High-Risk Pregnancy

Could something be wrong with my baby?

I had an appointment today, and was told I should be at 7w2d, according to my last period. Doc said my baby was measuring at 5w. My hCG levels are rising, but not doubling like my doctor wants them to. I was also told that I have a cyst on my right ovary. Is there something wrong with my baby, or is it possible that they could have just dated me wrong? Have any of you had this happen before?

Re: Could something be wrong with my baby?

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    Do you know when you ovulated?  If not, it's really hard to say how far along you are.  You can only accurately go by your LMP if you know you ovulated on or very close to CD14.  The HCG levels could be an issue because even if you are only 5 weeks, they should be increasing a good amount with each draw.  There are claculators you can google and input your betas and it will tell you your doubling time and how that falls in regards to being on track.

    Other than that, sadly it's just a waiting game.  Do you have another ultrasound scheduled?  If so, that will tell you if there has been any growth, if there is a HB, etc.  I'm sorry you're going through this, FX your dates are just off and everything is fine.

    Lilypie - (fm2j)

    Lilypie - (YesX)

     My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks.  Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!


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