May 2014 Moms

Ten Things Tuesday

1.  I have entered starving mode and want to eat all the time!

2.  I broke down and bought maternity pants last weekend because my old jeans wouldn't button anymore.

3.  I am wearing them today and my new sweater and am soooo comfy!

4.  It is too cold here today!  And the high was this's only going to drop throughout the day.

5.  I am excited for my appt Thursday so I can hear the heartbeat again!

6.  I am happy to finally be in 2nd tri.

7.  They finally framed our house after like a month delay.

8.  Every time I come into my office lately it smells like cigarettes/cigars.  So gross.

9.  I have started gaining weight.

10.  But don't understand how I gained another lb in just a day! :-p

Re: Ten Things Tuesday

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    We might move into the house next door, I want to soooo bad I hate where we live, both places are owned by family.

    Moving is all I can think about!

    I can't stop buying diapers, they're too cute.

    I can't stop eating, all day and usually twice in the middle of the night.

    I love spaghetti!

    Oooh now I want Thai food!

    I love law & order svu, its on right now.

    I don't know how many that is but that's all I've got.


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    1. I have a sore throat and body aches :(
    2. I called in sick to work today and after dropping the kids off at daycare went back to sleep until after 12.
    3. I've been listening to LO with my Doppler every day, I'm kinda obsessed with that little heartbeat!
    4. My 3 yo is just as obsessed as me, she always asks if we can listen to baby.
    5. My SIL is due at the end of April and we are going to a small family only gender reveal at her house tonight.
    6. They want a boy but I secretly hope they are having a girl.
    7. I'm about to eat a piece of MIL's homemade red velvet cake.
    8. I pooped twice today and the second poop was the first non-rabbit pellet poop I've had since BFP!!
    9. I'm down 1.5 lbs after my epic poops this morning.
    10. I didn't think I would be able to come up with 10 things!

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    1. Work is wearing me out
    2. I was in a car accident over the weekend. Nothing major, just a little shaken up.
    3. While I'm conscious of the food I'm eating, it feels good to not count calories like I used to.
    4. I can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Trying to prepare for craziness.
    5. It's supposed to freeze tonight, so I can't forget to bring my tomatoes inside!
    6. I already ate lunch, but I'm still hungry.
    7. My next doctor's appt is Thursday, too, @sparklingdiamond! Yay for hearing the heartbeat!
    8. My mom keeps talking about buying me maternity clothes, but I'm not sure if she will do it. 
    9. After one of the other discussions today, I'm tempted to go online and start a registry.
    10. I just switched my playlist to The Smashing Pumpkins. I'm in that kind of mood today.
    BFP 9/13/2020 with Baby #3 <3  
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    1. I am listening my Christmas station on pandora!
    2. I really cannot motivate to do anything but not work at work.  
    3. I keep moving around piles of things to make it look like I am actually doing something.
    4. I am annoyed that I have to sign up for gymnastics for DS in person.
    5. Why can't everything be done online!?
    6. Maternity jeans are the most comfortable jeans ever
    7. So thankful for Peapod.  Picking up my $200 order today and I didn't have to step food in a grocery store.
    8. I spent half my morning looking up how to brine a turkey and make stuffing. Yay thanksgiving!
    9. I spent the other half creating a registry.
    10. I just found out that I am going to save $600 a year on my healthcare costs next year for meeting my goals from last year, yay! 
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    1. We told DHs grandma yesterday we are pregnant. Her response "what's the hurry?" Not what I expected.

    2. I just added too much cheese to my pasta and now it's so gross.

    3. I sold my old car today.

    4. Had my first Doppler yesterday and it was wonderful :) (hrtbeat 155)

    5. I just got back from the cottage and already dreading returning to work on Thursday.

    6. Locked the keys in my car yesterday.

    7. Just had my anatomy scan booked and its for Dec 23!

    8. We are going to wait to find out the sex until Christmas Morning when it's just DH and I.

    9. I indulged in ice cream at 11am today!

    10. I need to go grocery shopping sooo bad.
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    1) Was hoping today I would be motivated to far its a flop

    2) trying to eat healthy every day starting this morning

    3) some dumb bia brought in like 100 homemade gooey chocolate chip cookies

    4) healthy eating will start on Wednesday

    5) Tx weather is so crazy yesterday was 70 and tonight its supposed to freeze....excited to have the fire cozy

    6) November 25th cant come fast enough ( when I find out the gender)

    7) just found out between the families were going to have over 30 people at thanksgiving this year....holy moly need to start cooking now

    8) is it 5 yet.....

    9) eating cookie number 5.....crap!!!

    10) getting hair done tonight.....trying to decide what color to go for....


