Working Moms

Nut-free eczema lotion?

Both of my kids have eczema and get really bad flare ups on their forearms.  I don't know what it is, but something about day care makes it way worse because it will clear up somewhat over the weekend and then get crazy again during the week.  Maybe a cleaning product?  It is on their right forearms, wrist to elbow, which makes me think that maybe it is what they use to clean table surfaces where they rest their arms when eating, coloring, etc. 

Anyway, we have been trying to send various creams for them to use there during the day but the center has a very strict nut-free policy and apparently everything we use has some form of nut oil (shea butter is apparently a nut?).  We've tried Cetaphil and various Aveeno brands but they will not accept those.  I'd rather not use Aquafor or Vaseline-type products, but I guess I may have to resort to that.  Does anybody happen to have a nut-free lotion they could recommend?
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Re: Nut-free eczema lotion?

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    That's what I'm considering trying - I will have to ask if that's allowed or not.  Is it greasy?
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    jennyelfjennyelf member
    edited November 2013
    For my kid, it turned out it was the soap they were using there. So we brought in our own soap and they were willing to use that instead on him. Is that an option?

    As for lotion recommendations, check out products by Naked Bee? They seem to be aloe based.
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    We used Eucerin cream on DS's excema and it really helped.  I googled the ingredients and I don't think it would be an issue for your DC.  You can buy it at any drug store, Target, etc.

    Water, Petrolatum, Mineral Oil, Ceresin, Lanolin Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone.

    It is kind of greasy so you have to rub it in really well.


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    California Baby. My sister uses it for my niece who has severe nut allergies. My pedi has us use Aquaphor and hydrocortisone.
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
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    Hydrolatum - we get it through amazon, or behind the counter at the pharmacy.
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    I know you said that you don't want it but I think Aquaphor has magical powers and that is what I would use.
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    Check out Cerave-- I'm 99% sure it's nut free and it's amazing for eczema. I'm the one with eczema (not my son, thank goodness) and my dermatologist has been recommending it for awhile. It really makes a difference which I found surprising because even steroid creams didn't help as much as the plain, over the counter Cerave moisturizer. It's a good hydrator as well as a barrier. I guess I sound like I'm promoting it but it really did help. Eczema stinks.
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    funchickenfunchicken member
    edited November 2013
    Lurker chiming in.. Mustela Stelatopia and Vanicream are a couple of other ones to check out. DD1 had flare-ups when she was in daycare. She has a bleach sensitivity. ETA: My DD has a nut allergy and I use the Mustela Stelatopia on her.
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    @mrszee2b:  How did you pinpoint the bleach?  Because I am suspicious that this is the problem since they clean tables with bleach water and it is weird to me that both kids have issues in the exact same spots on their forearms, but it seems like (according to Dr. Google) that bleach is not usually irritating especially if it's diluted.  Day care doesn't seem to think it could be bleach.
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    aglenn said:
    @mrszee2b:  How did you pinpoint the bleach?  Because I am suspicious that this is the problem since they clean tables with bleach water and it is weird to me that both kids have issues in the exact same spots on their forearms, but it seems like (according to Dr. Google) that bleach is not usually irritating especially if it's diluted.  Day care doesn't seem to think it could be bleach.
    Well, when she was a baby everything made her eczema flare-up, and it was especially bad at daycare--they cleaned everything with diluted bleach.  She's five now, and we have a really good handle on what bothers her, so her skin usually looks pretty good. 

    A couple of years ago we moved, and where we live now the water company does an annual "chlorine flush" where they use a stronger chlorine in the water for a couple of months.  A couple of days after it started DD broke out in hives every time we gave her a bath.  I put a filter on the showerhead, and the hives stopped.  When I asked the allergist about it she said some people are really sensitive to bleach.  DD is one of those people.  Just because it's not usually irritating doesn't mean that it's not bothering your kiddos.
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    My nephew is highly allergic to nuts and my sister used Eucerin for his eczema.
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