Blended Families

NBFR: So Sad :(

So this is not blended family related but it really bummed me out and just felt like posting would help? I don't know.  So last night(X-Mas Day) on the way home from my parents house SO saw a car in the middle of the road with their hazard lights on.  When we got closer we saw why, there was an animal, either a dog or a wolf I wasn't sure, laying next to their car that had been hit.  The guy was out of his car standing next to the animal waiting for the police or whoever he called I think.  I could very clearly see the dogs face/eyes and I hope I''m wrong but I really don't think it was still alive.  So obviously this in itself was really sad.

Then the next day I see a post that was shared on my facebook wall about a missing dog that looked veeeeery similar to the one the night before.  So I clicked the link and the website had a live chat thing, so I gave them the reference number for the dog  and they said the dog had already been found.  So I thought ok great I was wrong.  Then a few minutes later I realized that "found" might have meant found and returned home or found because it had been hit.  For some reason seeing the info about the dog from the family and everything just made it sadder to me.  I'm hoping the dog is back at home safely.

So this might seem totally ridiculous but I'm a big dog person and love animals in general and it's the first time I've ever seen a dog hit.  I know this is the wrong place to post this etc but just wanted to get it out I guess.  

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