Indiana Babies

Weekly Check-In

Merry Christmas everyone!

1.  How are you?
2.  Weekend highlight / lowlight?
3.  What are you looking forward to this week / what are your plans for the holiday?
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Re: Weekly Check-In

  • 1.  Doing well, doesn't really feel like christmas this year for some reason.

    2. Highlight, spending extra time with family, which is also maybe the lowlight ha.

    3.  Looking forward to a few days of down time... we rotate holidays (thanksgiving and christmas) between our parents.  this year is Christmas with the in-laws so we just got back this afternoon from their house (here in indiana), had been there since Friday afternoon... It was a long visit with a 4 month old in tow, he's the only grandkid on that side so their not exactly used to having a baby around.  Tomorrow my husbands extended family will come to our house for christmas dinner which will be a lot but I'm glad to be back home and make it possible for Connor to nap in his own room :)  Then we have a few days to ourselves and Monday night we will travel to Columbus to my brother's house and meet up with my parents to do a mini christmas with them, we'll come home christmas day.  I'm kinda looking forward to the 2nd :)
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