Blended Families

Someone please make me feel better

DH & I got the BFP a couple weeks ago, which means we'll have a 3rd LO in probably July. We knew we wanted a 3rd, I just didn't think it would happen this quickly, and now I'm kind of really freaking out. We're going to have 2u2! We're going to have 3 kids! :O

Someone with 3+ kids chime in and tell me it's really not that hard, that it will be great, blah blah blah.

Christmas cookies for you if you're successful at it ;)

Re: Someone please make me feel better

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    Those cookies look tasty. My SDs are way older than DS so not 2u2 but I love when everyones all together. Its hectic and crazy but I have a cozy big family when they're all together.

    I think the important thing is to set limits and stick to them hardcore. DH let's the girls stay up late a lot and I NEED them to go to bed consistently so i can get some peace and quiet.
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    Congratulations. I found going from 1 to 2 was harder then 2-3. 

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    We now have 4 kids in our house: DS(14), DD(10), K(7) and PJ(1).  I can honestly tell you that it is not as bad as I thought it would be.  Granted, I don't have 2u2 so I can't speak on that part.  DS was 4 when DD was born, and it was nice that he was pretty self sufficient at that point (could grab his own snacks, was potty trained, could grab water, etc) so I wasn't having to dote on him 24/7.  Plus he wanted to help with diapers and feedings and stuff.

    Just like @CurlyQ284 said, it's cozy chaos when we're all together.  There are times I'm totally stressed and frazzled, but then there are times when I'm sitting on the couch watching all 3 older kids read to PJ and play with her and I think, "Huh.  We TOTALLY did this!".

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    Congratulations!!! I noticed your new July 2014 siggy badge just a few minutes ago, that's so exciting! I totally feel you on the "what have we done" is scary when you feel like you've set yourself on a path that you can't get off now, even if you change your mind! But what you're feeling is so totally normal, and you have nine months to  prepare and get used to the idea of a new addition. Give yourself time and allow yourself to be scared!

    I went from 1 to 3 when we blended our families, and yowza, that was hard. But like @dannie2011 says, going from 1 to a larger number is a lot more of a jump than going from 2-3 or 3-4. We won't have 2 under 2, but we will have a 10 year-old with Asperger's, an 8 year-old, and a 5 year-old starting kindergarten just after this baby is born. And they're ALL BOYS. Hm, not sure how that's supposed to make you feel better... 

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    I loved having three. I can't imagine only having two, it would be so boring! And now that they're older they're all so close, they're always texting eachother and snap chatting. When they were little it could be crazy sometimes, and loud a lot of the time, but it was never something we couldn't handle. I'd love to have a few more, but not sure that's in the cards for dh and I. 
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    I will make you feel better. My grandparents both raised ten kids. They all survived.

    You will be fine!
    "he offered her the world. she said she had her own" - poet Monique Duval
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    I have made it clear to DH that I want a third child but not yet. I couldn't do 2u2, although with DS turning 4, I'm kind of chomping at the bit.

    Unfortunately, DH has made himself perfectly clear he wants no more children. Ever. It's killing me.

    Have your freak out. And then count your blessings. All three of them!
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    ten kids?! Wow, no way. 

    Oh and also - I was perfectly happy thinking adding #2 would be no problem - you guys have totally shattered my confidence!!!
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    KTdidit said:
    ten kids?! Wow, no way. 

    Oh and also - I was perfectly happy thinking adding #2 would be no problem - you guys have totally shattered my confidence!!!
    You'll be fine. 3.5 year is a good age gap, especially since DS can be pretty self sufficient. He can use the restroom on his own, he can get a simple snack on his own, he can play on his own, etc. DS is 4 years older than DD and I think the age gap is wonderful :).
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    KTdidit said:

    ten kids?! Wow, no way. 

    Oh and also - I was perfectly happy thinking adding #2 would be no problem - you guys have totally shattered my confidence!!!
    SD was 3.5 when DS was born. It was perfect. I had always wanted them farther apart (my brother and I are 8.5 yrs apart) but now I'm not sui sure I want to wait that long before the next one, if I can ever get DH to come around on that subject.
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    ambrvan said:
    ten kids?! Wow, no way. 

    Oh and also - I was perfectly happy thinking adding #2 would be no problem - you guys have totally shattered my confidence!!!
    SD was 3.5 when DS was born. It was perfect. I had always wanted them farther apart (my brother and I are 8.5 yrs apart) but now I'm not sui sure I want to wait that long before the next one, if I can ever get DH to come around on that subject.
    You could always tell him you're ditching the BC and refuse to have sex with protection ;).

    Kidding, kidding! Hopefully DH will come around. My mom still wishes they would have had a 4th.
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    Lol if he doesn't come around that may become an option!

    I did get the Mirena this year to give him some peace of mind and to keep me from making any unplanned decisions. And so that if I ever do unexpectedly come up pregnant he can't say I lied or tricked him. Lol

    He just doesn't understand. I want to have the opportunity to have that planned pregnancy and actually enjoy and feel secure in it and not be worried about how everything is going to work out, how will we afford it, whether or not we will stay together, whether, how to balance work and motherhood and whether or not to give up college dreams, etc. And honestly, one of my biggest things is wanting to decorate a nursery. I never had one with DS. The fire of us were squeezed into two rooms total for the first month and then into a 600 square foot apartment where they shared a room.

    I want to pick out baby stuff so bad I can't even stand to go to Wal-Mart because I always pass the baby section! And everyone around me keeps getting pregnant. I'm starting to get awfully antsy and bitter about having to wait, kind of how I feel about buying a house. But at least I knew s house is in the future. Another baby might not be.
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    DH almost had 3u3. SD is 3yr3mths older than youngest SS. When we got together we had a 5, 4, almost 3, and 14 mth olds. So 4 kids 5 and under. It wasn't too horrible but I'm glad we are long past the toddler/preschool stage with them. Adding DS was like a cake walk!

    My mom is one of 7 kids. DH's dad is one of 6 kids. DH and I were both the 4th/last kid in our families. So we are use to big families.

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    While I do not have 2u2, my husband was one of 8 kids and because the oldest(s) of them had their kids while they lived at home he was raised with about 12 kids in the house as some of his nieces and nephews his age as well as siblings. 
    You'll find your rhythm, you'll find what works for you. It will chaos and it will be a lot of great memories and closeness. They will be able to relate to each other well because they'll be born close. It will be good!


    (Jar of Bees- Le Blog)

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    First congratulations :)  Second, I don't have any kids, but my brother and I are 4 years apart.  When I started kindergarten a friends daughter was also starting kindergarten but she had her kids closer together so she had all of her kids in school and my mom had 4 years to go.  My mom said she definitely felt a twinge of jealousy/was thinking of how long 4 years is haha.  She planned both of her pregnancies so it was her choice but I think it was maybe a grass is greener thing?

    Also my grandmother had 11 children, and two of them were born within 10 months of each other and she handled it fine and has no regrets so I think there is definitely to the thought that going from 2-3 is easier than 1-2.  
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    Don't have 3+ kids knowledge but CONGRATS!!!
    If being a math nerd is wrong, I don't wanna be right!
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    I wish we knew people IRL who could tell DH that it's easier going from 2 - 3. Lol
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    mcgoocasper14mcgoocasper14 member
    edited December 2013
    I had 5 all under 10 at one time. I loved it, I miss it now :( now they're 18,17,14,12&10, I also added now I have a 2yr old and I'm due in June :)
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    I had 5 all under 10 at one time. I loved it, I miss it now :( now they're 18,17,14,12&10, I also added now I have a 2yr old and I'm due in June :)
    Just curious - all bio kids?
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