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    1) Nausea for no reason has gone down!

    2) Motion sickness is still driving me mad.

    3) My dad asked what my favorite color is and now I'm wondering what he's up to

    4) My work is running a food drive, and I might have accidentally donated ALL of our food because most of it makes me sick.

    5) We still have noodles and instant curry so we won't starve.

    6) Um. I want a home doppler now. Where can I get one?

    7) We were supposed to live off of my husband's wages and buy furniture with mine this week, but he's had a bad week so not yet.

    8) I don't wanna work today....

    9) My husband ate all my chocolate. :(

    10) Can't wait to see my nephew and younger sister at thanksgiving!

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    1) I work night shift this week, last night was my first of sucks...

    2) It snowed last night >:P

    3) I have been having much less spotting the past week so I am hopeful maybe my SCH is getting small!

    4) My friend returned my favorite sweatpants this morning and I am so cozy

    5) The Voice is on tonight and that always makes me happy

    6) DH has been out of town on business but will be home soon and I am so excited! (Even tho he often comes home a little sassy because traveling pushes his buttons...)

    7) Now that people at work know about baby I keep getting to show off our cute NT scan photo :)

    8) I cleaned yesterday so I don't have to do it today!

    9) My BF is pregs and due on Christmas and just sent me her maternity photos and they are adorable! I can't wait for pregs and baby photo shoots!

    10) My dog is giving me the stink eye and pee dance so now I have to go out in the cold :|
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    cweiss04 said:

    5) Tx weather is so crazy yesterday was 70 and tonight its supposed to freeze....excited to have the fire cozy

    Ugh tell me about it!  It makes my allergies go crazy!
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    1. I got to see LO flipping and flopping yesterday at my NT scan.
    2. I thought I would cry at the scan but I couldn't stop giggling when LO flipped and floped.
    3. Anatomy scan is scheduled for December 23rd.
    3. We are going to do the gender reveal at our wedding on the December 28 with the cake!
    4. Daddy is for sure he saw penis on the ultrasound.
    5. I freaked out when I thought I had gained 8 pounds in 6 weeks,
    Only gained 6.
    7. I love love my boss!
    8. I can't decided if I am going tell
    the coworker I do care for about being preggie or just wait to see who asks first.
    9. I ate carrot cake for dinner last night. It was awesome.
    10. I usually hate carrot cake.
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    1. it was snowing on way way to work this morning.
    2. i laid in bed this after my alarm went off and had to talk myself into getting out of bed. i hate coming to work that much.
    3. then the train was stupidly crowded's tuesday? i have no idea. it just sucked.
    4. my husband went to the grocery store today so now i don't have to do it on the way home.
    5. i hate going to the store after work because it already takes me an hour to get home.
    6. found out last night that my SIL is pregnant and due in June. so excited my LO is going to have a cousin so close in age!
    7. i dreamt about my baby last night and yet again, it was a girl. every baby dream i've ever had it's been a girl. it's going to be hard to get used to if it's a boy.
    8. i found the cutest giraffe picture ever and i want it for the baby's room.  
    9. thanksgiving seems way too far away still.
    10. i finally did my pre-natal work out DVD last night and felt great after!


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    1. Christmas decorations are up!

    2. Today was the first time my body said "Hey lady! Cool it for a few minutes and stop moving. I'm pregnant so take it easy on me!"

    3. I have a for real bump now.

    4. I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move as I was sitting on the bathroom floor feeling sorry for myself after throwing up. 

    5. I had hot chocolate with a ton of whipped cream and gave my pup a tiny bit of whipped cream then he harassed me for more until I was finished. 

    6. seriously, why does everything have to smell so bad?!

    7. I love me some snow. 

    8. I need to get some maternity clothes. It's getting too cold to wear my stretchy waist skirts to work. 

    9. Santa Claus parade on Saturday? Yup

    10. I'm ready to go to bed already. 
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    1 I am so itchy, because my skin is dry

    2 I'm feeling nauseous today

    3 my dogs won't stop laying on me

    4 it's really cold out today

    5 I wanna eat only junk food

    6 waiting to hear the results of different blood tests

    7 got a headache

    8 I bought my first item for the baby yesterday

    9 excited about this time of year

    10 can't wait to decorate for Xmas
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    BBer4 said:

    4. I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move as I was sitting on the bathroom floor feeling sorry for myself after throwing up.

    This is exactly how I felt DD the first time! Maybe we are just more I tune with our stomachs/abdomens after throwing up!

