. It's like Christmas when I remember that there's a baby in there, not just flab.
    7. French fries are what dreams are made of.
    8. Someone posted a picture on Facebook of the Mexican vacation they are on right now. I cried when I saw it because I was so insanely jealous.
    9. Baby's room finally has a finished floor. Now it just needs a new window, patches on the walls, paint, and all the trim....all in the next 4 months.
    10. I'm tired of my hair and I really want to chop it all off but ponytails are just so easy.
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    1. It's cold here. Not as cold as lots of places in the country, I realize, but for this southern girl, a humid 15 degrees is bone-chilling. 

    2. Fingerless gloves...whilst cute...were not a good idea today.

    3. My next appointment is next Thursday for the a/s. My husband and my mom are going. I'm almost as excited as I am nervous.

    4. I saw something yesterday that said "Your baby is the size of a carrot!" and I just couldn't get over it. The "size" of a carrot? Maybe the length of one...but not the SIZE of a carrot. Then I couldn't stop picturing a carrot-shaped baby being used as the nose for a snowman. I still can't decide if it was creepy or funny.

    5. I had a wonderful first-married Christmas with my husband and both our families...but I'm glad it's over.

    6. I feel like this baby is way more mine than anyone else's right now (including my husband, whom I love dearly). I know that's probably awful...but I do. It's just..she's IN me. I feel her. I feed her and keep her safe and warm. Sometimes I wonder if this feeling of "she is mine" will fade once she's here, or if I'll always feel that way. I hope I don't growl when other people want to hold her when she's born... :)

    7. I had a grateful moment yesterday for the bitter cold, as we live in a so-so house in the deep woods, and because of the cold, the scorpions, slugs, and lizards haven't made any surprise visits in a while. Yes. Scorpions, slugs, and lizards. I'm so ready to move.

    8. I need a good book to read. I just finished Allegiant, and am missing the written word a lot. 

    9. We have NO plans for this weekend, and I'm not mad about it. :)

    10. DH got me an awesome pregnancy body pillow for Christmas, and I love it more each day. It's so cozy.
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    1. When it is this exceptionally cold, it becomes clear who does not understand what global warming is and how it works. As a rule, I don't engage in political-type discussions on facebook, but if I see one more ignorant person say, "LOL GUESS THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING, HUH GUYS?" I will scream. Ignorance kills, y'all. 

    2. I already ate my lunch and it's only 10:15am. I will have to go get a second lunch in a couple hours. I feel good about this. 

    3. Maybe I'll have pie for second lunch. 

    4. I'm perseverating on how rude the tech was at my anatomy u/s. It's been 5 days. I should probably get over it. 

    5. I have yet to definitively feel baby. Womp womp. 

    6. I have a really long to-do list. 

    7. I don't want to do anything on the list. 

    8. I've kept my nails painted blue since we found out we're having a boy. It may be one of the lamest things I've ever done, but it has amused me. 

    9. The first purchase I've made for this baby since finding out it was a boy was a footie pajamas with a monster on the butt and both feet. Pretty fantastic.  

    10. I also bought the "I Love You More" book for him, and then cried. This pregnancy has turned me into a super sap. 

    Baby boy arriving late Spring '14

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    Katemr1146Katemr1146 member
    edited January 2014
    1. I am miserable this year (since New Years). Between the constant aching in my arms, the post nasal drip burning my throat, the constant headaches, bad RLP, and some new found back pain the other day...I'm miserable.

    2. I think part of this is a cold and will hopefully fade soon.

    3. My doctor was not sympathetic and basically told me to suck it up because it's only going to get worse.

    4. I was desperate to feel my son moving around...but now that he is, sometimes it weirds me out. Like when he's kicking my bladder or cervix. That's such a weird sensation.

    5. I can't sleep anymore. This is not helping my misery.

    6. I have a dentist appointment this afternoon and I'm irrationally anxious about not being able to breathe/having major back pain while I'm sitting in those stupid chairs.

    7. I was a wedding planner for 3 years. I miss it so much. A college acquaintance asked me if I would do full planning for her wedding. I'm really excited, but now I need to figure out what to charge her.

