Blended Families

Poll: Worst advice ever given.

So what was the worst advice ever given?

I got some doozies but the worst i have seen here was from a regular thats no longer here telling one of us that she needed to just hug and love her stepchild more and that would essentially fix him.
"he offered her the world. she said she had her own" - poet Monique Duval

Re: Poll: Worst advice ever given.

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    +just+j+ said:
    So what was the worst advice ever given? I got some doozies but the worst i have seen here was from a regular thats no longer here telling one of us that she needed to just hug and love her stepchild more and that would essentially fix him.

    Bahahahahaha and there goes water, spit all over my keyboard.  Again.

    Worst advice I was ever given (and she's still here but oh effing well) was that DH and I should essentially back off and let BM have K since you know, that's all she has and we have other children.  Another doozy?  That DH should always give BM a heads up and even ask permission for me to attend K's activities since BM has such a huge issue with me.  

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    Eww those are both really bad. 

    I guess it's not as bad as some but I was told if I moved to the US I would never get child support. The guy figured my ex actually payed it to begin with. 

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    Oh and another bad one (it was actually said in the same post as DH giving BM a heads up about me being at events): If DH was unable to make a performance or activity, then my kids and I had no business going and cheering on K.  Seriously.  So since DH you know, provides for his family and works 60 hours a week, if he has to miss events then me and the kids under no circumstances should go show our support for K.  Cuz you know, we don't actually matter.

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    GotGingy said:
    I was told that since I wasn't the mom, I should basically just sit back and let shit happen (as far as not enforcing rules/hygiene). Yeah, 'cause that's possible when her mom is a POS and her dad works all the damn time. Guess I'll just let her be filthy and hateful.

    Well maybe she likes being filthy and hateful.  Sheesh....  

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    GotGingy said:
    I was told that since I wasn't the mom, I should basically just sit back and let shit happen (as far as not enforcing rules/hygiene). Yeah, 'cause that's possible when her mom is a POS and her dad works all the damn time. Guess I'll just let her be filthy and hateful.
    A SP trying to PARENT?!?! That's crazy talk!

    FFS, it's called stepPARENT for a flipping reason.
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    The worst advice I ever got was sadly from my dad. I had told him about some issues my (at the time) 12yo SD was having. My dad's advice was that she's not my problem, and let BM and DH worry about it. What's sad to me is that he's made that comment several times, that SD isn't my problem.
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