March 2012 Moms

Crying at bedtime

For about the last week DS has hated getting undressed at bedtime. He just does not want us to take off his shoes or clothes, and starts to cry when we do. We get him in his overnight diaper and jammies as quick as we can and he's fine once he's snuggled with me in the chair (we nurse to sleep). I'm not sure what the meltdown is about, is it because he doesn't want to go to bed, or just doesn't like us messing with him? (He has been trying to assert his independence in many areas lately, haha). It could be that he's a little overtired, but it's been taking him a long time to fall asleep so I've been trying to wait until later to start bedtime. He's fine once he's in bed, he STTN (*knocks on wood*). We try to give him some warning that it's almost time to get undressed, but that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas? TIA!

Re: Crying at bedtime

  • We change into jammies and the last diaper change 45 minutes to an hour before bed, then return to the living room to read or watch a movie quietly. Maybe change them early instead of right before going to sleep? Good luck!
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  • I keep trying the choices thing, but it doesn't work when he just replies, "No!" :P

    I will try giving him more warnings and see if he'll do some of it himself. He loves zipping up his sweater (when I can get him to put it on) and jammies (when he's not having a meltdown already). I think we need to somehow make jammie time more fun, but I'm not really sure how.

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  • @Excited30 thanks for the suggestions. I do think he is wanting to be more independent and just hates us messing with him. Today he woke up on the wrong side of  the bed, and everything has been the worst: changing his diaper, getting in his car seat, getting dressed, just everything. Ugh. I am hoping he takes a nice long nap and it's our reset button for the day.
    He can help zip up his jammies, which he loves to do, but only if he's still in a good mood by the time we get to that step. I will try using it as an incentive like you suggested.
    I think part of it too is that he doesn't want to stop playing. And I am often at the end of my rope by bedtime, I don't have much energy left to make everything fun. Maybe I need some chocolate right before bedtime or something, haha.
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