Hi ladies...cautiously joining you from TTCAL after being there for almost a year. I am thrilled to be here as if I didn't get KU this cycle, we were moving onto an RE. Yesterday I took a test at 10 DPO, simply bc I was going out and didn't want to drink if I was KU. I fully expected a BFN and almost threw the test away without looking at it fully. I glanced down and saw the 2 lines and was so overjoyed, it brought tears to my eyes. I immediately called DH to tell him. I couldn't wait until the afternoon! I bought 2 more FRERs and took a test today and the line is significantly darker. With my last PG, the line was very light and that was taken one day after my period was due. It was about the same as the line yesterday. So I am taking that as a good sign that this baby is stronger than the last. Last year I found out I was KU on Nov. 6,,,this year it was yesterday, on the 9th. So I am hoping that this is some sort of good omen, like our angel baby is watching over us. Apparantly November is my month to get KU as that is when I found out about my DD as well. According to LMP, I am due on July 23, if I go by O date, July 19. My bday is the 16th and DD's is the 25th, so it will be a week of birthdays if all goes right!! For some reason, I am not scared...yet anyway. I just feel a peace and joy that I did not feel last time. I know it is still early and I'm sure the fear will set in soon, but for now just enjoying my little baby growing inside me! So far the only symptoms I've had are strong food cravings, constipation last week, skin break out and a little bit tired. So overall, I'm doing pretty good. I am going to buy baby aspirin today as my dr. wants me on that. I am also supposed to take prometrium but realized that my refill date has passed. Does anyone know the shelf life of prometruim? I am so excited to be here!!
I said my goodbyes on TTCAL, but again will say that I love you ladies to death and can't wait for you to join me over here!!
BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.
BFP#5 11/9/13. EDD 7/21/14 Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!
Re: Intro and Question
Clomid 50mg,100mg,150mg | Injectables + IUI#1 & IUI#2= BFN
IVF#1~ 8/2012~ 13 frosties~ BFP! OHSS
12/4/12 Luke & Kyle born @ 18 weeks
SHG+ Hysteroscopy+ FET= BFP | Cerclage+ Lovenox+ 5m Bed Rest
~Our wee guy is here! 11/27/13~
BFP #1: EDD 12.28.12 - MC @ 6w3d | BFP #2: EDD 11.15.13 - D&C @ 12w4d
BFP #3: Superbaby born 4.5.14 | Just When You Least Expect It...
BFP#1 05.2005- didn't know I was pg until m/c.
BFP#2 11.01.11 EDD 07.15.12 m/c 11.26.11 @ 6.5 weeks
BFP#3 03.12.12 EDD 11.26.12 mm/c 04.29.12 @ 8 weeks
BFP#4 10.08.12 EDD 06.08.13 m/c 11.29.12 @ 8.5 weeks
cp on 03.27.13 BFP#5 09/10/13 EDD 05.25.14 Induced & Emergency C-section 05/09/14
BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
BFP #4 5/29 EDD 2/9 - please be our rainbow
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
TTC Since June 2012 BFP #1 08/01/12, D&C 09/07/12 9 weeks, Blighted Ovum BFP #2 01/01/13 m/c 5 weeks BFP #3 03/02/13 D&C 4/15/13 m/c 11 weeks, 07/19/13 Hysteroscopy for Scar Tissue, 9/12813 Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy for Scar Tissue, Cleared to TTC October 2013.
BFP # 4 11/01/2013 EDD 07/12/14
Dear God, Since I couldn't hold my little one in my lap and tell him about you, could you hold him in your lap and tell him about me?
My Ovulation Chart
BFP #1 3.16.12. mmc 5.7.12 at 11 weeks ~Avery Cameron~
BFP #2 12.12.12. mmc 1.22.13 at 10 weeks ~Theodore Michael~
D&C #2 Chromosome analysis results: Translocation Trisomy 14
My RPL Testing: Homozygous MTHFR, normal karyotype
DH's karyotype results: Robertsonian Translocation 13:14
BFP #3 9.10.13 mc at 4 weeks~Our little May Flower~
BFP #4 10.13.13- Our Rainbow Baby, a little girl, arrived June 25, 2014!
