June 2014 Moms

Bump.com posts contradicting headlines about safety of Tylenol to drive traffic to article.

Aside from the sketchy (at best) research, it's this kind of fear mongering BS that REALLY pisses me off.  This is just as bad as the lead-ins to the 10 o'clock news "Is your pilot DRUNK??!?!?!?" Find out at 10!! (only to watch at ten and find out no.. he is most certainly not drunk).

Posting a link that states clearly "Tylenol's not safe for Moms-to-be" that links to an article titled "Tylenol's safe for moms-to-be..." is a clear traffic driving technique that could very possible adversely effect the health of a pregnant reader, not to mention cause them undue stress.  Opinions are one thing, but knowingly posting false facts to drive traffic to an article is just infuriatingly inexcusable in my book.

If you want to post your unverified, single study that flies in the face of decades of research...fine.  But do NOT pull this "It's NOT safe!!! Oh NOOOO!!!" "Oh...wait...it's totally safe guys!" bull.  UGH!




Re: Bump.com posts contradicting headlines about safety of Tylenol to drive traffic to article.

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    I would hope pregnant women would consult their OB or healthcare provider, but the sad truth is way too many women take what they read online as gospel. Tylenol is safe if you take it as directed and don't overdose on it. It's the only OTC pain med I can take, I took it throughout pregnancy with DD and have taken it this time and there has never been a problem.

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    Exactly.  Honestly, I feel that when you have the attention of millions of pregnant women, you have the intrinsic responsibility to only post the very best research, but that's my opinion and this is not my website.  I just can't believe they would go so far as to post an attention-grabber like this, which they clearly contradict with the headline of the very article it links to.  Just blows my mind.  They would have gotten the same or similar amounts of clicks with a headline like "New research questions safety of Tylenol" or something similar...but they instead chose to go with "Tylenol is not safe". 



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    Studies have shown that pregnant mothers to be that have taken 28 or more doses of Tylenol have been link to autism and other problems
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    Yet another example of how irresponsible headlines and sound bites can lead certain people down the road of misinformation and fear creation



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    I had one person tell me I shouldn't pump my own gas today. I just can't with some of these people.



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    I actually just listened to a podcast (This American Life) about the dangers of Tylenol when taken in larger amounts than directed. They spent the first 1/2 discussing stats and then interviewed a mom whose 5 month old daughter died after being prescribed 1 tsp of children's Tylenol every. 4-6 hours and she gave her DD 1 tsp of infant Tylenol (the Dr never specified which kind of Tylenol and infant Tylenol was 3 times more potent than children's Tylenol) I was bawling through the whole story.. However they were very clear that Tylenol is completely safe if taken as directed but it is easy to over dose on if you exceed the suggested amount. I guess it's the acetaminophen that's dangerous and can harm your liver. I had no idea. The whole thing was interesting and informative.

    FYI- Apparently, they no longer have the stronger dosage for infant Tylenol.
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    I actually just listened to a podcast (This American Life) about the dangers of Tylenol when taken in larger amounts than directed. They spent the first 1/2 discussing stats and then interviewed a mom whose 5 month old daughter died after being prescribed 1 tsp of children's Tylenol every. 4-6 hours and she gave her DD 1 tsp of infant Tylenol (the Dr never specified which kind of Tylenol and infant Tylenol was 3 times more potent than children's Tylenol) I was bawling through the whole story.. However they were very clear that Tylenol is completely safe if taken as directed but it is easy to over dose on if you exceed the suggested amount. I guess it's the acetaminophen that's dangerous and can harm your liver. I had no idea. The whole thing was interesting and informative. FYI- Apparently, they no longer have the stronger dosage for infant Tylenol.
    I have this podcast to listen to and I've been hesitant just because I KNOW it's safe to take the proper Tylenol dosage as directed, but I'm such a freak I'm worried it'll scare me away from it. But, I've heard this is a great episode!! 
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    Luna C said:
    A) It's 28 days not doses. B) correlation is not causation. Any link between autism and use of Tylenol -- if it's eventually proven -- could be that whatever is causing women to need that much Tylenol is also increasing the risk of autism. People need to learn how to interpret these studies better.
    Does anyone have a link to any of these studies?  I have a killer headache, and I remembered this post before I grabbed my tylenol.  I'm not overly concerned - I take tylenol (1 dose) maybe once a week on average, so I'm sure I'm just fine, but this made me curious.  I'd like to learn more (preferably from a reliable source - the quick searches I've done haven't really found those for me).
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    Luna CLuna C member
    edited December 2013
    Luna C said:
    A) It's 28 days not doses. B) correlation is not causation. Any link between autism and use of Tylenol -- if it's eventually proven -- could be that whatever is causing women to need that much Tylenol is also increasing the risk of autism. People need to learn how to interpret these studies better.
    Does anyone have a link to any of these studies?  I have a killer headache, and I remembered this post before I grabbed my tylenol.  I'm not overly concerned - I take tylenol (1 dose) maybe once a week on average, so I'm sure I'm just fine, but this made me curious.  I'd like to learn more (preferably from a reliable source - the quick searches I've done haven't really found those for me).

    I don't have the links handy -- I happen to remember the study because I recently looked it up as a double check when my doc advised me to take Tylenol for a back problem.

    The study was pretty tenuous. They found a possible link to increasedTylenol use and an increased risk of autism. It wasn't like once you pop a pill on the 28th day your kid is doomed. I'm sure some of the women in the "28 days or more group" were using it for months on end. They didn't make a distinction between the two. Nor did they make a distinction between someone who takes it every day for over a month and somone who takes it once a week for 7 months. Both things matter.

    My advice is to take your doctor-advised Tylenol and don't worry about it. :) The stress of dealing with pain and inflammation isn't good for your baby either.


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