    8. All that Easter candy talk yesterday has me seriously craving peeps. Stale.

    9. I'm feeling a bit guilty still about being mean in the FFFC last week. That's normally not like me. I keep my thoughts to myself 99% of the time.

    10. I'm excited to start some prenatal yoga and aquatic classes this week! I need to go find a swimsuit though. :(
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    1.  It is really effin cold here too
    2.  I have a follow up A/S scheduled for Thursday because baby girl wouldn't cooperate last week
    3.  Took my son outside to go sledding but my fat pregnant ass couldn't get up the hill :(  So I got to watch while my H and son had fun :(
    4.  I got halfway through a book and lost it....not good enough to buy again, but I did want to finish it. 
    5.  I might have to change OBs which is sad because I love my OB but my liver specialist wants me to deliver at a specific hospital and my OB doesn't have rights there.  Ugh. 
    6.  I've eaten a gross amount of cereal in the past few amount. 
    7.  I sent my son off to school today after three weeks home and it felt like heaven putting him on the bus. 
    8.  We finally broke down and bought an IPAD, mostly for my son's speech apps.  I'm not that thrilled with it. I really thought I'd LOVE it. 
    9.  I'm getting a little diva like with this pregnancy.  My H asked me what I'd like for my birthday and I told him a coach diaper bag (So not in our budget)
    10.  I'm supposed to be working on my taxes before we send everything over to our accountant...but I'm on here instead. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
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    1. I am so torn on what to do about my OB.

    2. On the one hand, I really like her and feels like she listens to me and would take my feelings into account, but I don't like the hospital she delivers at think this could screw up any chance at a vbac.

    3. Plus, I could change doctors and like the new doctor even less.

    4. I think I had a mild anxiety attack last night.

    5. I only slept ~2 hours.

    6. On the bright side - I go to my anatomy scan tomorrow!

    7. I had a meltdown this morning because I had nothing to wear.  I ask dh to wash me some clothes and he told me he did, but only washed his clothes. I probably over-reacted.

    8. My brain is completely dead.

    9. I don't know what "peeps" are.

    10. I miss my DS.
    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
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    1. I called in to work for the second day in a row. When DH texts to tell me that the roads suck too much for Baby A and I to be on, I'll stay home, tyvm.
    2. I'm looking forward to eating alot of crap today since DH isn't home to say "are you sure you should be eating that?"
    3. I'm not excited about more snow in the forecast for tomorrow.
    4. I had to reschedule my dr appt today for Friday. Thank goodness it wasn't my anatomy scan. :)
    5. I don't understand how DH can run around in underwear, while I'm wearing two pair of pants, a tank top, long sleeve shirt, sweater and hoodie, thick socks, and am freezing under a blanket.
    6. My dog is currently curled up like a donut under the covers.
    7. Donuts.... mmmmm...
    8. I don't feel bad for calling in to work. My life, and the baby's life are more important than my asshole bosses bottom line.
    9. My brain is too cold to think of two more.
    10. I'm hungry. Peace.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    1. I worked yesterday and I'm on call today.

    2. On one hand the extra money would be nice, but my body is exhausted from a super busy day yesterday and I just want to chill and recover.

    3. I have an anterior placenta and in the last week I'm finally feeling my little guy kick like crazy. There is hope ladies!

    4. We are set on a first name for baby boy - Henry! (DD is Nora Margaret)

    5. We are still discussing middle names but I think we really have it picked and are so surprised by our choice that we keep talking.

