November 2013 Moms

Crazy fast med free birth (SittingOnAMtnTop)

edited November 2013 in November 2013 Moms
Porter arrived at 1:14 am on November 21st. 8lbs 12 ounces and 21.5 inches long after 5 minutes of pushing and no pain meds.

LONG Birth Story:

 DH decided to start his leave this past Wednesday (as I was now officially overdue) and we had my post due date ultrasound and cervical check in the morning and then we spent the majority of the day looking at tile for our new house and washers and dryers...I was determined to do a lot of walking! We went home after having lunch with DS1 and DTD during DS's nap. About 30 minutes after that at 4pm I started having contractions every 5-7 minutes apart. They were not very painful but continued for over 2 hours when I decided to call my OB. I didn't think I was in labor as I had been having contractions since 33 weeks and I was still able to walk and talk through them easily. Honestly the only reason I even called was because I was Group B Strep positive and knew if I was in labor (even though I didn't really think I was) that I needed to get to hospital sooner rather than later as I am a STM and things could progress quickly. She had me come to the hospital just in case and see if my cervix had progressed from 3cm when she checked me at my regular appointment earlier that day. 

We got to the hospital around 6:30 pm and I was still 3cm and not in pain. They monitored me and LO's heartbeat for a little while and then had us walk around L&D for an hour to see if I would make any progress. After the hour was up I was barely 3.5 cm dilated. They hooked us back up to the monitors and after making sure we were both ok gave me an ambien and sent me home to try to get some rest. The nurse assumed the contractions would most likely peter out and I would eventually go into "real" labor within the next 24-48 hours.

We got home at 10:50pm and I immediately crawled into bed and fell asleep. At 11:25 I woke up and my pants were wet. Stood up groggily and went into the bathroom. Amniotic fluid kept pouring out of me and I called my OB. We waited for my parents to get to my house to take care of DS1 and at 12:15 we were back at the hospital and I was having VERY painful contractions every couple of minutes. I sat in a wheel chair, got checked in and was pushed into the delivery room. The nurse checked my cervix and I was 8.5 cm dilated and I asked for an epidural because I was in so much pain. I remember very clearly the nurse sitting on my bed, looking me in the eye and holding my hand and saying that I wasn't going to be able to get any pain medication and I that I was going to have to do it without the meds. I kinda freaked out and kept telling DH and the nurse "I don't think I can do this!" during my contractions and yelling that I felt like I needed to push.  15 minutes later I was already 10cm and my body started pushing on it's own. The nurse was telling me don't push as we were still waiting on my doctor to get here and she called in a bunch of other nurses in case my doc didn't get there in time. Feeling my body push was one of the craziest things I have ever felt. It almost felt like when you are learning to drive a manual car and it starts lurching forward. Weird example, but that's how it felt at the time.

All of a sudden my OB comes running into the delivery room, wearing jeans and a fleece jacket and runs over as the baby is crowning, she didn't even have time to put on gloves. She told me to push, his head was out. Then another push and out came the shoulders. After one final small push Porter was delivered. After 5 minutes of pushing all of the pain had completely disappeared once he was out. It was amazing. I thought it was awesome that I was able to feel him enter the world and experience a med-free birth as I had an epidural with DS1. Lucky for me I didn't tear this time so I was able to avoid having any stitches. I felt really great in the hospital and didn't need any pain medication after the delivery. So different than with my first.

 The first full night (Thursday) was kinda rough as Porter was a nursing machine and cluster fed from 10:30am-3:30am with only 15-20 minute breaks in between. At this point the endorphins had worn off and I was tired and Porter wasn't latching well and my nipples were pretty torn up. We had a few super helpful visits with the lactation consultants and they helped us get back on track. My nips are still healing but I am determined to stick with BFing.

Since the delivery was so fast I wasn't able to get any antibiotics for the GBS so DS2 was monitored closely during our hospital stay for any signs of infection. It was a big relief when we found out the tests came back negative!

We were able to be released Friday at 4pm and are happy to be home and settle in as a family of four. DS1 (who is 2.5) has been really really sweet with Porter. We had Porter "give" Jack a couple of presents (a small toy motorcycle and a garbage truck) and Jack kept running over to him saying "thank you Porter for motorcycle". It was very cute :)

ETA: Forgot to add pics!

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Re: Crazy fast med free birth (SittingOnAMtnTop)

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    Congrats! Sounds like you had an amazing experience. Love the name!
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    Had a very similar story!  GBS positive, went to L&D 11/21 with non-painful regular contractions just to be sure, was 3cm.  No progress, so was sent home.  Woke up at midnight the next night when water broke, had sudden hard, frequent contractions, and was complete by the time we got to L&D.  They didn't think that they would have time for epidural, so I sympathize with how frightening that is.  They did end up getting one in, so I had that for the final 20 minutes or so before LO arrived.  So much for the antibiotics, but LO is doing well!

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    Congratulations! I too arrived at the hospital too late for pain meds, it's amazing what our bodies can do!
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    Glad things went well! 

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    What a story!!  I am so glad everything went well :)  Congratulations!!

    Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)

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    Congratulations and way to go on your unplanned med-free birth!
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    I delivered my first without an epidural and the analogy of the car lurching forward is perfect. Sounds like a great experience and your sons are beautiful!! Congrats!!
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    Congratulations! Your sons are beautiful!
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    Congrats! My LO arrived on 11/18 and was also an unplanned med free birth. It was terrifying. I was 10cm and +3 when we arrived. She was literally coming out of me. My doc never even made it.
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    Congrats! Glad you were able to find some joy and excitement in your unplanned med-free birth. Sounds like quite the adventure!

    Glad everyone is adjusting well
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    Congrats! Both of your DSs are gorgeous!

    N '13 January Siggy Challenge
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    Congratulations! Love the photo with both of your boys, what a sweet big brother!
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    It's a GIRL! Lydia Marie!
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    Congratulations!! I love your birth story. Very cool!
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