3rd Trimester

At TERM! Woohoo!! How can I be proactive?

I'm so excited that this pregnancy is coming to an end, not that I have enjoyed creating a life... just that my back is killing me, I miss sleeping on my stomach and hate seeing pictures of the 120lb me. At the doctors on Thursday I found out I am dilated 1cm! It may be small but it honestly gives me hope that body is preparing for the miracle of birth and well I look at it as, "better than nothing!"

Now I am beyond eager to meet my little girl and am trying to be proactive about continuing dilating.. 
Walking.. Check!
Sex.. Check!

What else advice or methods are you trying?

Re: At TERM! Woohoo!! How can I be proactive?

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    Woo Hoo! That's where I am too! I'll be taking primrose oil in a couple of weeks when I'm don't with school.
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    Why not just wait for labor to start on its own? Trying to get things going can be very disheartening, especially since you can be pregnant for another 4 weeks.
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    Well you can try all the old wives' tales - sex, walking, take primrose oil, get your membranes stripped.

    But none of them worked for me and none of them work for many women.  You go into labor when you go into labor.

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    OP, I know how you feel, I may get flamed for this but I can not wait and I mean wait till 37 weeks. I'm having so many problems now that I will truly not miss being pregnant, I want him here cause at this point I feel we will both be better off and safer with him here.
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    uh term is 39 weeks now, so there's that
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    I know term is now 39 weeks, but 40 would be amazing! The longer the better for baby I think.
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    None of it will matter if your body is not ready to labor. My experienced being "proactive" is the following:

    Cervix ripening:
    Sex three times a week for the prostaglandins in the sperm.

    EPO orally three times daily.

    Dropping & Uterus tone: I walked a lot & drank RRLT four times a day.

    DD arrived by herself at 39w1d.
    DS arrived after a membrane sweep at 41w2d.

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    I can understand what your feeling after being pregnant 4 times. But your baby will come when baby is ready. I would hate to see your baby in the NICU because of early labor. Past 40 weeks I say go for it but before be careful what you wish for. 
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