June 2014 Moms

You're at the OB, knees splayed, feet in the stirrups...

edited December 2013 in June 2014 Moms
Are your feet...

Due June 6th, 2014

photo 41e3ba00-bd4c-47ca-9942-1eb362a1242a_zpseeedb954.jpg

You're at the OB, knees splayed, feet in the stirrups... 255 votes

78% 201 votes
21% 54 votes

Re: You're at the OB, knees splayed, feet in the stirrups...

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    LegalLadyBugLegalLadyBug member
    edited December 2013
    I voted socks but it depends on where you live. With DD I was in SoCal so sometimes I had flip flops on when going to see the OB. Now it's winter in the northeast and I definitely have socks on and I don't see the point in taking them off

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    Depends on what kind of shoes I'm wearing... If I have socks on, I obviously leave them on.

    Married 8.1.2010
    DD #1: Arrived 10.7.2011
    TTC #2 Since March 2013
    BFP 5.20.2013, EDD 1.26.2014, natural mc @ 5 wks 5.25.2013
    BFP 6.21.2013, EDD 3.14.2014, Twins - missed mc @ 7w6d, D&C 8.6.2013
    BFP 10.7.2013, EDD June 20 2014 - It's a GIRL!   

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    Socks for sure- I feel like a nerd but remember that she is looking at my who-ha so prob isn't too concerned about what's happenin on my feet... Just sayin:)
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    I voted socks on. But socks off in the summer because I'm always wearing flip flops.
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    I'm always cold so socks. I love when they have the heated stirrups!
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    Socks winter or summer. I don't want my bare feet touching those things! I say that about tile floors too.

    DD born on 11/10/2007
    TTC Sept-Nov 2012
    BFP on 10/25/2012 CP 11/1/2012
    Back on BCP
    BFP on 10/13/2013 EDD June 26, 2014 
    Little Girl went to Heaven on January 26, 2014 @ 18 weeks
    TTCAL March 2014-Present
    BFP on 6/20/2014 Blighted Ovum
    BFP on 8/31/2014 It's a GIRL!  EDD May 18, 2015
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    Socks.  I get cold easy and doctors offices are always cold.  Even if Im wearing sandals I carry a pair of socks with me. 
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    I take my socks off every time! I never even thought about it until now--I am just never waist-down naked with socks on, so I take them off. I'm surprised to be a minority!


    "And all the house elves came to help, and THAT was the day Voldemort was defeated!"

    Zoe Johannah, born 6/3/2014 


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    In the winter, socks on. In the summer, probably barefoot as I spend most of the warmer months in flip flops.

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    Update: I was so surprised that I just explained this poll to DH. He was like "um, I'd leave my socks on. You're such a weirdo."

    ...So, he's with you guys.


    "And all the house elves came to help, and THAT was the day Voldemort was defeated!"

    Zoe Johannah, born 6/3/2014 


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    I keep my socks on. My last exam the doctor did a pelvic exam and my legs were still super hairy. I was wearing knee high socks under my boots.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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    I wear knee high socks so I don't feel like I'm so naked and exposed. Plus it is ALWAYS cold!
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    This time of year I don't waste money on pedis so socks, don't wanna be showing off my trailer park toes! But when it's nice enough for open toed shoes and I've had a pedi ill go sock less
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


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    I like to keep my socks on. It somehow makes me feel like I'm not completely naked and mortified lol. Plus its always cold in there!
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    No socks for me. I'm in sandals unless it's raining. And even then... I hate socks. I feel so restricted!
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    No socks for me... I feel weird being naked with just socks on lol!!
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    I typically leave my socks on, unless I'm in flip flops. However when I was at the OB last week I took them off because I realized I had two totally different socks on and I didn't want the OB to notice...
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    One time I was unsocked and my OB said, "You deserve a pedicure. Why not treat yourself?"

    My feet are permanently nasty and even one day after a pedicure they look horrific again.
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    I leave on socks but roll them down. Also I take off knee highs if I'm wearing them. Very specific is my footwear shame.



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    SoCal here. I don't wear socks!!
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    No socks!  If I'm naked, I'm naked.
    June '14 June Siggy "Summer Heat"
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    I voted unsocked only because living in Hawaii, I never wear socks. But I do appreciate when the stirrups are socked!
    Kailua, HI

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    I voted socked but if you asked me before DD I'd probably say unsocked but know I could care less at the doc office if my socks are on or if I shave lol!
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    Socks!! (But thats an ALWAYS for me) I get cold sores on my bottom lip if my feet touch anything barefoot to a cold surface.

    I just make sure they are cute and festive socks haha =]
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    Always socks. Even in the summer when I wear flip flops, I would wear socks and sneakers on a day I had a visit to the doctor.  It somehow makes me feel less vulnerable when my legs are up and spread for a doctor.
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    If I'm wearing socks I cannot stand taking them off and then putting them back on! I'm not a sweater, even in the outrageous Chicago summer heat I don't sweat much, but I always feel like I'm putting on sweaty socks if I've just taken them off. So gross.
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    No socks.  The only shoes I wear socks with are my boots, and if I know I have to de-pants myself, I wouldn't wear boots that day anyways (too much of a PITA).  I'm strictly sandal in the summer and mostly ballet flat in the winter...I hate wearing socks.
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    With all I have on my plate I don't have time for a pedicure soooo socks for me
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    No socks in the summer, but always socks in cold weather. And knee-high socks if I haven't shaved that day :P


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    After 3 failed Clomid+TI cycles, DD was conceived with IUI#1

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    Clomid 50 mg + IUI#1  = BFP, m/c and D&C at 7w1d

    Clomid 50mg + IUI#2 = BFN

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    Lupron + Follistim + IVF#1 = 11ER, 10M, 10F, ET of 1 expanded BBA 5-day blast, 2 Frosties. BFP! Beta 10/13 = 264! Beta 10/15 = 702! EDD 6/21/14

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    Even if I'm not wearing socks that day, I bring some with me so I'm not cold! I did that for all of my IVF monitoring appointments too.
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    Always socked. Even on a summer day where I'm wearing flip flops, I will bring a pair of socks with me, just for the exam. I don't like my bare feet touching things that other people's bare feet have touched.

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