High-Risk Pregnancy

Graves disease

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Graves in April. I've been taking methimazole until I found out I was pregnant in September. My endocrinologist switched me to PTU for my first trimester. Now that I'm in my second trimester, my dr has me back on methimazole. My levels looked normal the whole first trimester, but since switching to methimazole, my bloodwork is showing that I'm hyper again. The dr is switching me to a higher dose to make sure I stay normal. This means that for 3 weeks, I have been hyperactive. Do you think this will affect the baby? I was afraid this would happen when she switched my medicine after the second trimester. Did any of you deal with this and have to play with your medicine doses? I'm so nervous. What has been your experience with Graves and pregnancy? Until now, I've felt good and confident. Would love your input! Thanks

Re: Graves disease

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    Sorry your dealing with thyroid issues. I have Graves but mine are in remission so i dont need medication BUT from my knowledge when you on thyroid medication during pregnancy your medications doses can be switch a bunch of times because the baby takes most of it. Its not only with Graves but with all types of thyroid issues. I wouldnt worry. If you went your whole pregnancy with out having your thyroids under control then you have a chance of baby being affected by it. It sounds like your dr has it under control. Best of luck. 

    Insiders tip: Since you have thyroid issues once you deliver baby will be check, IF the levels comes back abnormal dont panic. It happen to me. Although my thyroid levels were normal my whole pregnancy, I have a history of hyperthyroid so baby had to be checked. Since her levels were slightly elevated she needed to see a Endo. they did a 5sec neck exam and took some blood which came back normal. The dr explained to me that since baby's organs were feeding off of me once i delivered they had to work on their own so thyroid always seems to work extra in the beginning then gradually normalize. They normally dont get thyroids post delivery for that reason most levels come back abnormal. Its rare babies have thyroid issues so small.. So thats just a heads up, i panicked but what the dr made total sense.. 
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    Thanks for the heads up. I'm glad to hear your baby was healthy! It's nice to hear from someone who has gone through this and not had a problem
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    my levels actually normalized with my first pregnancy and they took me off ptu, but we suffered (unrelated) miscarriage. levels have stayed normal and in remission since then even through another miscarriage. now we are 15 weeks into our current pregnancy with all levels normal and no medicine necessary, things are looking good, we are due in June. just sticking with the testing schedule to keep an eye on things.
    sounds like they are on top of things with your testing and med changes and things are good, best of luck!
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