    6. I'm about 90% sure he will be Henry Francis (after the pope - weird?)

    7. Autocorrect on my iPhone has been jacked lately. I typed yeah to DH and it autocorrected to my wag. Wtf?

    8. I want to eat something delicious for lunch. Maybe Mexican food.

    9. I'm beyond excited for pretty little liars tonight. It is my guilty pleasure.

    10. Yesterday while I was working my mom taught DD to march. She only does it with one leg but it's hilarious.

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    Nora - 10.26.12

    Henry - 5.9.14

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    1. I already ate my lunch (cold leftover pizza)
    2. Good thing I am at home and can snack on whatever I want all day
    3. I wish work was cancelled for the cold... stupid work-from-home capabilities!
    4. My workout app keeps wanting me to walk/run for exercise - those things should have built in weather adjustments or settings - no way am I going outside to jog in below freezing temp!
    5. I'm thinking about logging off 30 min early today and painting the nursery. When else will I have DD free time?
    6. I started looking at cute newborn outfits for DD2 this morning
    7. She'll be brand new, so why not have a few brand new outfits for her too, right??
    8. I know it's crazy, but I kind of want ice cream or frozen yogurt in a waffle cone, even though my feet are freezing
    9. I hope DD naps today at her grandma's...she gets super cranky if she doesn't nap
    10. DD starts her first day of "preschool" tomorrow (really it's just 90 min of parent-supervised free play at the preschool, but at least it gets her around other kids her age!)

                          PitaPata Dog tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    1- I can't leave the house and go for a walk because there is so much ice even the dogs have fallen multiple times and have quit asking to go out

    2- I'm worried that DH's car will not make it up the hill and will have to walk over a mile in work clothing (and I just cleaned his suit)

    3- our u/s is this Friday. My mother, who lives on the other side of the country, has been calling me every day asking about it.

    4- as annoying as it is for her to call 2-3x a day I really miss her. Next thanksgiving I will fly out there

    5- not being able to fall asleep (dh and dogs snoring) and then having to pee multiple times a night does not make me a nice person.

    6- DH's new trick with the dogs is to say 'be nice she is pregnant' they will stop barking,playing, jumping and just sit there looking cute. It only lasts for a few seconds but totally worth it.

    7- last time I saw my midwife she said I had the baby bump going! It made me feel a lot better

    8- that baby bump is making it harder to find a good sleeping position.

    9- I finished the pile of laundry, and started pulling out clothing I know I won't be able to wear for a wile after baby.

    10- I just got new photo editing software but it has been so cold that I have not taken many pictures so I don't have any new material to work with.
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    1) If this baby is as active on the outside world as it is in my belly, I fear DH and I will be very tired parents.
    2) A/S tomorrow..the anticipation to find out the sex is killing me.
    3) Luckily, thinking about boy/girl is distracting me from being too worried about A/S results.
    4) Have to leave the house to get oil changed today...guess I might as well do some other errands too.
    5) Not looking forward to leaving the house, but I guess since the arctic blast is starting to pass us 3 degrees will feel pretty warm compared to -15 without windchill...
    6) I have actually worked out everyday this week...I know, only two days, but that's pretty good considering my track record the last month.
    7) All I want to do is buy one baby outfit...only one more day.
    8) It would be nice if I cleaned my house today, but I bet it will still be messy tomorrow.
    9) My favorite lounge pants are starting to fit too tight...sad.
    10) My dog is super cute right now.
    BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    1) My son already likes loud music...I think we have a Jersey fist-pumper in there.
    2) I had to straight-up lie to my boss today. She asked again if I'm coming back after leave and I had to lie and say yes, that I'm planning to. I feel bad about it, but if I say no, then I won't get any paid leave and we can't afford that.
    3) We registered this weekend but I feel like we really need to get cracking on actually setting up the nursery - painting, etc.
    4) I was running late and didn't pack a lunch today, so now I have to venture out in the 6 degree weather and I'm a-scared!
    5) Speaking of the weather, I parked in the garage last night. When I pulled out I saw the temp gauge on my car go from 31 to 4 before getting to the end of my street.
    6) I have band practice tonight for the first time in a month. I'm exciting but I'm hoping I can a) stay awake, and b) remember all the songs.
    7) Last night I watched the Bachelor for the first time in like 10 years. It was highly entertaining, but if I was single I would absolutely hate something like that, competing with other women for the same man. Makes for fun TV, though.
    8) I'm still thinking of pop-tarts from that other thread...I think I have to buy some when I venture out today. Strawberry or Cherry frosted...MMMM!
    9) Despite the below zero temps last night, I woke up with serious preggo night sweats. This "being hot all the time" is weird for me because usually I run cold.
    10) My friend just mentioned chicken and waffles and now I totally want that. I'd like to mention that I've never had it before.

