High-Risk Pregnancy

thursday bedrest checkin

Good morning ladies! Thirsty thursday!

How did everyone sleep?

Milestones, appts, updates?

Qotd: what's your ideal date night with your SO?
BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
Its a surprise! Team green!

Re: thursday bedrest checkin

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    I slept ok. Just not long enough. Feel exhausted today.

    Saw mfm yesterday. Will be stopping my meds next week. He said I am not on bedrest anymore but don't go crazy. I am now on Heparin.

    I love going to downtown by our house where my favorite restaurant is and get dinner them walk around after, there are trails by a river I like to walk on.
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

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    hmmm..for Thirsty Thursday a Dr. Pepper pop over ice.  I don't drink pop but that sounds so good to me right now.  

    I slept like a rock, only up once and basically sleepwalking when I got up; every movement was so arduous and almost in slow motion.  I guess the later we get in pregnancy the more likely this is to happen!

    My ideal date night would be staying in.  This probably sounds lame but my favorite date nights are when we order in, make a fire, and drink a bottle of wine.  :)  Oh, the wine sounds so good to me today.  After being stuck in the house for close to 4 months I wouldn't mind a night out to do an activity or movie but usually staying in is what I prefer.  
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    Congrats on graduating bed rest @Roses!  :)  All of these big steps are signs that the end is near.  How exciting!  
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    @Roses-no more bed rest is so exciting!  And the prospect of not needing meds is equally exciting!
    @JandM-Wine or Dr. Pepper, you can't have both ;-)

    Slept badly last night, but I don't care because I was in my own bed :-)  Had a lot of contracting last night, but I think it was my body's adjustment to moving around a little bit.  After laying down all night, things were clam again this morning. 

    QOTD: I miss going out to dinner with my DH and spending hours just chatting without interruptions! 
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    Yay@roses for no bedrest! QOTD: dinner at a great restaurant amd some hotel therapy.
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    @Morgan-Fine, I'll settle for the wine then.  ;)
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    Thanks girls! Its kind of nerve racking though, and makes me nervous. I am still laying low till this weekend. Tomorrow is my husbands last day and he is off for two weeks. So I would hate for something to happen today or tomorrow. I have a feeling though it will be stopping the medication that puts me in labor. I missed a dose last week and contracted like crazy. So we will see. Although today i woke up with sinus pressure/ HA and just felt lousy. I had my dh take my pressure and it was a little elevated so when I went in for my NST (which my baby rocked out!!) I had them take my pressure again and it was still elevated. So my dr came in and talked to me and was going to send me to triage and then was like well lets check your urine and if there's protein send you and if there is not protein in your urine we will just draw labs here and will have them back tomorrow. So my urine was protein free and they drew the blood there. They also re took my pressure and it went down. I came home and took a nap and I feel better now. But my dr told me to go home and do nothing today anyways.

    I have a feeling its probably something with my sinus's because my ears are bothering me too and the pass few days I have had problems with needing my ears to pop. So who knows!

    I just want to enjoy my bedrest free time and have no more complications!!! FXed my labs will be normal tomorrow. I asked the nurse if she could call me either way just so I know. 
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

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