October 2013 Moms

Insurance for baby

Anybody forget to or were unable to add your baby to your insurance? If so, did you have an easy time finding private insurance for him/her? We might be in the market

Re: Insurance for baby

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    I personally haven't but I would contact your local social services they might have a list of affordable providers.
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    Having a baby is a life changing event in which you should be able to add through you or your SO's work insurance. For the first 30 days they should auto add to the moms insurance then you have to confirm they are staying or cancel it.


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    We have our insurance through my work and I added LO within the 31 day period that they required. The whole system is online and I didn't think to take screen shots or have any proof that I added him. Now my insurance company is saying he was never added during the 31 day period. I am still waiting for the "insurance expert" to call me back to see what we can do. Just trying to weigh all my options as I'm nervous they aren't going to fix this.
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    We had a plan just for DS when his Medicaid ended at 1 yr and it was way expensive to add him to DH's plan (I was still covered on my parents'). It was assurant health. It wasn't a super plan (it only paid part of well baby visits and immunizations), but we calculated it out and it would still be cheaper than the added cost of we added him to DH's. thankfully my new job has amazing insurance so all the kids are on that now.
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    I bought a individual policy for LO, adding her onto mine would of cost $1000 a month and was HMO when most pedi's around here only accept PPO. When Obama care goes into affect in Jan her insurance will only get more affordable. I do suggest talkin to an agent, you can go to the Anthem blue cross website and view agents in your area.
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