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

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    1. If eating Cream of Wheat two to three times a day is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    2. I really, really, really don't want to reschedule my much-needed dental checkup.  I've become such a weenie in my old age and I require sedation even for cleanings, which is not an option now.  I might just dig my heels in and wait until May.
    3. There is too much snow and ice on the roads to ride my scooter.  The bus makes me sad.
    4. I desperately require a trip to the mountains.  Soon.
    5. I'm actually going to get a mani/pedi and an eyebrow wax in the next week.  It feels weird to spend this kind of frivolous money on myself and I'm more than a little weirded out by the attention that I will be getting during the process.
    6. I'm super grateful that this pregnancy has, by and large, been way easier than my last.  I even managed to muster up some energy to do some prenatal yoga the other night.
    7. The preschooler is FINALLY back in school after two weeks and one day off.  My work-at-home husband is probably at home doing cartwheels.  Or watching porn on the living room TV, which would be awesome.
    8. I have had it up to here with the screenshots of various weather apps and car dashboard thermometers on Facebook.  Yes, dear family, it's cold in Minnesota in January.  This is not new.  That's why we left.
    9. In response to the above, I will be posting pictures of myself sitting on my porch in glorious 50 degree weather wearing shorts and sipping lemonade because I'm a bitch like that.
    10. Desperately need to go grocery shopping.  Do not want.
    Professional Thread Killer
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    1. Sorry but I am so tired of talking about the damn weather.  I win guys, it was -50*F windchills here yesterday and -30*F windchills here today.
    2. I am annoyed with DH.  It is damn cold out and he leaves for work 5 minutes before I do.. when I went to grab my boots, the garage door was half open.  It was giving me some trouble, but I got it to open and close properly to leave.  Why doesn't he wait until it's all the way down?!  If he was the last one out of the garage, we would've had that open all damn day.
    3. I hope this shiz works later cuz we keep our screen door locked so I have no idea how I would get into my house.
    4. My boss is in an all day meeting, off-site.  I don't have to be here.  I am half pissed at myself for not checking the calendar yesterday and half pissed at him for failing to mention it.
    5. I think I am bouncing at noon - the windchill advisory is supposed to lift by then and I really need several things from Target.
    6. I also wouldn't mind laying on the couch for an hour before I have to get my heathen from the sitter's house.
    7. My 2.5 year old has been a sour patch kid lately and I was crying this morning thinking maybe he already resent me and the baby since he is always try to kick and punch my belly.
    8. I really need to make a list for Target so I don't forget anything.
    9. I am feeling too lazy to move or make that list.
    10. Bluh.  Sorry for being so angry.  I's tired.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    1. SO cold. My feet cannot get warm.
    2. DH has gotten to stay home for two days, which is lovely. He is doing some work from home, but still had time to let me take a nap while he watched the boys.
    3. Loving my prenatal Pilates video! Wish we had a class in the area.
    4. Getting a little stir crazy being stuck in the house.
    5. Had a dream that my OB was gone so a nurse from his office and our pediatrician were going to perform my C/S.
    6. The nurse told me not to worry because she had seen him do tons of them.
    7. They must have done a good job because I left my baby in the nursery for a bit and left the hospital that day to go shopping at the LOFT.
    8. I am super excited to have a night out with DH this weekend to see the Hobbit. Yep. We are the cool kids.
    9. I'm probably more excited about the burger place we are going to beforehand. AMAZING burgers.
    10. Making chocolate chip cookies with my little guys this afternoon. Mmm.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mommy to three beautiful boys! 
    Benjamin Michael 5/17/10
    Lucas Gabriel 3/26/12
    Graham Jonathan 5/1/14

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    1. I'm tired of weather talk and weather "one upping"
    2. DH finally made it home last night after being stranded at his job. Yay!
    3. DS is a difficult little mite. His intensity might serve him well as an adult, not as a toddler.
    4. I want a DQ blizzard real bad...
    5. I keep buying clothes for the new baby even though all of DS's clothes will fit and are only 2 years old...
    6. I love my pets but I'm so jealous of all my pet free friends' effortlessly clean houses...
    7. I'm annoyed of people saying the can't get to work etc three days after a snow storm. It's been three days deal with it.
    8. I'm a little terrified to go back to the newborn incessant crying stage
    9. I should probably finish my 2 y/o's baby scrapbook before this one is born
    10. I too am excited for Easter candy. M&ms are so much better in pastel!

