Pretty sure it's the same as an SCH, but I could be wrong.
Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
based on another site, i agree that it might be the same as an SCH - i don't know exactly what sch stands for but i know the s is for sub and the h is hematoma (sp?)... i actually had this a few weeks ago.....seriously thought I was miscarrying... the cramping and bright red blood was bad. turns out it was a pocket of blood and clots that sometimes your body absorbs and sometimes (in my case) your body decides to evict. apparently as the clots hit the cervix it sets off cramping...i got into my RE within the hour and they assured me that it was not a miscarriage via a vaginal u/s - saw a heartbeat and everything. since mine was an active bleed, i got put on bedrest for the weekend - this was a friday morning. the bleeding stopped shortly after and has not returned fast forward 3 weeks to today - everything is totally fine. i had a residual pocket that they monitored but i did absorb it... i'm rambling, i'm sorry...i hope this helps at least a little bit
MC#1 - BFP early June, 2011 - first u/s showed pregnancy as non-viable - D&C 6/21/2011
MC#2 - BFP early Nov, 2011 - first u/s showed cyst on umbilical cord at 8w2d and no heartbeat - D&C 11/22/2011
MC#3 - BFP April 30, 2012 - miscarriage naturally 5/2/2012 @8wk
MC#4 - BFP Sep 2012 - u/s good at 8wks, 11 wks - no h/b and measuring 8w1d - diagnosed as Turner Syndrome
IVF Round 1 - Retrieved 20 eggs, 8 confirmed blasts as chromosomally normal and one xfrd 9/25/2013
BFP on 10/9. EDD 6/13/2014
based on another site, i agree that it might be the same as an SCH - i don't know exactly what sch stands for but i know the s is for sub and the h is hematoma (sp?)... i actually had this a few weeks ago.....seriously thought I was miscarrying... the cramping and bright red blood was bad. turns out it was a pocket of blood and clots that sometimes your body absorbs and sometimes (in my case) your body decides to evict. apparently as the clots hit the cervix it sets off cramping...i got into my RE within the hour and they assured me that it was not a miscarriage via a vaginal u/s - saw a heartbeat and everything. since mine was an active bleed, i got put on bedrest for the weekend - this was a friday morning. the bleeding stopped shortly after and has not returned fast forward 3 weeks to today - everything is totally fine. i had a residual pocket that they monitored but i did absorb it... i'm rambling, i'm sorry...i hope this helps at least a little bit
SCH stands for subchorionic hemorrhage. The hemorrhage (bleed) can then cause a hematoma, but doesn't always. If your doctor said you had a bleed, I would assume that's what it was not a hematoma.
Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
Re: Perisac
MC#1 - BFP early June, 2011 - first u/s showed pregnancy as non-viable - D&C 6/21/2011
MC#2 - BFP early Nov, 2011 - first u/s showed cyst on umbilical cord at 8w2d and no heartbeat - D&C 11/22/2011
MC#3 - BFP April 30, 2012 - miscarriage naturally 5/2/2012 @8wk
MC#4 - BFP Sep 2012 - u/s good at 8wks, 11 wks - no h/b and measuring 8w1d - diagnosed as Turner Syndrome
IVF Round 1 - Retrieved 20 eggs, 8 confirmed blasts as chromosomally normal and one xfrd 9/25/2013 BFP on 10/9. EDD 6/13/2014