High-Risk Pregnancy

XP from Jan14: Asymmetrical IUGR

married2mattmarried2matt member
edited December 2013 in High-Risk Pregnancy
Hi...mainly lurker here, occasional responder, but never a post starter.

ETA: I'm 34 weeks, 5 days today.

I went into my OB Tuesday due to three days of menstrual cramps/back cramps and left being sent for a growth U/S after being told I had begun to dilate (no surprise since I have two active, elementary age kids).

I went today for the U/S and baby girl is measuring in the 4th percentile overall. However, her belly is measuring in the 1st percentile which means what nutrients she is getting from the placenta are going straight to her heart/brain instead of plumping her up; it's called asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction.

My OB has instructed that I have NSTs and BPP U/Ss twice a week until I deliver. They will induce me on 12/30 if they do not end up taking her before then. I've been put on modified bed rest and instructed to eat, eat, eat and drink, drink, drink. 

I was caught off guard w/ this news today. Has anyone experienced anything similar? When was your LO born? How big were they? How long did they stay in the hospital? How was the labor? 

I have to diligently do kick counts every two hours and call immediately if I have no decrease in movement. It's all so very stressful.  Meanwhile the back cramps continue.

I lost my Dad to cancer on 11/27 (2 weeks ago yesterday). I feel like the grief of that and with the stress of this news...well I'm just not handling it really well. I feel guilty that I can't give baby girl what she needs. 

Yesterday I was upset over the idea of possibly having to leave my baby at the hospital (even though I know that's the best place for her). In the middle of the night I woke up with the thought that maybe they should take her now. Maybe I should call our Pediatrician (who we love and have used with the older two) and talk to him, then call my OB and talk to them about my concerns. I know being stressed will only hurt her more in the long run but when I think of those percentile numbers 4th and 1st...she's starving in there. This all breaks my heart. Any thoughts?
Caedmon Cole 2/18/06, Savannah Lake 9/21/07, Baby Girl EDD 1/19/14

Re: XP from Jan14: Asymmetrical IUGR

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    I'm sorry you are going thru this... T&P as this is not something I have heard of before.
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    I'm in a very similar situation. My little one is in the 9th percentile and her tummy is measuring 32 weeks (I'm
    37 weeks) I have an induction scheduled for Wednesday so we don't know much more yet either but I have those same questions.
    I feel super guilty too like maybe there was something I could have done differently like take my prenatal vitamins sooner or eat more. I don't know. I know it's silly to think that way, but I just can't help but feel like my body is failing her...
    Hang in there. with medical technology today there is so much that they can do to help our little ones after they're born.
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    cukimerrydollcukimerrydoll member
    edited December 2013
    I suppose I don't have a ton of advice, as we're going through similar circumstances with our Twin B. We're only at 22 weeks, with A measuring in the 25th percentile, and B in the 2nd Percentile. I'm just petrified that we aren't to viability.
    I feel like I'm failing both of them: my body just doesn't get how to make placentas, and I hate that we may have to sacrifice one baby's well being to save the other. It's a Catch 22.
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    My daughter was IUGR and was in the 5% percenticle for weight, her belly was in the 1% percentile. Did they give you a weight estimate? I delivered shy of 37 weeks. She wasn't getting nutrients from the placenta but I still had good blood flow. From the placenta failing was how I developed severe pre-e. Be on the watch for symptoms. My daughter was born 5lbs 6 oz. She only had a NICU stay because she couldn't breathe on her own, it wasn't related to the IUGR. She spent 5 days in the NICU. The great news is that IUGR babies typically do exceptionally outside the womb growing and gaining weight.
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    lkm2006lkm2006 member
    edited December 2013
    My first was diagnosed with asymmetrical IUGR at 29 weeks. I had bi weekly BPPs until I was induced at 36 weeks. (I'm not sure if you know what is causing your lo's IUGR but mine was due to a placenta problem so I wasn't allowed to go over 36 weeks). I also had steroid shots, which I am so thankful for. I think they played a big part in how well my LO did after birth.

    I hadn't dilated at all so I had a long induction but it was successful and I had a healthy 5 pound 3 oz baby. He required no nicu time. Now he's a healthy 30 pound toddler! It blows my mind when I think about how small he was!

    Best of luck!


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    Aww I'm so sorry you are going trough all of that. My mom has breast cancer n lung cancer n lives 800 miles away . I will keep you n ur LO in my prayers.
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