May 2014 Moms

It finally happened.

I had quite the embarrassing display of ugly crying last night. My DH turned on War Horse for us to watch. Bad. Idea. I immediately started crying during the plow scene. Then proceeded to bawl and ask him to turn it off when the horse gets sold off to war. My goodness, hormones!

Re: It finally happened.

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    Haha I know the feeling.  Weeks ago I was watching The Simpsons- the freaking Simpsons!- with my husband, and ended up bawling.  We don't even attempt anything emotional these days.
    Met my soul mate October 2011 ~ Married August 2012


    BFP September 2013 ~ Our baby boy is due May 2014

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    Haha! My secret pregnant behavior is watching "one born every minute" before DH gets home and bawling like a baby when the baby finally gets delivered! Hormones rock!
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    I love that movie! But I always cry during it pregnant or not. I have been super emotional about little things, I think hormones and husbands upcoming deployment are just enhancing everything
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    My rule is "no animal movies during pregnancy" for exactly this reason! I would have been a mess.
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    DS - 2 years old
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    I don't think it helped I recently stopped riding for the rest of my pregnancy. I made it like twenty minutes in. I was inconsolable. Lesson learned!
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    watched Marley and Me last night.  Husband and I both were crying; he has sympathy hormones as neither one of us cry easily.  Geesh.
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    Last weekend that commercial came on that is like… a young guy's mom texts him and says his dog isn't doing well and then he uses google maps to find out which bus or subway or something can get him home.  I've seen it a bunch of times, but for some reason that time I burst into tears.  At least I was home by myself, haha.
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    Hahah aww! I cried this weekend when I was telling my husband why the smell of cigar smoke all of a sudden really bothers me. (We were at a Christmas party where some of the guys had gone outside and smoked and the smell was SO awful that it made me sick when they came back in).

    He goes, "Are you crying??"

    I said, "Yeah but I don't really know why"
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    Never watch a movie about a horse or a dog when you're pregnant. Or any other time, for that matter.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

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    I can't even make it through 90% of the holiday commercials on TV. My DH and FIL are constantly razing me and telling me to turn off the tv.

    And don't get me started on the March of Dimes or st.Jude's Children hospital commercials! I turn into a complete blithering mess of tears and snot!


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    @hatrats that commercial makes me so sad!!
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    Omg I watched War Horse when I wasn't pregnant and ugly cried all the way through it ( and vowed to never watch it again ) I couldn't imagine watching it now !! You are a better woman than I for that lol
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    I've gotten into fits of laughter for no reason and sometimes at inappropriate times. My DH was watching the Ken Burns doc. Civil War, and I was hysterically laughing throughout it! There was no reason for it, yet I found it funny. My DH told my Dad that I wish for another Civil War to happen because the last one was so funny.... I don't of course!
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