TTC since August 2011
BFP#1 3/16/12 EDD 11/21/12 Delivered 6/1/12 at 15 weeks 2 days
"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together... Keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever." ~ Winnie the Pooh
BFP#2 4/14/13 EDD 12/24/13 Please be our rainbow after the storm!
Beta#1 @ 15dpo 274, P4 16.9 Beta#2 @ 18dpo 940!! Doubling time of 40 hours!! u/s @ 6w2d showed a beautiful HB of 120! u/s @ 10w1d HB 174!! Grow, LO Grow!! Found out 7/22 we are TEAM BLUE!!
Zaiden Harper was born 12/22/13 at 1:46 am. 9lbs 8oz and 22in
~*~AL Always Welcome~*~
married my best friend 10/04/08, TTC since July 2012
BFP#1 Thanksgiving 11/22/12, mo-mo twins(one sac), traditional EDD 7/27/13, EDD due to risk 6/15/13
mmc Angel 2/7/13 @ 15w3d, mmc Aubrey 2/13/13 @ 16w2d, D&E 2/16/13
BFP#2 9/21/13, EDD 6/2/14, DD born 5/17/14
All AL always welcome in my threads!
BFP #2: 8/31/12 EDD: 5/18/13 Chemical pregnancy: 9/4/12
BFP #3: 5/17/13 EDD: 1/24/14 Loss at 5 weeks: 5/29/13
Lots of testing, all clear with the exception of compound heterozygous for the MTHFR mutation.
Cycle 1: Femara, trigger shot, Bravelle added due to slow response = BFN
Cycle 2: Cancelled due to two cysts =(
Cycle 3: Femara, Bravelle, trigger shot and IUI = BFP then loss #3
Cycle 4: Femara, Follistim, trigger shot and IUI = BFP! EDD: 6/7/14
PGAL/PAL welcome
APS, hetero factor v leiden & MTHFR
bfp #1 - 12.11.07, edd 8.14.08, mm/c 1.21.08 (10w4d)
bfp #2 - 4.4.08, edd 12.3.08, mm/c 5.14.08 (11w)
bfp #3 - 8.3.08, edd 4.15.09, mm/c 9.17.08 (10w)
bfp #4 - 1.15.09, edd 9.26.09, mm/c 2.16.09 (8w2d)
bfp #5 - 6.16.09, edd 2.25.10, mm/c 7.23.09 (9w)
bfp #6 - 8.12.10, edd 4.27.11, mm/c 9.16.10 (8w1d)
one more try -> bfp #7 - 2.11, our miracle baby boy arrived 10.11
ttc again -> bfp #8 - 5.3.13, edd 1.13.14, mm/c 5.30.13 (7w3d)
A little bit about me...
Married my awesome guy on 12/27/08
DD Lucy Rae born on 11/16/2010
Loss #1: November 29, 2012 at 8w1d
Loss #2: June 9, 2013 at 13w (Amelia Grace)
BFP #4: We are having a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter Matthew was born on July 16, 2014!!! Welcome to our family!
"If anyone asks me how many children I have, the answer is 4. Just two of them live in Heaven."
*All are welcome in my posts*TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) Unexplained Infertility
12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat EDD 8/1/13
1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!
BFP 3.8.16 EDD 11.20.16
BFP #1 08/05/12. EDD 4/15/13 m/c 08/27/12
BFP #2 06/05/13. EDD 2/16/2014 (Team Blue). Baby Wombat born 2/20/2014 7lb. 11oz and 20 in.
BFP 4/17/13, MC began 5/2/13 @ 6 weeks
My FF Chart
BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.
BFP#5 11/9/13. EDD 7/21/14 Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!
Yay to more TTCAL grads! Love seeing you here. Congrats and welcome!
BFP 1/23/13; US 1/28/13 Perfect Peanut @ 7w! So in love!; 2/23/13 Peanut Says Goodbye; 2/24/13 Natural MC at 11w
BFP #2: 10/5/2013; EDD 6/11/2014
The Fruit The Countdown My Chart