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    Nora - 10.26.12

    Henry - 5.9.14

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    Here goes:

    1. My husband is on my last nerve.
    2. I'm trying to decide if I want to switch careers but I feel like that would be a waste of the millions I've spent on a degree.
    3. I'm terrified of number 2 because number 1 hasn't been that easy.
    4. The terrible twos and threes so are frustrating even more so when your pregnant.
    5. I just want to eat normally and continue to loose all the weight I did last summer.
    6. I wish I could hear the heartbeat every day so I can make sure baby is doing ok.
    7. I don't even want to tell people I'm pregnant.
    8. I took off today and I regret doing so.
    9. I need a vacation away from everyone, and the only one I'll get this year is going to spend a weekend at my father in laws house.
    10. I wish my belly would grow so that I know that baby is doing ok in there. 
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    1. The weather is odd.  The high today was below freezing, but tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the 40s.

    2. I've been craving peppermint tea all day, but my son was so clingy at home that I just drank water since tea seemed like it would take too much time.

    3. As soon as I got to work, I made two cups of peppermint tea at once, which is totally silly but I did it anyway.  I'm about to make more.

    4. Tonight, I'm really hoping to make cocoa, especially if I ignore calories and make it with my son's whole milk.

    5. My sister has to use her PTO or she loses it, and she volunteered to use some to come watch my son so my husband could come with me to the anatomy scan ultrasound. 

    6. I can't wear my regular jeans anymore as of yesterday.  I could just barely button them, and then felt like I was going to die from the pressure inside the jeans.

    7. My belly isn't quite poke-out-y enough yet to keep the maternity jeans up, but mostly I don't care.

    8. My son had his nap in the car today while I drove around looking at the prettiest houses in town and listened to my audiobook.

    9. I feel like I look pregnant already, but possibly I still just look fat.

    10. I haven't done any work for the last hour, although checking tea ingredients for people on one of the databases was like a fun version of work.
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    BBer4 said:
    10. I'm ready to go to bed already. 
    I went to bed at nine last night.  I don't get home from work until about 8:30.
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    1. I have major pregnancy brain. I am forgetting things left and right.
    2. My armpits hurt when my boobs are growing.
    3. I hit the gym Saturday and Sunday but feel guilty for not going yesterday and today.
    4. Chicken does nothing for me.
    5. I could live off of berries and watermelon...this week. Last month it was cereal and yogurt.
    6. I get up 3-4 times a night to pee.
    7. Scheduled the gender reveal appointment for Dec 4th today! Can't wait to find out.
    8. Hormones are stable...for now :)
    9. I wish it was socially acceptable for adults to take 2 hour naps around 1-3pm.
    10. 'Expecting 411' is my bible these days.
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    breezyec0311breezyec0311 member
    edited November 2013
    1. I am craving a Steak and Shake banana/ chocolate shake or banana ice cream with a brownie...but I cant even stand to be around real bananas,
    2. I finally caved and bought a bigger bra this weekend, best. idea. ever.
    3. I am starting to feel somewhat normal compared to the last two months of 1st trimester hell.
    4. I pretend to be asleep when the husband gets home from school because he smells like...people and it makes me gag. 
    5. Decided on names for the possibility of a girl or a boy 
    6. Going to sign up for some prenatal yoga for January until the May (hopefully)
    7. I sent my son to bed 1/2 hour ago and he is up playing in the dark
    8. I made lasagna tonight, it isn't my best work :(
    9. Nothing gets me excited like a new pack of pens
    10. I am contemplating buying maternity jeans this go around. 

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    9. Nothing gets me excited like a new pack of pens

    Me Too! I Bought two sets (total of 8) to use in my new "Letters to baby" journal. My husband wanted to spoil me and took me to Office Depot. :)
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    1. This is my first pregnancy! Very excited for baby number 1... But will admit that sometimes I can't imagine going thru pregnancy again (I've been sick nonstop until last week!)

    2. I don't know exactly how far along I am, or an actual due date yet and it's driving me bonkers. Approx. 15 weeks.

    3. I dislike my doctor. At my last appointment I expressed some concerns and he said "if you're still feeling pregnant, then you're still pregnant... We will talk more at your next appointment" time to get a requisition for an OB

    4. My boyfriend is at hockey right now, and my kitten and I are just hanging out creeping the bump

    5. My life has been crazy stressful the past year, and sometimes I get scared baby only feels my stress days :(

    6. I finally got to do some exercising last weekend, and it felt soooo good

    7. I think my belly just magically appeared this morning- it's impressive :) healthy weight gain, and cute bump

    8. I wish I could start splurging on baby stuff, but we are in the middle of home renos and are budgeting. I hate budgets

    9. My moms doing our nursery! It's going to be a surprise. It's so hard not knowing what it's going to look like, or help plan!

    10. I'm going to see my closest friends this weekend, and can't wait!

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