September 2013 Moms

For the moms having sleep issues

blondii428blondii428 member
edited November 2013 in September 2013 Moms
DS had the worst difficulties staying asleep, falling asleep and only in arms until I finally read Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child and spoke to a specialist through my insurance. Since I would have been so thankful if someone had made a sleeping tips post, I figured that I would create one and share what I learned!

1. A baby at this age should not be awake longer than 2 hours. They simply can't handle it and will start to get overtired. If that happens, falling asleep and staying asleep can be a real battle. Watch for drowsy signs such as yawning, rubbing eyes and staring off as cues that LO needs to be put down for a nap.

2. Swaddle! At first I didn't really stick to it because he would throw a huge fit and always end up getting his arms out. I finally started using a Halo swaddle sleepsack. He still fusses going into it but then he feels secure and his startle reflux cant make his arms jump and wake him.

3. They have to learn that they have the ability to fall asleep on their own. They do this by staring at a focal point. Put a mobile or picture by the crib for them to focus on.

3. The 5 minute rule! Once he's drowsy, swaddled and has the space heater on for white noise I lay him down in his crib and step out. If he breaks into a full cry for 5 minutes (not just fussing), go in and comfort him by rubbing his cheeks/tummy to let him know I'm still there, then step out again. So far he hasn't done a 5 minute full cry, he just stares at his mobile and falls asleep.

We went from him only sleeping in my husbands arms in the recliner all night, and in my arms on the couch in the daytime, to a regular schedule in his crib. He now successfully takes 3-4 naps a day and only wakes 2-3 times to eat real quick at night. I hope all my research and learning can help some of you!

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