June 2014 Moms

I think it's my turn to say goodbye! UPDATE

A&A9222012A&A9222012 member
edited November 2013 in June 2014 Moms

I just spoke with the doctors office.  My beta levels are not doubling but rising.  1500 last Thursday, 3533 on Monday, and 4700 Wednesday.  Doctor is not very optimistic at this point.  This all started because I had some brown spotting but that stopped yesterday morning and I haven't had anything since not even cramping.  I have a previous scheduled u/s for next Thursday but I want to get in ASAP because I just want this to be done and over with!  To make things even worse my pap came back abnormal so I have to deal with that on top on this.  Just so frustrated...this was our first pregnancy and we conceived on the first try which is why we were ecstatic about it because this has been  a year of hell ( lost our entire condo in a flood in April and had to build over while living in a hotel for 12 weeks during our first year of marriage).  I am not expecting good news at all when we go for the u/s and just want to get it over with so we can try again to start our family.  Good luck to all of you and thank you for being so supportive! 


UPDATE!  Whelp!  I went for my follow up appointment and u/s this afternoon.  Walked in hoping for the best but DH and I prepared for the worst.  Well we got the worst.  The pregnancy is ectopic about 7 weeks and we heard the heart beat which I wish I wouldn't have makes it even worse.  I am having surgery tomorrow afternoon and hopefully they will be able to save my tube.  My doctor thinks my case is weird because of how it progressed and I still have no pain even when she was pushing all over me today.  DH and I are completely devastated but there is nothing we could have done and now we just get take care of this and try again.  Thank you all for your prayers and I ask to keep them going while I have my surgery tomorrow!   FX for all healthy and happy pregnancies to you all!



Re: I think it's my turn to say goodbye! UPDATE

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    FX there is still hope! Keep us posted!
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    I'm so sorry, FX for you.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • Loading the player...
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    Thoughts and prayers!!
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    FX that there is still some hope for y'all! Ts and Ps for you. 

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    Sending t&ps.


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    Got my FX for you, hopefully you will get some good news soon!
    BFP 12/30/12...MC 1/13...TTC again 6/11/13...
    BFP #2 9/28/13....EDD 6/7/14

    imagephoto 1a59b4ac-19a8-49a0-9708-9916e05c4da6_zps5a5904c3.jpgimage
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Fingers crossed for you.


    image        image

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    Sending you many thoughts and prayers, fingers crossed that you get good news!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie - (uREA)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    ((hugs))  Hoping for good news for you!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    T&P and FX...miracles happen everyday! Keep us posted
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    I don't want to give you false hope or blow rainbows and glitter at you but I had bright red bleeding with large clots and my numbers weren't fully doubling either. I had an u/s done and the nurse told me she didn't think it was a viable pregnancy and that I should expect to miscarry.

    Here I am 3.5 weeks later - 8 week pg and haven't had bleeding or brown spotting in more than a week. I know that everyone is different and this may not work out for you but I wanted to let you know that beta numbers don't always mean the worst. While I know it is hard, try to think positively and yes, prepare somewhat for the worst but don't count yourself out yet. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    FX you get some good news. Don't count yourself out just yet

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
    BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
    BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

    BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

    All Alers Welcome!


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    FX for you!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    FX for some good news.
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    FX for you.
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    Sending you positive thoughts. Don't lose hope!
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    Fx for you try and keep positive :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers 

     Oct 16/13. BFP @ 11 dpo

    Oct 21/13. Beta 360 @ 16 dpo

    Oct 23/13. Beta 749 @ 18 dpo

    Nov 24/13. Saw HB (141bpm) & baby wiggle around via ultrasound @ 9w5d due date changed to June 23!!

    Dec 6/13. Heard HB (122bpm) via Doppler at OB @ 11w3d

    Jan 9/14. Heard HB (124bpm) via Doppler at OB @ 16w3d irregular beat

    Jan 29/14. DH felt kicks for first time @ 19w3d

    Feb 2/14. Saw baby via ultrasound (quick scan in ER) @ 19w6d

    Feb 6/14. Heard HB (126-134bpm) via Doppler @ 20w3d normal beat

    Feb 15/14. AS - baby looked great (measured 1w small) and would NOT let us see sex! @ 21w5d 

    Feb 20/14  3D US - its a GIRL!!!!! @ 22w3d

    Feb 27/14. Repeat AS for more pics, HB 124bpm  @ 23w3d

    Mar 6/14. Heard HB (130bpm) via Doppler @ 24w3d


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers  

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    Fx for you!!!

