August 2011 Moms

AW: life just got more expensive...(xp)

So I took DD1 to my neices State Cheer Championship. (They won!) When we walked in and saw the cheerleaders doing routines, Lily's mouth hit the fllor and she started jumping up and down clapping and laughing. After everything was over, we went down and saw my neice (Tiff) who did a lift with her partner. Well, Lily then proceeded to try to climb Tiff like a ladder to do her own lift. So Tiff called a few girls over and did this: 

She loved it! Tiff then did a little tumbling to show off and Lily kept trying to mimic her. The funniest cartwheels ever! Oh! And she kept trying to make off with the trophy saying "Mine! I did good, momma!"

I texted the pic to hubby and said "Your life just got way more expensive."

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