Pregnant after IF

Did you do the NT/prenatal screening?

At our office they do two series of blood tests and the NT ultrasound to look for abnormalities. They offer it to everyone but it's optional if you want to do it.

I'm kind of torn, since I'm relatively young and we have no history of genetic problems. At first I wanted to do it because I wanted to see the baby on ultrasound again (shame face) but now I'm worried, what if they find something questionable? It wouldn't change our ultimate outcome, it would just cause stress the whole pregnancy.

I'd love to know, if you had the choice and these weren't standard for you, were you torn on getting these tests done? Why or why didn't you decide to get them? On another note, if you chose not to do the NT screening did you do the MaterniT21 test instead? I've heard that's more reliable but correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks :)

Re: Did you do the NT/prenatal screening?

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    I did it with both pregnancies. I got the Nuchal results that day and the blood work two weeks later at my OB appt. the results came out as a probability for both my age group and my results. I need to get the Sequential blood work within the next two weeks.
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    Thank you guys for the feedback :)

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    I'm doing it on Wednesday and I'm nervous as hell.  I really wish we would have just screened our embryos before we did any transfers.  If we end up having another FET down the road I would rather test the embyros and know they are fine than go through 13 weeks of getting my hopes up and then possibly getting bad news.  But I've also had a trisomy before and family history of CF.

    From what I've read on other posts, a lot of ladies skip the testing if it wouldn't change what they would do, but some in that position still do the testing so they can be as prepared as possible at delivery.  AFM I don't know what we will do with the results.  We will certainly consider all of our options. Good luck with your decision!


    IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
    fall in love with someone Pictures Images and Photos  photo turtlejpg

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I did the NT scan. We didn't have any risk factors for abnormalities.

    But these tests check for more than just downs - they check your placenta, etc. I think there is a BIG misconception out there that this is a test for abnormalities so that you can terminate if you want to. This was a helpful post that was on my BMB a while back:

    After everything we'd been through to get pg, I thought it was important to know as much about our baby's health as possible and be prepared to take the best care of him. JMO. :)
    *** Trigger Warnings ***

    TTC #1 since March 2011
    Dx = Unexplained IF
    1 medicated TI cycle & 4 clomid IUIs = all BFNs
    June 2013 IVF #1 = 6 frosties + BFP!
    DS1 born 2/14

    TTC #2 since December 2014
    May 2015 unassisted BFP ended in m/c at 7wks
    April 2016 FET #1 = BFN
    June 2016 FET #2 = c/p
    August 2016 FET #3 = BFP!
    DS2 born 4/17
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    Thank you guys very much! I realized I was just being scared and thinking it was easier to put my head in the sand than to deal with it. I don't know why, just silly! From what you all and the BMB girls have been saying it does seem to be a very good idea for multiple reasons. Knowledge is power!

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    We were going to but I hemmed and hawed too long and missed the time frame to have it done. We were then considering the quad screening but know people that had a false positive and so we opted to skip that as well.
    Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL       DH: 32, Nothing 
    NTNP 2009-2012         TTC since 2012:
    • Clomid, 2 IUI cycles, and 5 IVF cycles = BFN
    • FET #1   August 2013 = BFP!     EDD 5/11/14
    • Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13
    • Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13
    • FET #2 --July 2014  BFP!  ---  EDD  4/5/15

    Jack has handpicked his sibling up there :)

    My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog

            Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 


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    I opted for the Harmony test, which is similar to the Maternity 21. I'm in the "knowledge is power" camp and if there was something wrong, I'd want to grieve it before my baby was here so that I could enjoy my baby arriving.
    My Blog
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    TTC #1 since February 2011
    Me: 29 (3/5/13- high NK cells)  DH: 28 (5/8/12- MFI low morph and motility)
    Cycle #21 (IUI#1), Cycle #22 (HSG 9/21/12) and Cycle #23 (IUI#2)=  image
    Cycle #24- December Snow Bunny IVF #1
    ER 12/6/12 (14R, 11M, 9F), ET 12/9/12 transferred 2 day 3 embies
    Bleeding and low betas=very cautious image C/P 5W3D
    Cycle #26 March Lucky Duck- FET #1
    scheduled 3/20/13- CANCELLED- lining issues
    Cycle #27 May Emerald- FET #1.2
    delayed- Starting Trental for 3 months + natural cycles Cycle #28-30=  image
    Cycle #31 August Shooting Star- FET #1.3 
    transferred 1 hatching blast 8/21/13= imageBetas 8/30 (108) and 9/3 (565)

    U/S 9/19/13- HR is 128!  U/S #2 10/4/13- HR is 174!
    It's a BOY!

