July 2013 Moms

Monday Morning

DS is looking at me odd while I sit here crying like a buffoon. I'm going back to work tomorrow. I'm going back part time for 2 weeks and then full time. Being home with him as long as I have has been wonderful and I'm not ready to give it up like I know so many of you feel. Plus DH will be with G till I come home and he leaves for work. It's DH's first time alone with G and he's so nervous. I'm sure they'll be fine...

Any other mamas starting back at work tomorrow?


Re: Monday Morning

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    Not starting back to work but hugs. The anticipation is killer but I found that the reality isn't terrible. Over the past month and a half, we've all found our groove. You will too. <3

    Baby boy 7.10.13
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    Already started, but I promise it gets easier!
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    Last Monday was my first day back, so I can understand where you're coming from. Thinking of you that your day goes by smoothly and you come home to big smiles and snuggles.
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    I'm starting tomorrow too and am super sad about it. I feel like I'm nesting again because I want everything in order at home so I can just enjoy LO when I get home. Good luck tomorrow @Stacey099 . We can do this!
    Jan. 2017 Sept. Siggy Challenge - Pumpkin Spice Gone TOO Far!

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    Good luck ladies, I'll be thinking of you :(
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    I start back tomorrow too :( Super depressed and been hysterically crying every day for past week. This sucks. I know he's in good hands since DD goes to daycare and the lady is GREAT, but it's just so hard. GL. I know I'll be crying like a maniac tomorrow.
    M/C #1 on 8/20/08 and #2 on 1/10/09. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm going back tomorrow too. I'm more nervous for DD at daycare because she's been very clingy lately, but I know she'll do good since it is a very good daycare and the teachers are sweet. I'm also nervous about having to clean up everyone's mess and fix problems when I get back to work. But even though I'm sad about leaving her I'm also kinda excited about seeing all my favorite customers and designing again.
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    I go back on Wednesday and I'm dreading it too. Have been crying off and on today and telling myself I'm just going to quit. Gah - I don't know how I'm going to do it! But I figure a million other strong mamas have been there done that, so I can too. Good luck tomorrow! They say it gets easier so let's hold on to that :)
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    Good luck & hugs to all the mamas starting back tomorrow!






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    No shame in crying! Let it out! It's hard at first, but it does get easier...good luck mommas!
    photo df66db4a-fa98-43a8-9785-a437ac2b779f_zpsbd91495c.jpg
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    I go back next week. SO JEALOUS of the SAHMs. There is nothing more precious than spending time with your baby. Boo work!
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    I start back tomorrow too. I work 4 10 hour days.  So dreading the long day, but looking forward to coming home and seeing my DH and DD.  Plus I have Tuesdays off and adjusted my Thursdays to spend AM with daughter.  I have been crying on and off all day, but I know this is going to be good for our family.  Good Luck ladies!!! We are going to be awesome.  It helps to know that all of you ladies are in the same boat!!
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    Big hugs! Good luck ladies!!
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    Good luck everyone! Like pp said it does get easier.

    View Full Size ImageIt's ok little one, a lot of males feel the same way about getting their pictures taken <img class= #newbornphotography" src="https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p110x80/254681_521593771246417_461289915_a.jpg" width="103" height="135" />

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