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    1. Upset that my company didn't tell me the date for a specific delivery; as a result, I didn't schedule extra help for this delivery and I have can't come in to help without it being overtime.

    2. With that being said, I love the extra 1 or 2 hours of OT a week.

    3. Just turned around to see the cat eating his two piles of puke. So glad that DH didn't take the cat with him for a nap.

    4. I love using my pregnancy for my advantage. I normally wear dark clothing and a smock so it is difficult to see my belly but twice now I've either assuaged someone's irritation or criticism by blaming it on being pregnant.

    5. I was implicitly accused of racism by using the phrase "you guys." I think it was because it supposedly called into question someone's intelligence based upon their race.

    6. Got my hair cut. Super cute. I don't know why I let my hair grow out.

    7. I'm excited that my coworker is going on a 4 week vacation so I can try to pick up an extra 8 hour shift each week for extra OT. Yay for the potential of 24-32 hours of OT. Yay for an extra pay check.

    8. Had Panda Express last night and McDonald's for breakfast today. Is that bad?

    9. When I was in college, I couldn't afford a lot and didn't have a car, so I could only eat at the student union, which was in walking distance; I would take one meal of Panda Express and split it up into 5 different meals, which I would then eat throughout the week.  After a year of doing this, I couldn't eat Panda Express for a very long time.

    10. I really am tired of driving the mini-van. Both DH and my daily drivers have been out of commission for 2+ months now and we are down to a single car family. I want to drive something fast again.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

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    1. Had a colpo today because my doc wanted to look at my cervix. Holy cramps.

    2. DH has been having me count my calories to make sure I'm getting enough everyday. It's sweet but annoying. Today at our appointment I made sure to ask the doc about calories and weight gain. He says weight gain is ok so far, but that I should be eating an extra 500 calories a day. That's a lot considering I feel like I'm already eating every 20 minutes and somehow eating the normal amount of cals (pre-preg cals).

    3. I love food. I'll eat almost anything you put in front of me. I get annoyed by picky eaters. (That said, if my baby is a picky eater I will *NOT* be slapping her or making her eat everything on her plate a la Slaps4Jesus.)

    4. My sister sent me a Snoogle and I got it yesterday. It was a total surprise. I actually slept all night long. Life changing. DH even likes it because he snuggles up against it. 

    5. I got married, moved ten states away, and got pregnant all within three months. At first I was totally overwhelmed and scared. Now (22 weeks later....) I feel like I'm settling in to this pregnancy and I actually really, really enjoy it. 

    6. I do NOT enjoy the hip pain, RLP, constipation, and insomnia. But I like the rest of it.

    7. It's JanuANY at Subway, so naturally I've eaten there five times already this month. $5 for a footlong? Get outta town.

    8. They're doing FebruANY, too, which means this baby is going to be eating toasted Subway Clubs for the next two months.

    9. It's 10* here (no clue what the windchill is). I was so hot this am, I walked out onto the back deck in jeans, flip flops, and a long sleeve shirt. Felt good. I'm always hot now.

    10. Read through the "milkshake" question on the 1st tri board. Don't let anyone ever tell you there is no such thing as a dumb question. Because, f'real... that board is full of them.
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    1. I am over winter.
    2. I had taco dip for breakfast.
    3. Breakfast was actually at 11:45 because DH got a ''snow day'' and got up with DS today so I could sleep in.
    4. I finally started feeling the baby move around this week.
    5. I desperately need to get my hair done.
    6. We finally got all of our Christmas decorations taken down and put away.
    7. That means now we get to start working on the nursery!
    8. I am super excited that a lot of my favorite shows are airing new episodes this week.
    9. This was my first ''10 things Tuesday''.
    10. I am officially half way through my pregnancy today!
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    RedInLoveRedInLove member
    edited January 2014
    1. It was 50+ degrees here yesterday.

