Working Moms

NWMR: bday party timeslot

I am trying to figure out what time to have my son's 2nd bday party. We are having it at an indoor playspace and the only slot available for the date I was hoping for is from 3-430. Is that too late for a bunch of 2 year olds? I am mainly thinking of nap time conflicts. And also how it isnt really during lunch or dinner. I dont want a bunch of pizza to go to waste! The leftover cake Ill gladly take home ;)

There is a slot the following day from 1-230, but I would rather have it on a Saturday vs a Sunday as Ill be massively pregnant by then and feel I may need a day to recover!

I realize I am overthinking this, but which option would you ladies choose?

Re: NWMR: bday party timeslot

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    Went to a 2 year old party that started at 4 PM.  Worked out perfectly!  Wake up from nap. Play.  Dinner (BBQ). Go home and put kids to bed!
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    Two is a tough age with naps. For my DDs 3rd bday we did her party 11-1 which was perfect. With your options id definitely pick 3-4:30.
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    Another vote for 3-4:30. I don't think you need to serve pizza, just cake and snacks.
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    I also vote for 3-4:30. And agree that you don't need pizza, just snacks and cake.


    Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

    IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

    November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

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    1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

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    Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

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    Definitely 3-4:30. At age 2 my kids' classes napped from 12:30 to 2:30, and I never understood why parents of kids in that class scheduled parties at 1 or 2. Didn't they nap on the weekend? I would also skip the pizza and just do cake.
    Formerly known as ms.mittens Jude 12/31/2008 Ezra 2/10/2011 Nora 7/23/2013 Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    3-4:30 is fine.  I would put my kid down early for his nap, and he would be ready to par-tay!  I mean, when he was 2.  1-2:30 is prime napping time, and I try not to mess with it.
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
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    The later time.   I actually just booked my daughters 2 year b'day party at a play place also and it will be even later - 4:30-6:30pm.  
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    Thanks for all the feedback, ladies. There is an even later time slot available from 5-630, but a lot of my son's friends seem to have bedtimes around 730 and I thought that may be too late (again, I know I am overthinking this, oy).

    Unfortunately pizza is part of the packages they offer, so I dont think I can decline it. I figure there will be enough adults there to help gobble up some slices. First world problems ;)

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    I would say 3:00 is the best option you have and should be late enough that the kiddos will still get their naps in.  I would just add a note that you will have pizza (since it sounds like you can't decline it), so parents can plan accordingly.  I am sure the kids will eat it if it's there.


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    1-2:30 would be right in the middle of nap time since kids usually take a nap after lunch in the middle of the day. I had our party start at 4pm
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    Any window from 2 till 5 has been my favorite time as a party attendee. DS always napped from noonish to 2, so with that time slot, I could easily start nap time a half hour earlier.

    Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
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