April 2014 Moms

Am I secretly a zombie? { vent }

Jeez. Between the potential for pregnancy gingivitis and gestational diabetes, the acne (oh, the acne!), the lowered immunity, the constant morning sickness, the eyesight changes, crazy dry skin, etc...I'm beginning to wonder if I'm even going to have a body to deliver a baby from come April. I feel like my entire body is either falling apart or just morphing drastically and it's really starting to freak me out! 

Is anyone else feeling this way? Don't get me wrong, I am so very excited for this baby, but I'm starting to develop the weirdest pregnancy symptoms and it's bumming me out big time. I guess my inner pessimist is really showing today :-/ 

You know what they say, misery loves company: Can we commiserate? 

Re: Am I secretly a zombie? { vent }

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    I will be your company!!   Reading your post really made me feel like I wrote that!  I feel like I cant even complain about it anymore to my SO or friends (im the first to have a baby among them) because they just don't get it.  They listen, but they always think/say "oh there's a remedy for that."  At 18.5 weeks, no, there is no remedy for morning/evening sickness, its going to happen and likely to continue happening.  Its sooooo frustrating.

    I share in your symptoms, with the addition of worsened asthma, uncomfortable sleeping, and loss of bladder control (esp while puking).  Im having a hard time getting excited about the end result because right now I keep thinking "19.5 more weeks of this shit".

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    CecilbearCecilbear member
    edited October 2013
    Aw, thanks, @SugarRush! So sorry to hear you're still not feeling better. It is so frustrating. You can definitely complain to me. Thanks for helping me feel not so alone in this :) On the plus side, you are almost halfway--how exciting! I just hit 15 weeks yesterday and most days I am excited, but the last few have really scared me. 

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    I'll just contribute this, an say sorry ya'll are having such a hard time!
    2014-08-24 15.36.57-2  2014-08-23 17.20.12
    2014-08-24 15.22.00  2014-08-20 12.19.26
    Fell in Love: January 2003 
    Married: May 2006
    Baby Girl Born: April 2014
    If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: 
    I am here to live out loud!
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