Not much to really tell. It was a repeat c-section. She was born @ 8:12am. She weighed 8lbs 3oz and was 21 inches long.
The good parts started at birth. I have a little drama queen. She was VERY angry about being yanked out. She immediately peed on the nurse before they got her across the room to clean her up. She then immediately pooped on the pediatrician as she was checking her over. She then proceeded to cry very loudly for the next two hours. She loves to be held, but hates skin to skin. She is what the docs call a "touch me not". You don't touch her without hearing about it. She hates clothes. She prefers to be swaddled with nothing but a diaper and her hands free so she can suck her thumb. She found that thumb very quickly.
DH had a harder time with the birth than I did. He did great until he was bringing the baby back to me. They were in the middle of doing my tubal, which involved removing my entire uterus out of my body temporarily. DH happened to glance over and see said uterus just laying on my stomach. He made it to me and sat down. Then, he said I think I am going to pass out. The anesthesiologist grabbed the baby an yelled, "we have a fainting father!"
They rushed DH out on the computer chair he was sitting on and took him to my room where he did pass out. They laid him on th sofa and got him some food. His color was back by the time I got there. Awesome story for Shelby later. LOL
As for me, recovery is going well. I have had some issues pooping. I've only been successful twice in six days. Pain is almost gone. I can sleep in the bed now that DH took it off the frame. It was way too high to get into. Shelby breastfed very well but my milk took its own precious time coming in and Shelby lost too much weight. She lost an entire pound in two days. I had to start pumping and feeding and even had to supplement 3 times. We have decided to continue with pumping. Trying to work on both was frustrating both of us and the pediatrician said the delivery method means nothing as long as she gets BM. I want to enjoy my squish not agonize over her latch.
Thank you all for all the support! I love you guys!
ETA format and pic
Re: Gardennymph's Birth Story!
Little Bean arrived on Nov 2013...all 10lbs 9oz of him!
Little Happy joined the family Jan 2016
Baby #3 due in Sept
I had one ovary removed during my unplanned c section last week. My right ovary had a large cyst on it they were going to remove later on if I delivered vaginally - but since I ended up with a section they just took it out then. I had a hard time being awake while they were talking about my insides and removing the cyst - then they asked me if I wanted to see it! I said, if you show it to me I might barf lol.
I decided today to EP as well. My little boy lost 11% of his weight in his first two days, and I started pumping in the hospital. I feel relieved and feel like I can really enjoy him more now instead of being frustrated through his latching problems. Enjoy your little girl!
Edit: missed a few words there.
Congratulations! And that will be a great story for later!
Make a pregnancy ticker
January siggy challenge
Make a pregnancy ticker
Married 2012
DD: 3 yo
TTC #2 August 2017
Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)
Baby Sam 10/4/2013, 36 weeks 2 days, 5 lbs 14 oz