June 2013 Moms

Thanksgiving travels

Anyone else Travelling for Thanksgiving? How are things going, or what are you dreading/looking forward to?

Things are pretty miserable here. I'm alone with N and hubby is coming down late tomorrow night. On the positive side, She did great flying here - not fussy at all through the whole trip. And I love seeing family and friends, and I miss living here so much so it's great to be back in a city I like.

But we are in the midst of the 4 month sleep regression and it's ruining what should be a fun trip for me. I'm getting maybe 6 hrs of broken up sleep if I'm very lucky. Last night it was 4.5 hrs. And I'm up now with a baby sleeping on my chest. And I have to go into the office today (I normally work remotely and the office is in the city I'm from so I go in when I'm down here). I'm so bummed that I'm so miserable and the timing of this trip was so bad because I was looking forward to it so much. No sleep ruins everything. And I know the Travelling is making her sleep worse. Part of me wishes we'd just stayed home.
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Re: Thanksgiving travels

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    We are leaving tomorrow. I'm just really nervous about the plane. There's going to be four adults and one baby, (grandparents are coming too!) surely we can handle this right? I'm also worried about how this trip is going to mess up DDs schedule that she has just settled in to. She's doing so well and not only are we going to be somewhere completely strange to her but there's a time zone difference too. Ugh.

    "No one will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside." -Unknown

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    I have the exact same worries as @costa2011. We'll see how it goes!


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    We are traveling by car 5 hours to NYC. My household is actually healthy right now and my boys are good travelers but I think Lo just started a sleep regression based on the last two nights so I'm preparing myself for a groggy week and weekend of just hanging out in the town house we rented. Also kind of nervous about using air bnb for the first time- but staying in a place with bedrooms and a full kitchen was too tempting! I mostly just can't wait to meet my new little niece who is two weeks old today. I only make bald boy babies it seems so to hold a baby girl with a whole head of curls sounds really fun!
    Oh and I'm nervous about the large frozen turkey in the basement. I'm actually a good cook, but I have no idea what to do with it.

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    We had a 2 hour flight Friday, followed by a 2 hour drive. We then went to my brother's cross country meet. We then drove 5 hours to my parents yesterday. Lily has done great! She is such an awesome little traveler. She loved watching her uncle run!
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    Hang in there, mama!

    (Six hours of broken sleep sounds like a dream, and we're through wakeful.)

    Yeah, 6 hours isn't bad! What's killing me is the 4ish hrs of broken sleep last night before going into the office for a long day today. I know others have it worse though - I don't know how you do it! And I know she's off her schedule from travelling and in a new place so I'm not surprised and probably more sympathetic to her. I keep trying to put myself in her shoes - new places, new people, new bed, new sounds and smells.
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