1st Trimester

STMs: Pregnant but not suppose to lift over 20lbs? What to do with DS/DD?

I am on my way to having 2 under 2, and It just occurred to me that you aren't supposed to lift over 20lbs. My 10 month old DS is already 23lbs. What are you ladies doing? Just lifting in moderation/as needed? DH helps a ton including picking him up & dropping him off from grandma's each day, so I don't have to do too much lifting in/out of the car seat.  He isn't walking yet, so he isn't mobile on his own.


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Re: STMs: Pregnant but not suppose to lift over 20lbs? What to do with DS/DD?

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    I thought that was the general restriction.  At least that was what I was told by my OB in my first pregnancy. 

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    Thanks, Joy! I kind of figured, but thought I'd ask around...

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    I thought that was a restriction. I got that after I was spotting then my Dr told me not to lift anything over 20 pounds along with pelvic rest and limited excersize.

    There are moms that do crossfit and do all kinds of crazy things. As long as you were Doing it before and Dr doesn't have restrictions for you. I would think you are ok.

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

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    You can lift him. I lift both of mine. It is part of your regular routine, no reason to stop. 
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    I lift both my kids on the regular. They are about 50lbs combined. If you did it before pregnancy, you can do it while pregnant. 

    Baby 1 - 10/2010 | Baby 2 - 8/2012 | Baby 3 - 6/2014 | Baby 4 - EDD 8/2016 - MC 12-27-2015 | Baby 5 - : 9/2016

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    My ob said no "dead weight" over 25lbs. Ds is 33lbs or so and is still my big baby.
    Anna Kate 10.17.2009 Alexander 6.10.2011 Baby Girl 6.2014
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    Totally okay to lift ur kids, its different if you started lifting heavy things in the middle of your pregnancy, but your body is use to it. Just pay attention to your body, if it feels uncomfortable or hurts in anyways then be concerned an talk with your dr. There was a story about a pregnant weight lifter who lifted a crazy amount of weight..not recommend but her dr said that because her body was use to it, its not as dangerous as if you or i just started lifting that much. But its all up to your body and how you feel :)
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    Thanks everyone! I'll carry on as normal unless OB has any concern.

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    My dr just said remember to bend at the knees and if its getting uncomfortable to sit down and have DD crawl into my lap before I stand so it doesnt put as much pressure on the back and stomach.  DD is a mommys girl, I'm screwed if I can't pick her up. 
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    With my last baby I worked full duty on an ambulance til he was born. People are huge! My doc told me the only thing I would hurt was my own back. :)
    Benny didn't fall out, even with the largest patients. Good luck!!
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