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    Well, my OB, who is completely awesome and has been practicing longer than I've been alive (and who did my surgeries to prepare me for IVF as well) understood that I wouldn't want to terminate, but told me something that made me decide to do the test.  He said that with multiples, it's really important to know if something is wrong with one baby so that if things start going badly, you don't make decisions that may put the other baby's life at risk.  Specifically, he told me of a story just a few months back where a patient was expecting twins.  Through the scans, they discovered that, sadly, one baby had one of the Trisomy disorders (sorry, can't remember which is which) and wasn't expected to survive.  That baby started doing not-so-well in the womb towards the end of the pregnancy, but if they chose to deliver early, not knowing that the baby had this disorder, they could have put the other baby's life at risk.  But because they knew, she waited to deliver, and although the baby passed away just hours after being born, the other baby was born strong and healthy.  Granted, the odds of this are very low (and I'm sure everything will be fine with your LOs, just like with mine), but having that info about one can mean saving the life of the other.  Plus, I did get to see the LOs on ultrasound for over an hour (they were uncooperative with the tech).  :)
    m/c my Angel Baby in 2000
    IUIs with clomid from 2009-2011   Feb 2011 - Tubal surgery (repair)  Jan 2012 - Tubal surgery (remove)  
    8/13 IVF#1.  Lupron/Follistim protocol - b/g twins born April 1 at 34 +1.  Luckiest woman in the world.
    8/15 FET #1 - transferred 1 thawed embryo - Pregnant with Baby C, it's a girl!  Due April 2016. Pregnancy Ticker  

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future"   Jer 29:11
    "All things work together for good to them that love God, who are the called according to His purpose"  Rom 8:28
    "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of salvation unto all who believe"  Rom 1:16
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    I didn't wind up doing it. They don't perform that testing at my OB office and they gave me a script to make an appointment with a genetic counselor if I wanted it done. That was at 9 weeks and by the time I decided to do it- I couldn't get an appointment in the timeframe anyways as they were booked. I didn't qualify to get the Harmony or Materni testing done since I am under 35 still and they only offer or those over 35 at my clinic.
    I was nervous about not having it done in case they found anything that affected delivery but my OB said that anything like that should be discovered at the Anatomy Scan. I was also worried about false results causing more stress than necessary.
    All in all, I think it's a very personal decision though.
    Me 36/DH 46 Me: Low AMH (.21) DOR, mild endo; Started seeing RE 11/12
    Jan-March '13 3 IUIs Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    April '13 IVF 1 MDLF converted to 4th IUI due to 3 runaway follicles! BFN
    July/Aug '13 IVF 1.2 Long Lupron = 7R, 6F, 2T= BFP!!!
    Beta 1=512, Beta 2=1,368 Beta 3= 4,128
    It's a boy!!!!
    SUA, GD
    EDD 4/26/14

    He's Here! Arrived 4/15/14!!!!

    September 2015 - FET with remaining embryos
    Twins! EDD: 6/14/15

    PAIF/SAIF Everyone welcome!
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    Even though we knew we had a "genetically normal" embryo put back in, we still did the Harmony test and a light version of the NT scan. Since the Harmony test came back normal, they just did an overall growth check/scan and skipped the official NT part of it.

    BzeetyD = 38, Mr. BzeetyD = 44 together 12/02 married 9/08
    TTC #1 since 1/10
    DX: Unexplained/??? MFI issues

    Our lil' lost sparks:
    5w3d loss 7/30/10 - EDD March 2011
    8w loss 4/15/11 - EDD November 2011
    8w3d loss 8/2/12 - EDD March 2013
    4w c/p loss 10/29/12 - EDD July 2013

    Long story: trying on our own + testing testing testing with 6 rounds of Clomid, more testing, injectables + TI, laparoscopy - one tube blocked, 2 IUIs with Follistim...BFNs.
    RPL testing all normal, Karyotyping normal

    Moving on to IVF.

    IVF #1 April 2012 = BFN, IVF #2 June 2012 = BFP. U/S 7/23 = saw heartbeat but measuring behind. Follow up U/S on 7/30 - no heartbeat. D&C 8/2. Trisomy 12. IVF #3 Oct 2012 = Chemical Pregnancy

    Phone consult with CCRM on 12/12/12 - ODWU 1/4/13 - both tubes clear(!) - AFC 24, AMH 3.2, FSH 9.6, LH 5.4, E2 25. DH has high frag rate but improved!
    IVF #4 March 2013 CCRM. EP protocol w/ Menopur, Gonal-F & Dexamethasone. ER 3/29 & IMSI, PICSI. 43R 13M 10F 6blasts bio'd. CCS testing reveals 3 normals!!!
    FET 5/31/13 of 1 4AA blast - thawed and expanded. 4dp5dt BFP.
    Beta 9dp5dt = 181, 11dp5dt = 427. 1st u/s showed a healthy heartbeat! EDD 2/16/14

    After 4 years of hoping and heartbreak, our sweet little bean was born on 2/19/14
    We are so in love with her.

    "I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."

    Everybody is welcome!!!
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    MJC1116MJC1116 member
    edited December 2013
    My old OB had us do it even though I was only 24 at the time. I was uninformed and thought it was just a routine part of prenatal care. (Color me naive to not do my research). The second time around, DH and I made a more informed decision to still go for it because of the reasons others have listed. Mainly it came down to me feeling like I'd worry if I didn't do the test. I want as much information as possible to avoid any surprises at birth.
    Edit: Spelling
    DH & I: 29
    TTC #1 4/2009 -  DD 2/5/10
    TTC #2 since October 2011
    2IF issues
    7/2013 - IUI #1: 50 units Follistim +  Ovidrel  = BFN
    8/2013 - IUI #2: 50 units Follistim +  Ovidrel  = BFP! Beta #1 (12 dpiui) 8/21: 45  Beta #2 (16 dpiui) 8/26: 301 Beta #3 (21 dpiui) 8/30: 1,929. 1st Ultrasound 9/4 - One perfect sac. 2nd Ultrasound 9/13 - Heartbeat at 124 bpm! Anniversary  


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