June 2014 Moms

Names are hard...

My husband and I cannot come up with anything we really like... especially for a girl.  Finally, we found a boy name we both loved and H's bitchy cousin named her new dog that exact name 2 days ago. I don't really care, it doesn't bother me... But H has grown up with cousin always making a huge fuss out of EVERYTHING.  He says she will say something every time we see her. 

I'm going to be one of those mom's that finally just has to choose a name when we leave the hospital...  
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Re: Names are hard...

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    My Grandma sent me a name book with supposedly 60,000 names in it, maybe you should get one to peruse for new ideas.
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    What's the name?

    I'm praying that this little one is a boy. Finding a girl name is going to cause a divorce. :) Girl names are so hard. Good luck!
     TTC#1 Since April 2011 
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    We didn't name our DD until the last night we were in the hospital.  It was stressful and we had a list.   We have a boy named picked but are at a loss for girls names again . . . and the book didn't help us at all.
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    Yeah, we have gone through books and websites... I feel like I just dislike everything.  The boy name we liked was Henry... 
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    I really like nymbler.com - you can like and dislike names, and it cycles through similar names to help you find new ones.  It's a little easier than starting with "A" and going through "Aaden, Aaron, etc" to find any you might like.

    Anything you can do to narrow the list is great.  If you're into literature, look for literary names.  History?  Look up historical names.  Or just go to nymbler and see what you like and dislike and see what it suggests.  Good luck.
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    Yes it is so hard and we have to come up with TWO names. We finally decided on some names and then I googled searched it and it is a porn star name  @-). Ugh.



    9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU                                                                                                                                    
    Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w



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    DH came up with our boy name and I came up with our girl name for DD. I didn't like our boy name, but by the time I gave birth I was really bummed we didn't get to use it. It grew on me. So I would say make a list and sit on it a while. You may feel differently in a few months.
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    Georgia 3/15/2012 Matilda 6/12/2014 TWINS!! Babies 3&4 EDD 11/22/2016
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    My girlfriend has a cousin who has named three of her kids after my friend's pets. LOL!
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    We also are not talking about it anymore until we find out in January.  We can't decide on anything.  It's really annoying.

    I did buy a baby name book to put under the tree from "Santa". 


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    We also aren't worrying about names until we know what we're having. We gave a boy name from last time, so really we're waiting to see if we even need to discuss girl names. Girl names are by far the hardest, IMO. Good luck!
    DS 5 years old
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    xnbride said:

    Yes it is so hard and we have to come up with TWO names. We finally decided on some names and then I googled searched it and it is a porn star name  @-). Ugh.

    Yes! I am so stressed about this. We know one is a girl so I guess I'll start there and try to come up with both girl and boy names to go with it

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    SarahS11 said:

    Yeah, we have gone through books and websites... I feel like I just dislike everything.  The boy name we liked was Henry... 

    I have a Henry! I love, love the name :) I say use it anyways.
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    I think we finally have a boy and girl name that we both love and agree on. We've been arguing back and forth for weeks over this! haha
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    Emery Elizabeth
    Due Date: June 5, 2014

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    I don't have any advice but my hubby and I are in the same boat. If it's a girl, I'm just going to have to stop pushing until he lets me pick one. We can't agree on ANYTHING.
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    Yeah, we have gone through books and websites... I feel like I just dislike everything.  The boy name we liked was Henry... 
    I have a Henry! I love, love the name :) I say use it anyways.
    I have a Henry too! :) Love the name! 
    "Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name"


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