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


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    FX and ((hugs))
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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     ...as others have said, there is still hope!

    #1 DD June 2009
    #2 DS July 2011
    #3 DD June
    CP December 2015
    M/C 8/2016
    Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18


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    I'm sorry you're going through this.

    Is he only going off of your betas?  Because in my not medical opinion, they seem to be going up pretty normally.  How far along are you?  I don't see how he can determine much of anything good or bad from those numbers alone. 
    Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
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    FX for you!!! Don't give up yet!
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    EllyD14 said:
    I'm sorry you're going through this.

    Is he only going off of your betas?  Because in my not medical opinion, they seem to be going up pretty normally.  How far along are you?  I don't see how he can determine much of anything good or bad from those numbers alone. 
    Well I stopped my birth control at then end of August.  When I was on it my cycles were very regular at 28 days...before I was on birth control I can remember them always being regular as well.  The cycle after my birth control was 24 days.  9/21 was the first day of my last period so based on that at my doc appointment on the 31st I should of been 5 weeks some days....but the sac only measured 4 weeks exactly.  The doctors said it could have been that I ovulated later since my cycle was different the month prior which is why they started the blood work to see and then they had me schedule an u/s for next Thursday to see if there is any growth.  I wasn't temping or charting since it was out first month and we were just going to see and if nothing start next month but got lucky the first shot but just having sex during my fertile window.  I attempted to get in earlier than next Thursday because I just want to know and stop prolonging it but they have nothing available unless I start bleeding and need to come in for an emergency visit.  So I have to wait until Thursday to see but it just does not look good at this point.  There is still a speck of hope but from how the nurse and doctor were talking did not sounds very optimistic.  I will keep everyone updated!  Thank you all for your support!


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    FX's for you. Keeping you in my T&P'S.
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    Prayers for you. Try to stay positive until you know something definitive.
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    Update at top


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    I'm sorry to hear this... very scary. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, I hope it goes well.


    image        image

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    So sorry for this news. Best wishes on your surgery!
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    I'm so sorry. Good luck with your surgery.


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    I'm so sorry. Thoughts are with you for your surgery and a quick recovery.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I'm so sorry you're going through this!  Thoughts and prayers to you - may you have a safe and easy recovery.

    Married DH 6/29/07 - TTC #1 in February 2013
    BFP#1 2/21/13 - Chemical Pregnancy
    BFP #2 3/27/13 - Missed Miscarriage @ 8 Weeks - D&C
    BFP#3 9/25/13 - EDD 6/3/14

    10/17: U/S shows healthy bean @ 6w6d, HR 119 10/25: U/S shows bean is growing @ 8w0d, HR 158!
    Grow Little Bean Grow!!

    BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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    I'm so sorry you are going through this, I hope everything goes good with your surgery tomorrow and no complications.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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    I am so sorry. T&P'S sent your way.
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    I have been there before (in 2005) and my heart breaks for you. Thank god they are able to intervene before a rupture that might put your life at risk. Will be thinking about you and wishing for your emotional and physical recovery.
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    Love and well wishes...so sorry
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

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    So sorry you are going through this. If you need some encouragement, I had an ectopic a few years ago and even though I had a lot of bleeding, the surgeon was able to save my tube. I conceived a healthy baby about 6 months after the surgery and since I was seeing an RE and had scans on my ovaries during the cycle he was conceived, we know that I ovulated from the side where I had the surgery. Everything was clearly still in working order because he is a healthy, happy toddler now. I hope your surgery and recovery go well and you are able to conceive again ASAP. Again, so sorry about this heartbreaking situation.
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    Im praying for the best!!! Dont give up
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    I am so so sorry. Praying for you.
    Trigger Warning (LC and loss) -- 
    Married May 2008 
    Beautiful daughter Alyssa born April 23, 2011 
    Precious son Isaac born at 34 weeks in April 27, 2014 with Potters Syndrome Type 4 and Down Syndrome - trusted into the arms of Jesus after 3 hours.
    Pregnant again! Due August 8, 2015 please be healthy, little one!

      (results on 2/4/15 showed no Down's and it's a girl!) Lilypie Maternity tickers
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