June 2014 Moms

Overwhelmed by registry

It's hard enough trying to figure out what this kiddo will need as a FTM who has ZERO clue what she is doing, but the added issue of HUGE price differences is killing me. Just saw the stroller system we registered for at BABYs R Us almost $70 cheaper at Walmart.com. How is it a $70 difference, it is the EXACT same system??!! Anyone have tips or tricks about the registry?
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
June '14 September Siggy challenge- Favorite things about fall

Re: Overwhelmed by registry

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    I have no advice, but am in the same boat as you!  Will be watching this
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I was really over whelmed with my registry when I was pregnant with DD, then frustrated because 5 months later, when she was born, tons of the stuff I has spent time and energy deciding on were no longer available.

    I suggest spending quite a bit of time at the store trying out he products. Put something that weighs 10-15 lbs in the bucket seat and carry it around for a while. You'll be surprised how uncomfortable some of those handles are. Similar sea dor strollers. Go to some of the specialty baby store, even if you can't afford to actually buy there. Their staff will be so much more knowledgeable and helpful then those at babies r us, etc. Then feel free to go make your online, or where ever registry. Talk to other moms in your area, who like similar activities to you. What kind of stroller will be best depends in part on where and what season you'll be walking.

    And don't rush it. Wait to buy things like car seats until closer to the end to maximize their life (5 years on average, from manufacture). And watch for sales. I've picked up both DD's car seats (her bucket and her convertable) at great discounts. Especially babies r us tend to always have a car seat/stroller/pack n play/ high chair/etc on sale, they just alternate which. Once you know which you want, keep watch.

    Good luck.
    PgAL (MC@7w 29/10/11 - lost you before we knew we had you)
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    I hear you loud and clear! Several friends just recommended Baby Bargains (the book and website) to me, and I'm a new convert! Definitely pick yourself up a copy.

    My plan is to select a few of each of their categories (stroller, crib, mattress, etc.) then go try those out - choosing between three carefully selected and vetted items is way easier than 300!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    I did myregistery.com. You can add from any website.

    I have no idea either what I will need. I have a friend that has two little ones. She offered to g
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    To go to the store and help me pick out things!
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    I hear you loud and clear! Several friends just recommended Baby Bargains (the book and website) to me, and I'm a new convert! Definitely pick yourself up a copy.

    My plan is to select a few of each of their categories (stroller, crib, mattress, etc.) then go try those out - choosing between three carefully selected and vetted items is way easier than 300!
    THIS!  I have the book and have just recently started going through the stroller section - it's definitely helpful and I'm planning to do the same thing by picking out 2 or 3 then testing them in store.  The key is actually testing the products, especially if you yourself are not of "average" size.  For example, strollers are actually made for average height women (approx 5'6), so if you're taller like I am a lot of strollers may have you hunching and that will get uncomfortable and is just bad for your posture - this is important for DH, too, since he'll be pushing it sometimes.  The book also recommends ways to try products out (e.g. bringing a book bag full of books to simulate the weight of a baby since things work and move differently when they have weight in them vs. being empty.)  But most importantly it's such a fun time in our lives, so just try to relax and enjoy the experience! :-)
    Me 31 ~ DH 30
    IVF/FET #1 - BFP!!
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    the babies r us registry website has a "check list" that I've found helpful in terms of what exactly I should be registering for.  As for prices, I am going to complete the registry at BRU and then open one at target/walmart and just compare prices, and register there for things that are drastically cheaper (then delete it from the BRU registry).



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    If you haven't already, I recommend talking with a few moms you trust regarding what you really need. I registered for a ton of stuff for DD and a lot of things I didn't use!


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    One of my co-workers recommended Lucie's List:  https://www.lucieslist.com
    This mom reviews different baby items and also puts the best ones from least to most expensive.  My co-worker said she basically built her entire registry around the list...I probably will too!
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