    2. It was 15 degrees here today.

    3. We picked up my Mom Mobile this morning! LOVE IT!!!

    4. I will miss my muscle car though.

    5. We looked at baby furniture today and found a set we like.

    6. DH then took me to another store to start a registry, and he helped build it.

    7. I really need to go shopping for new bras.

    8. The single bra I'm down to just might give out if I keep putting off shopping.

    9. The desire to drive my new vehicle is probably going to get me out of the house tomorrow to go shopping.

    10. I'm going to try to make a point of reading at least 1 hour a day, each day that I have nothing scheduled that is time-consuming. Starting tomorrow. Or Friday.

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
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    1. I woke up at 5:35 this morning to my downstairs neighbor starting his car and sitting in it revving the engine for 5-10 minutes to warm it up, and then driving away with it squealing like a banshee because of the belt.

    2. I just heard another car doing the same thing and I'm irritated all over again. Especially because I wasn't able to fall back asleep after that and didn't need to be up for another 2 hours.

    3. I was in my car literally from 8 this morning until 4 this afternoon for work, and only just wrapped up working, so I had a 12 hour day with not enough sleep.

    4. The cabinets got installed in the house my husband and I are moving into with my sister today, and it's making it seem so close, but then my mom said something about us being lucky if we got moved in before my family leaves for their vacation to FL next month.

    5. Finances are stressing me out and moving in to the house will actually be cheaper than our apartment so I'm getting really antsy to move and want to be moving in in 2 weeks at most.

    6. I finally have insurance since it kicked in on the 1st, so I finally got my anatomy scan scheduled and they were able to do it really quickly, so I go next Thursday for that.

    7. We already found out at one of those cheaper scan places that we're having a boy because we wanted to find out before Christmas so that we could announce it. And now I'm worried that they're going to tell us we're having a girl when we've already told everyone that we're having a boy.

    8. My hubby is trying to start a non-profit, and spending all of his spare time doing that, and I'm getting ticked at him a bit because I feel like he should be looking for another job since the place he's working at he's working as a temp, and doesn't get benefits, and they aren't hiring right now, and I know he could make more money and benefits somewhere else.

    9. The "hiring freeze" at his work is pissing me off, because there's no reason for it other than they don't want to pay benefits. Here's an idea tell people ok we can hire you on, but at the same pay but with benefits. Instead of paying their workers $14 an hour and the temp agency $7 an hour use that $7 an hour to pay the employees benefits. I'm willing to bet that a lot of people would take that over nothing any day.

    10. I guess I store up for these because I always end up writing huge long posts. Sorry about that.
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    hatratshatrats member
    edited January 2014
    1.  Yesterday I was looking for a pic in my phone and ran across a pic I took of the year old top layer of our wedding cake.

    2.  It started the most intense craving for wedding cake I've ever had in my life at about 3pm at work yesterday.  I was nearly in tears.

    3.  The place I really wanted cupcakes from was way across town and it would have been nearly impossible to get there in 5:00 traffic before they closed at 6.

    4.  I googled and discovered there is in fact a cupcake store very near my house.

    5.  I spent over $20 on cupcakes.

    6.  In the same shopping center is a greek place with that lemon chicken and rice soup.

    7.  I bought a quart of it and ate the entire thing for dinner.  Before that, I ate a cupcake.  After that I ate another cupcake.

    8.  The cupcakes are like 6 inches tall so they're really about the size of 2 cupcakes each.

    9.  I didn't go to work until noon today because after eating all that I woke up in the middle of the night to puke, then woke up this morning, tore up the toilet, and puked again.

    10.  I'm about to go eat another cupcake.
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    1.  I still havent taken christmas decorations down.

    2.  My Kitties are at "grammy grams" and "grumpys" (my parents) house right now and I miss them (the Kitties lol).

    3.  I've always had some stretch marks and have never been bothered by them. 

    4.  I've been out of town the last 5 days visiting DH and realized when I got home that I left the heat on much higher than it needed to be.  Uh oh.

    5.  I am seriously considering pulling a cinnamon bun out of the freezer..

    6.  I compltely fell in love with DH all over again this past weekend.  Our relationship is definetly much stronger then it's ever been.

    7.  I've got laundry done in the dryer and I am making the choice to leave it there...

    8.  I've had two baths since getting home today.  Amazing.

    9.  I am about to turn on Netflix.

    10.  So far all I've got going on tomorrow is the dentist, paying some bills, aaand..yep that's it.

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