March 2014 Moms

What do y'all take for migraines?? *update*

SomersIslesSomersIsles member
edited December 2013 in March 2014 Moms
I've had enough of these. I'm taking my snack break at school, with 10 year olds who could care less about my pounding headache, trying to think of what I can take instead of Tylenol.

I called my doctor and she just said try Tylenol and a coffee. Been there, done that, not working. Anybody taking something that is more effective that I could mention to my doctor?

I've had this migraine since last night and I'm getting auras now I think (looks like I stared at the sun for way too long and I can't blink away the white spot that keeps interfering with my vision...). This is becoming an almost every other day thing. Ugh.

Today is going to be a whiney day.

Re: What do y'all take for migraines?? *update*

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    edited December 2013
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    The only thing I've been able to do for mine during this pregnancy is massage therapy.  It doesn't even fully alleviate the pain (thanks migraines, you are just delightful) but makes it so I can function rather than just lay on the couch/bed and do nothing.  Wish I could be more help :-/
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    NickiechanNickiechan member
    edited December 2013
    I'm sorry that Tylenol isn't working. My neurologist gave me Oxycodone to take ONLY if I have a very bad attack. Only had to take it once so far. I have chronic migrines and typically on a preventive(epilepsy medication) which is unsafe for pregnancy. I would speak with your OB/Midwife about the horrilbe migraines to see what they can give you. If they do give you something harder like narcotic, please remember that only take them if it is insufferable since it can make the baby dependent and the baby maybe addicted once birth. Thankfully my are hormonal and only get a couple during this pregnancy... once being very bad.

    Lavender oils, Chiropractic/massage care...
    Proud Cloth Diapering, Babywearing Mommy to Desmond (5.30.2011) and Evangeline (2.26.2014)
    Loving wife, best friend and teammate to Babywearing Daddy, Kelly (7.27.2000)

    Volunteer Babywearing Educator at Babywearing International of South Central Pennsylvania 
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    excedrin...but my dr prescribed me butal for them now because it was taking me so long to get over them. 
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    Rapid release Tylenol and a nap sometimes helps
    Bubba, born Jan. 2007 * Sissy, born Apr. 2009 * Baby Sister, born Feb. 2014
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    ugh sorry you are going through this. I could only take tylenol and caffeine, which I agree does almost nothing. I went to a chiropractor and had my neck and upper back routinely adjusted for about a month and my headaches/migraines went completely away. I had gotten all out of whack due to the vomiting and a horseback riding injury about a year ago apparently. It may not fix yours, but I thank goodness I found one that was specially trained for prenatal.
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    Cup if coffee, Tylenol and a nap.

    It sucks. I miss Excedrine migraine something fierce.
    baby boy: 3.19.2014
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    I am not sure if this would work for migraines, but I had a few 2-3 day debilitating headaches earlier in pregnancy and drinking Gatorade is the only thing that helped. Tylenol and caffeine did nothing.
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    I'll definitely try the gatorade. Unfortunately I can't blame the migraine on something simple like dehydration... I've been obsessed with drinking water lately and i'm peeing all day every day and it's practically clear.

    A friend of mine said her OB at a different office in the past recommended fioricet... I'm reading a lot of mixed reviews. Maybe i'll inquire about that...

    It needs to be 3:30 now.... I need my bed. How many pity party whine all day passes do we get as pregos? Whatever it is, like I said earlier, i'm redeeming one now. I hate migraines.
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    Oxycodone is the safest pain relief during pregnancy. I have chronic migraines and took it throughout all my pregnancies except for this one (my choice to get off that medication that I was on for 5 years). Other than that there's really not much else you can do. I'm sorry but drink lots of water, have at least 2 caffeinated beverages a day and rest in a dark room. Tylenol doesn't do much, aspirin is not for immediate pain relief and ibuprofen is prohibited in the 3rd trimester. Sorry I hope you feel better!
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    My doctor has given me two medicaitons tylenol with codeine and a nose spray pain reliever, she said to take either with a full phenagran and go to bed, works about 85 percent of the time. I was on two different med's before pregnancy and they know, a real migraine can't be helped with anything OTC. When I am at work and it's too much I just take the tylenol with codeine and it takes the edge off if not away.
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    I too have taken hydrocodone /sp? for migrain during pregnancy. Sure don't like to, but vomiting, not being able to stand/open eyes, etc is Not conducive for daily life. 
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    Exedrin Migraine is the only thing that ever works for me....unfortunately its a big no-no...No NSAIDs while pregnant. So, I take 1500mg tylenol and drink a cup of coffee - its not nearly enough, but we are very limited on our options. 
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    snow527 said:
    excedrin...but my dr prescribed me butal for them now because it was taking me so long to get over them. 
    I would definitely check with your OB before taking excedrin. It contains aspirin which is a category D med in pregnancy.
    This. No aspirin products. I would check with your OB. Aspirin products are linked to premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in LO's heart. 
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    Maybe I'm a terrible mother but I've continued to take my prescription migraine medicine, Maxalt, at the OK of my OB.  I had some really severe migraines in the first tri but fortunately they've calmed down and I haven't had to take it in a while though.  Works for me 99.99999% of the time within 30-60 minutes.  I was definitely much more concerned about taking it during pregnancy than my OB was.  He wasn't concerned at all.
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    my migraines are terrible. i am doing acupuncture, chiro and laying in the dark with a cold pack on my head.i am sorry

    Married 11/27/09 and TTC right away
    Dx: Complete septate uterus with cervical duplication, endometrial polyps, PCOS, endometriosis, hypo thyroid, luteal phase defect
    4 uterus surgeries to correct my complete septum and to remove polyps and 2 years of seeing the RE, medicated cycles and IUIs
    Baby 1 and 2: BFP 3/3/11 with 2 babies EDD 11/1/11, M/C 4/6/11
    Baby #3: 8/11 pregnant EDD 4/27/11 and m/c:(
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    Baby #5: 3/13/12 BFP! EDD 11/25/12 ANOTHER m/c :(

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    Baby #8.  BFP 5/19/13 EDD 1/22/14. 8 was not our lucky number

    4th septum resection on 5/31/13.
    Baby #9: 6/29/13 BFP. C section scheduled for March 5th!

    My miracle baby was born March 5 at 9:33am. He was 8 lbs 12.5 oz and 21.25 inches long!


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    K.... OB said I'm pretty much SOL with meds but said to call my primary care doctor.... So I did and now they're telling me to go to the ER?? Why would I need to do that??
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    My OB gave me percocet for when they get really bad and unbearable. I also found the chiropractor helps a ton! Furocet (sp?) can be taken while pregnant. It doesn't help me personally but I know it helps a lot of people.

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    Yikes RE: the ER.  Hope everything is OK.  I have nothing to add that hasn't been said.  I suffered a lot early on, but have been OK in recent weeks.  Just wanted to say I hope you find relief stat.
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    Butal is what was prescribed for me. I had a headache that lasted 4 days though. :((

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    Sex usually works and it's all natural! May not be in the mood but it's worth a try, works for me :)
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    My OB gave me the okay to take excedrin if I absolutely need to. Just make sure you talk to your ob and follow their instructions
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    Sounds like it could be an ocular migraine ( My friend kept having these when she was on hormonal birth control and also with both pregnancies. Her doctors said the change in hormones were the cause for her. 

    I hope your pain is gone now!
    DS born 12/2011
    DD born 03/2014

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