December 2013 Moms

Amberpro's birth story

amberproamberpro member
edited December 2013 in December 2013 Moms
My fairly uneventful (you know, other than a life changing baby at the end) birth story slash excuse to AW a few pics.

Backstory: Had an induction scheduled for 8am 12/26. I was very unsettled about it. Took 2 long "curb" walks Christmas evening. Some sex. Some prayers for peace. Went to sleep with an alarm set for 6am to call and check in to L&D.

1:32 am: woke up and had to go to the restroom. Stood up to a gush of water. Contractions started within minutes. Times them 6-8 min apart. Decided to wait to wake up DH.

2:15 am: another large gush (preceded by a couple small ones earlier). Contractions 4-5 min. Decided to wake up DH. He must have been sleeping deeply... He yelled and kicked me, then it took him a few min to realize he didn't just sleep through his alarm.

3:30 am: arrive at L&D. Contractions 2-3 min apart. Another large pink gush while changing into my hospital gown.

Cervical check showed 5cm and my blood pressure was very high. I was told I needed to lay on my side. Next BP check showed it went even higher, so I asked for an epi.

As soon as I got my epi (no sure what time... Close to 4:30 I believe), I was checked at 8cm. BP began to gradually drop.

5am: 10cm +2 station, strong pressure from the head. Waiting on the doctor...

5:30am: time to push. Baby's shoulders got stuck at one point and required some strong tugging and rotating.

5:47am: beautiful baby boy! Immediate skin to skin (thank you pushy nurse). 9lbs 12oz, 22in. Nursed great right off. Glucose checks were good (apparently big babies get checked for 12 hours ).

The doctor mentioned that we should discuss c-section if we go for a third since he got stuck. Liability, maybe? Who knows but we'll see. With 2 quick labors, I'm not sure it's necessary. Guess time will tell.

ETA: and how in the WORLD did I not give a shout out to my ridiculous awesome LB, superspecialsnowflake??!! She rocks! All the sorries!!

Now... I will show off my precious bundle :).


Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

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