High-Risk Pregnancy

Abdomen and femur measuring behind

Anyone have any experience with the baby's abdomen and femurs measuring behind?  Overall, he's in the 17th percentile, but his abdomen is only in the 5th and his femurs are only in the first!  I haven't been diagnosed with IUGR since his average percentile is above the tenth, but those little femurs and stomach worry me.  This is one of those things that I probably shouldn't google because all kinds of stuff comes up about chromosomal issues and I had an amnio and there weren't any issues.

Maybe I'll just have a short, skinny baby and he'll catch up after he's born?

Re: Abdomen and femur measuring behind

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    I have experience, but I'm probably not a good person to respond bc my baby has a chromosomal disorder (T21). They are markers, but also just things that happen. If you have had an amnio then I wouldn't be concerned! He'll just be a little guy. :)
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    babylimas said:
    I have experience, but I'm probably not a good person to respond bc my baby has a chromosomal disorder (T21). They are markers, but also just things that happen. If you have had an amnio then I wouldn't be concerned! He'll just be a little guy. :)
    Thanks for responding.  It's ridiculous to think that my amnio could be wrong, right?
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    I understand being concerned about this size.  But I really think your amnio was correct, don't second guess the results!  You have the information to give you peace of mind about his chromosomes at least, so take what you can get.  ;)  Hopefully he'll have a great growth spurt and his little legs and belly will catch up!
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    I understand being concerned about this size.  But I really think your amnio was correct, don't second guess the results!  You have the information to give you peace of mind about his chromosomes at least, so take what you can get.  ;)  Hopefully he'll have a great growth spurt and his little legs and belly will catch up!
    Thank you.  That's exactly what my husband says.  
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